On being right

Or rather, on winning the argument. Not the same thing.

Part of being the giant genius that I am is that I can outmaneuver, outmuscle, outthink, and basically outdo anyone at all in any argument or discussion whenever I like.

In fact, it’s hard for me not to. I often don’t know my own strength and my shield of innocence tends to blind me to the effect I am having on others when I effortlessly and unknowingly utterly dominate them in what should be a friendly conversation.

Instead, I seem like I am going for the jugular, and in a way I am because my mind lunges for the heart of whatever I am thinking about and cuts right to the very core of an issue and that can have more or less the same effect.

I know that I should be a gentler giant. But I honestly don’t know how.

I just do what comes naturally to me. It’s what I have done for my whole life. As far s I can tell, from my point of view, I really am just doing what everyone else is doing.

But the rules are different for giants.

Which brings me back to the issue of role models. I don’t have anyone I can look to as an example of how to be a nice and responsible giant. I don’t know how to deal with people with normal IQs without thoughtlessly shoving them aside, pinning them to the wall, or pinning them down with my logic beams.

So to speak.

When I try to imagine what operating with the correct level of gentleness would be like, all I can see is me talking down to people like they are children.

And even assuming I could somehow do that without people noticing – which is highly doubtful given my social cluelessness – I would find it deeply appalling to do.

I don’t want to see everyday people as children. I loathe the very idea of looking down on people from Olympian heights. I don’t want to be way up on the mountaintop, I want to be down to Earth with the people.

For fuck’s sake, my connection to the rest of humanity is already slender. I can’t afford to sever whatever life giving umbilicus that remains.

But what other options do I have? It’s either continue to accidentally harm people or accept that I am not like them and end up flying intro the stratosphere where I will most likely freeze to death, or starve, or die of lack of oxygen.

I want to be more connected to others, not less. And that very much includes “normal” people. They might not be as bright as me but I still could learn a lot from them.

Like how to be happy, for instance. Or at least how to be human.

I feel like this overweaning intellect of mine has been a wedge between me and others for my entire life and I don’t know who I would be without it.

But I still don’t know what to do with all these brains I got.

The only conclusion I can come to about all this is to fall back on the default instruction of our entire culture and say that I should just be the best version of myself that I can be and if the world can’t handle that, tough.

I don’t like that conclusion at all, but it’s all that I’ve got.

More after the break.

Okay, prepare yourself for some God-tier level nerdity.

They built a working car out of LEGO!!!


It has a top speed of 17 mph, though it’s going a mere 13 mph in the video because the makers were afraid a higher speed would make it vibrate apart.

And obviously the wheels are not LEGO.

But still, pretty cool, huh?

My latest malady

And tonight’s featured player is… the inner ear!

I have been experiencing motion related dizziness lately.

It mostly happens when I stop moving. That’s when things slosh around inside my head and make me feel very dizzy and nauseous.

Every little fucking thing makes me nauseous.

I’m sure that this too shall pass, just like all my other ailments. It’s probably just one of the many ways my body manifests dehydration and once I get enough fluids in me things will go back to “normal”.

But the stakes of my hydration game are harsh, man. If I stop drinking water for more than an hour I start getting sick in one way or another.

So I am in the process of programming my brain to respond to any form of my feeling unwell, however seemingly unrelated to hydration, by immediately filling my water glass and taking a mighty swig.

If I am truly dehydrated, that swig will turn into a long series of gulps as I drink like half a liter of water all in one go because suddenly my body is like, “Water! This is what I need! Better fill up on it now, before this idiot forgets again. ”

My body doesn’t trust the brain to look after it properly, and for good reason.

But this hydration thing is starting to really worry me. This game should not be so stark. I shouldn’t constantly be only one sweaty nap away from feeling seriously ill.

That can’t possibly be normal.

I looked it up and my pharmacist and GP are in the clear because there are no official listed interactions between Metformin and Jardiance.

But still, some literature says that one of Jardiance’s listed side effects is dehydration, and that some people find that being on Metformin makes that side effect worse.

So to be honest, I would rather just stop taking Metformin. But I am, more often than not, wise enough to know I should not just take myself off a medication because I think it sounds like a good idea.

Especially not without telling my GP.

I should probably at least talk to my pharmacist, Simon, about it. He seemed to think that when one goes on Jardiance one is usually taken off Metformin at one point.

Maybe I should Google it some more.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

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