The wool I have gathered in

Today’s batch, that is.

I thought that, for today at least, I would try to blend the shared content with the shared consciousness and offer you some cool links along with the belly button lint.

I guess that would be one advantage of being an “outie”…. no place for lint to hide.

Whereas if you are a big fat innie like me, you could lose a fingertip in there. I have probably gathered enough lint in there during my life to knit an entire sheep.

Oh, and speaking of which, I love this piece from Seth MacFarlane :

The poster’s description says “it’s either from Family Guy or American Dad”. Yeah, they could totally get away with a kinky gay ram swearing like a sailor and demanding something be shoved up his asshole on network TV.

Then again, they do get away with a lot…. OK, admittedly, it’s a fine distinction.

But still, it’s clearly from Seth Macfarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy, his web series where he can do more or less whatever the fuck he wants, including having a submissive gay ram who sounds a lot like Brian the dog from Family Guy begging to be shorn.

Needless to say, I love it. It combines sexual perversion, cartoon animals, and comedy, and that is a pretty good way to win my heart.

What can I say, I know what I like.

Another thing I like (what a deft segue!) is people who take the time out of their busy day to have fun with public signs and the English language as well.

Like whoever did this :

Done. Now what?

I love you, anonymous person who took the time to print out a bunch of pieces of paper with the word “No.” on them in huge capital letters and put them all up around the original sign, purely out of the urge to express their own surreal sense of humor and maybe, just maybe, make some other people laugh too.

I love this kind of thing because it harms nothing, hurts nobody, and makes everybody’s day a little brighter and a little less like every other day.

Boredom is a real problem in the modern pampered age, and anything someone can do to liven things up without hurting anyone is thumbs up from me.

Besides, I have never understood what people have against it in the first place.

Well, then he has nothing to fear, does he?

Poor Bill Posters. He will never get a fair trial.

Oh well, at least we know he will never have to roll over for these guys.

I absolutely love this song, even though, strictly speaking, it isn’t actually good.

I mean, it’s amateurish, the video obviously had no budget (although apparently they somehow managed to get Daniel Frishman, Dan’s boss from a few episodes of Night Court, to appear in their video), they obviously have no idea what they are doing, and most of the song is musically terrible.

But then there’s that chorus… that completely unexpectedly and one might even say inappropriately awesome chorus.

Plus, honestly, it has so much joyously uninhabited goofiness that I cannot help but feel a strong affection for it. These guys are not holding back, and I love them for it.

And the chorus is prophetic, because they truly are the Dog Police (it’s the same dudes in the dog masks and the band, if you hadn’t figured that out) and truly, nobody knows who they are. I can find no information on them on the Internet. This video is the only evidence of their existence. And yet, they have given us so very much.

I’m telling ya, there ain’t no justice.

As for me, I am having another stupid sleepy day. I don’t feel like talking about it, not because it bothers me, but because I hate repeating myself.

Sleeping a lot, many dreams, barely enough time to eat and poop, etc.

Room for one more sign. This one goes in both the They Had To Be Told and There Is A Story Here files, I think.

Great, now what do I do with this guy?

One can imagine that sign writer’s inner monologue.

“Should I put the ‘or anybody’ in? I mean, technically, I guess it’s implied. But what if, by omitting it, I am implicitly condoning throwing people in? Could I live with myself if I am called into court to face the person who got thrown into the pond because of my rank negligence and brutishly cavalier attitude towards human life? No, I better put it in… boy, I hope this doesn’t end up on the Internet. ”

Woops. Sorry pal!

Saludo, muchachos. Peace y’all!

2 thoughts on “The wool I have gathered in

  1. I like the music in “Dog Police.” I think I’d have to. If it wasn’t at least adequate, I wouldn’t be able to get through it and enjoy the weirdness. (I gave up partway through that London Tube song, for example.) But in addition to the lovely chorus, I like the angular, boingy synthesizer in the verses.

    The comments section on that video is great. For one thing, no assholes. For another thing, someone pointed out that the chorus is a parody of the Electric Company’s Spider-Man theme, which goes “Spider-Man, where are you coming from? Spider-Man, nobody knows who you are!”, so now I finally know what the fuck they’re saying in the “Dog Police” chorus. Before, I could only make out the words “from” and “you.” I thought it might be “…when you’re running from the…”

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