I’ve stumbled upon a YouTube series that is so amazing that I can’t believe it exists.
It’s called Toon’d In and it’s all about legendary voice actors being interviewed by the greatest living voice actor of all time, Jim Fucking Cummings.
Aka Tigger, Minsc from Baldur’s Gate (the mostly lovable psychopathic barbarian ever), Fat Cat from Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers, and literally over a thousand other toles.
Just typing that out makes me feel a trifle peak’d. I am marking like a bitch over this. For a cartoon fan like myself, these people are practically gods.
I would definitely put these voice actors on my fairly short list of people whom, if I were to meet them, there is no way I would be able to be cool about it.
I mean, he interviewed Tress MacNeille! Babs Bunny herself!
I mean, just look at all those voices! Mom from Futurama, Dot Warner from Animaniacs, Gadget from Rescue Rangers, the crazy cat lady, Principal Skinner’s mother Agnes, and one of Bart’s bullies from the Simpsons, and many more roles, mostly from things I don’t watch and don’t care about.
And I am almost as excited to be watching Jim talk to the incredibly Keith David, who has done many, many roles with that super sexy voice of his (could melt the panties right off me, no problem) but most of all, to me, he’s the voice of my hard crush, Goliath from Disney’s The Gargoyles.

He’s my kind of hunky (broad shouldered), he’s smart, he’s wise, he’s sensitive, he’s a great leader, he has a deep and silky smooth voice, and he even has a tail.
He’s basically a much more huggable (and humpable) Optimus Prime.
Oh right. So here’s Keith David I guess.
I mean, you should see all the Tiny Toons Rule 34 stuff I got.
Anyhow, the show is amazing. I am gloriously geeking out. And the great thing is that as it is mostly audio, I can listen to it while I am lying down, or while I am doing a crossword in my web browser, or whatever.
Such podcast like things are not really compatible with more serious games like the ISO RPGs I favour because those take up way too much mental bandwidth and I am terrible at multitasking things like that.
For some reason, I can do crosswords just fine. Less taxing, I guess.
Hmmm. Accord to the IMDB, Tiny Toons started in 1990. But I could have sworn I watched it with my friends in junior high. But I was 17 in 1990.
Minor factual Mandela effect, I guess.
Anyhow, the show is burned deep into my brain. There’s just something about it that affects me far more deeply than other animated series.
Even shows I love, like Transformers and the original TNMT or even my beloved Spider Man And His Amazing Friends, don’t have the kind of emotional hooks in me that Tiny Toons does. It’s like the show took place in this magical toon-y world that was so much more colorful and vibrant and fun than real life.
I never felt that way about the Animaniacs or Freakazoid.
The closest show I can think of that had that kind of effect on me is Road Rovers, a sadly obscure one season show about a team of superhero dogs.
I got Rule 34 of them too, of course.
Look, it’s how I express my devotion and/or perversion and/or gonads!
More after the break.
Chipping away at the ice
That’s what I feel like I am doing lately. Chipping away at the cold fear and mindless avoidance that keeps me down and holds me back.
Part of that is the usual attempts to build up my ego and my confidence. I keep reminding myself that I am a person of extraordinary abilities and therefore I really could be out there wowing the world with my wizardry if I wanted to be.
And I do want to be out there kicking names and taking ass.
But I also don’t. I think the fundamental crux of the crossroads upon which I am crucified is a deep conflict between what the bright and happy, healthy part of me wants and what the deep down crazy and broken part of me wants.
That broken part of me can’t accept that I want to make myself visible. It thinks that the only way I can be safe is to remain undetected, like I’m evading arrest, and so it views any activity which attracts attention to me is the worst kind of madness.
And unfortunately, that broken part of me operates on a much deeper level than the healthy part of me and therefore it retains a death grip on my soul that gives it unlimited veto power over all potential actions.
And it vetoes pretty much everything except my usual routine.
Maybe the smart money is in making peace with my life as it is now. Clearly the feeling of constant crisis and desperation isn’t doing me any good. All it does is reinforce my tendency to withdraw from everything by creating a harsh inner climate from which my usual bullshit life is the only shelter.
There I go again, slagging my life and thus myself.
There has to be a healthier way to channel my discontent. It would be far more sane if I could take that energy and use it to escape this gravity well, but it’s not that simple.
The truth is that it’s hard for any inner or outer motivation to get me to do anything. My inertia is fierce. And it’s an inertia made of that deep primal fear.
I have to make peace with being seen.
I’m an incredible person who needs to get out there and shine.
I have this enormous personality that needs to be expressed because it’s miserable all cooped up inside me. .
I know damn well I’d be a healthier, happy, saner man if I expressed myself more.
But I’m scared.
I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.