I find it extremely gratifying to see businesses everywhere polishing up their Canadian bona fides and putting them on display for the world to see.
Like, takes everyone’s favorite clown shack McDonald’s. In the drive-thru line at McD’s today, they had a sign that emphasized that they use 100 percent Canadian beef, 100 percent Canadian chicken, 100 percent Canadian eggs, and 100 percent Canadian potatoes. And that was very cool.
And on the radio, I heard advertiser after advertiser emphasize their Canadian-ness, thus assuring us patriotic Canadians that we can shop there with a clear conscience
And the vast majority of Canadians are patriotic. 80 percent of Canadians say they are partially or completely boycotting American products, and you know what?
That is a metric fuckton of people. 33.3 million or thereabouts. California has a population just shy of 40 million.
So the Americans have lost most of a California of market.
The irony is that Trump’s flaccid threats and whiny tariffs are making both the Canadian identity and the Canadian economy much, much stronger.
We are not a loud or boastful people but we have our own quiet, stubborn pride that makes us unflappable in conflict and unstoppable in war.
Not that I expect the USA to declare war on us. Trump doesn’t have even one lousy percent of the balls it would take to do that.
And very few Americans, both in and out of the active military, are going to be willing to wage war on us.
There is enormous soft power in being the nice guy everyone likes. That’s something cretinous barbarians like Trump will never understand. There is absolutely no chance that any nation on Earth would side with Trump against us.
Not even Russia. Or North Korea. Even Kim Jong Un would be like, “dude, stop, that’s just plain crazy. It’s making you look like a dick. ”
It’s like picking on the retarded kid everyone loves.
Not that I am saying we’re a retarded nation, just that we’re universally loved and seen as plucky, scrappy little guys going up against the bullying braggarts down south.
Plus, to be honest, we go hard in war and other conflict.
Because once we decided we’re going to fight, we go’er. Head down, straight ahead, driving straight to the goal, no hesitation and no doubts, we fucking go’er.
And woe betide whoever incurs the wrath of the quiet, patient man. Canadians have no problem pulling together when the chips are down. None of us are trying to be heroes and we are far more capable of forming a consensus that our American cousins.
One thing I want to make clear though : I have no problem with America. I know that Trump does not represent how they really feel.
Even those who voted for him and continue to support him – and there’s fewer of them every day – don’t agree with the shit he says, which is why their Fox News overlords try to explain that shit away rather than trying to convince the flock it’s true.
Face it, Little Donnie, it’s way, way too late to change anyone’s mind about Putin. When he invaded Ukraine global consensus was swift and complete : Putin is an evil aggressor and the attack on Ukraine was unjustified and unjustifiable and anyone who sides with him is evil too.
And that’s something even conservatives agree on. Your people, Little Donnie, have a very black and white way of seeing the world that is extremely resistant to change, and they have completely accepted that Putin is evil for years now, and not even you can change their minds on that.
Anyhow, where was I? Oh right, Canada.
My own case has a few annoying complexities, because I want to buy Canadian in all things and that’s easy when it comes to restaurants but it gets much trickier when I go to buy my groceries.
I am clearly going to have to research where all my usual stuff comes from.
You see that, Little Donnie? You’re driving me to do research.
And I hate doing research.
But I hate being a traitor more.
More after the break.
The other foot
Had my ortho shoe appointment today.
Talked things over with Nikki (formerly known as Jackie). Apparently, the shoes are supposed to go all loose when worn because they are meant to fit like slippers, not regular shoes. She gave me those shoes because I said I’d be wearing them at home.
Still working on that. They’re definitely not on my feet right now. Truth is that when I come home from being out and sit down with the shoes still on, after a little while my feet start to hurt, and so I take them off and am not eager to put them back on.
Now I know that when I walk, or even stand for a while, walker or no, my feet swell up. Just another fun side effect of exceeding the weight specifications for the human body.
In other words, being obese.
So if I have been out and on my feet (the two are inextricably linked), my feet are going to be swollen and distorted. That part makes sense.
And as I am sitting down again, they are going to go back to something like normal. That part also makes sense.
But why does that make my feet hurt? You’d think the swelling going down would make my shoes fit better, not worse.
Hmmm. Unless they were swollen when she took the original castings of my feet, which, seeing as I had recently walked from the car to Ortho, they might have been.
Anyhow, I complained about the loose fit and the lack of ankle support, and she made some adjustments to the shoes and they fit better now.
She couldn’t give me really good ankle support without basically giving me ankle bracers, and the Province wouldn’t pay for those anyhow.
So I still have weak ankles that tend to make my feet splay uncomfortably, and that’s something I will have to deal with.
Perhaps there’s exercises I can do to build them up.
That’s the update for today. Stayed tuned for more thrilling adventures.
Oh! And I ordered new glasses, finally.
I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.