Tonight, on Video Meh!

Feeling pretty meh right now, kinda bored and dissatisfied and a little pent up, so I figured I would update you nice people about my life, but throw in some fun video links to spice things up a little.

Because you know, that way I have less to actually write. Aren’t I clever?

Surprising to absolutely nobody, I didn’t end up going to the Richmond Writer’s Society thing on Saturday night. While writing about it did make me feel a whole lot better, I still could not quite gather up the gumption to go do it. So instead, I sat at home like a lump on a log doing the same ol’ same ol’ shit.

And that was fine. I had more or less made peace with that. But then I find out from Felicity, who did go, that one of the attendees was a gorgeous gay writing professor in his forties.

And boy, does that sound like my exact type. So now I am kicking myself for not going and missing out on what could have been quite a cherry fine romantic opportunity, or at least an opportunity to moon over a guy who really turns me on and creep him out a little.

Well, hopefully, there will be another such meeting soon, and I will get to meet this enchanting fellow, and maybe get him interested in me as a writer.

Truly, it sounds perfect.

Oh right, video! Here’s something to make you go “awww!” in both ways.

That would be Bizkit, the sleepwalking dog. Evidently, this poor doggie was either having an especially vivid doggie dream, or he has the same slight brain malfunction that makes human beings sleepwalkers as well.

You see, in all animal life, there is a little switch in our brains which cuts out or dampens our motor responses while we sleep. That is why, for most of us, we stay more or less right where we are when we sleep, only maybe turning over now and then, or wiggling a little bit.

But for some people, and evidently some critters too, that switch doesn’t quite get the job done. Opinion is divided as to whether the problem is that the switch itself is broken, or if it’s normal but the impulses it is supposed to suppress are simply too strong for it.

Either way, you have to admit, watching a sleeping dog run into the wall (without doing itself harm, I think) is pretty darn funny. Sad, but funny.

Still struggling with finding a way to make peace with my life so I can just get on with it. The ideal situation would be one where I have completely eliminated self-recrimination except for that slender, vital, tiny fraction of the whole that is necessary for ethical wholeness and healthy self-awareness.

Despite what mental illness tries to tell me, it is not a choice between constant self-excoriation and complete and total obliviousness. Thought if those were the only options, I think I would choose the obliviousness for a while, just to see if that makes me happier. What the hell, can’t make it much worse.

But no, there are many numbers between 0 and 1, and hence, many choices between two extremes. It is not a light bulb world, where it is either on or off.

Smart people know the world has built in dimmer switches!

Here’s another fun video : the Bad Lip Read people have fun trying to make Rick Perry sound even stupider.

Did they succeed? You be the judge!

I would call it a draw, myself. Thank goodness that moron isn’t getting the nom.

Then again, if he did, Obama would wipe the floor with that inarticulate boob, so you know… whatever.

I find it hilarious how supposedly none of the base likes Mitt Romney, yet apparently, a lot of them are voting for him in the caucuses. Either that, or the Republican machine is simply really good at corrupting the process and making sure the one they picked a long time ago comes out on top.

Either way, I am seeing a lot of angry Tea Party types after the actual convention, and then, who knows? Maybe Ron Paul will start his own party and they will all go there.

The American Right is long overdue for a split. Maybe this year’s the year.

Or maybe what Americans need to do is embrace a radical new choice, one that has been staring them in the face (politely) for over one hundred years, and yet, they have never given it a single thought.

They should put us in charge.

Is that some kick ass satire, or what? Makes my day to see something like that. That is sharp, intelligent, high density satire, and I salute its creator.

Dammit, why I don’t I do things like that?

And it makes sense, you know. I have been saying for years that Canada is basically America Lite. You know, all the good things, but with way less of the bad. An American can move to Canada and eat all the same foods, watch all the same TV shows and movies, speak the exact same language, and overall have about 80 percent the same culture. Sure, that other 20 percent takes some getting used to, but still.

Canada has always been the quieter and more sensible brother in this North American family. It only makes sense that we be put in charge. Trust me, we are far too dull and polite to do anything but clean the USA up and give it back to you in much better shape than when you gave it to us.

At worst, we might get a little more sarcastic.

Well, I guess that is it for tonight. Still feeling fairly meh, which for all I know has more to do with the rice I had for dinner than any deep existential crisis.

But as usual, writing about it makes me feel better. So once more… thank you all so much for making this whole big thing possible.

2 thoughts on “Tonight, on Video Meh!

  1. I don’t think they are going to have another Richmond Writers’ Network get-together. Too bad. I was looking forward to seeing these people again somewhere quieter. Maybe that’s what killed it: they were afraid to meet somewhere quiet.

    I bet Amos would like the Rick Perry dub. I wonder if he’ll ever want to hang out again, or if he’s just going to wait until a fetish night comes up every month and then try to get me to go to one without actually hanging out? And then try to trick me into long, tiring phone conversations that never lead to meeting in person, either.

    That Canada Party guy needs to grow his beard way longer. The way it is now, it’s very unflattering.

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