Me, version 2.infinity

Today has been a nice quiet day.

I made some bread this afternoon. Cheese and bacon bread, which was supposed to have green chilies in it as well, but I would not have put them in there even if I had them, because apparently anything with capsacin in it freaking kills me now, and so I am avoiding that kind of thing entirely.

I mean seriously. Even something as mild as chipotle mayo nearly did me in last time I tempted fate. Ran through me like a runaway freight train on a downward grade. With a greased track.

Little old ladies eat chipotle mayo these days, but me? Nope. Might as well guzzle Drano. Damn.

And it was really tasty, too.

Oh well. The bread turned out OK, but I have a bad feeling that either some magical physics-defying process made all the cheese and bacon I put in there vanish, or said ingredients are not exactly evenly distributed throughout the loaf and I am going to find a huge lump of bacon and cheese in the middle when I get there.

See, I have just taken two slices off the right hand end of the loaf so far, and I swear to god, there was almost no cheese in either slice, and absolutely no bacon. None whatsoever.

Less bacon than in a kosher Caesar salad, folks.

So we shall see how things turn out. Admittedly, I was using torn up cheese slices instead of the grated old Monteray Jack that the recipe called for.

Plus, I did not have the six slices of bacon (drained and crumbled) that the recipe called for, but I did have a big ol Costco sized bag of real bacon bits from Hormel, and so I just had to make a guess that a slice of bacon would be around a tablespoon of bacon bits once processed.

So it is not like I have the right to expect picture perfect results when I have taken such rude liberties with the recipe. I mean, it was a recipe for Tex Mex Monteray Jack Bacon Bread With Green Chilies, and it has no Monteray Jack and no Chilies (my mother would be proud), so I guess I should be happy it turned out to be food at all.

Oh well, if it ends up being a little dull and a little poorly mixed, it is still food, and still tasty good, even if it is not quite what I had hoped for.

I think there is a lesson for us all in there some where.

Otherwise, quiet normal day. Spending too much time playing Facebook games, but darn it, they are so addictive. All kinds of little things to do, cities to plan, dragons to raise, gnomes to wrangle. It is such an effective absorber of all my excess mental energy that I just cannot resist it. All their little tricks to get me hooked work.

Well, inasmuch as they get me to play the games. They do not get me to spend money on the games, which is of course what they really want. But I have no money for such things.

Poverty is truly the greatest form of sales resistance.

Well, I suppose as long as I keep writing every day, I am at least exercising that writing muscle and keeping it toned. I suppose some day, I might even get it into my head to use it for something useful like writing a novel or some short stories or whatever.

Heck, there is even a million to one chance that if I do write something meaningful, I might actually show it to somebody who might wanna publish it somewhere.

Stranger things have happened, after all.

Tonight, I am going to implement my “sleeping during the night” program that I talked about yesterday. I am gong to take my Zopiclone as I am writing (just took it now, in fact), and hopefully by the time it kicks in fully, it will be dark out, I will be lying in bed waiting to sleep, and I will have a nice long sleep when it is dark and cool and nice.

I mean, what the heck, I have tried everything else, why not try something vaguely like what a normal person might do?

At this point, I am willing to give even normal life a shot. As weird as it is.

Hopefully, I will get some good deep refreshing sleep out of this. Not that I have been tired lately. If anything, I have been a little more “up” than usual. But I still worry about the quality of my sleep, and want to discover what sort of person I am when I am truly well rested, instead of jut sort of stringing along on mental stimulation all the time.

I was even a very good boy and took no naps this afternoon. That is one thing those Facebook games are good for, keeping me occupied so that I can resist the urge to make time fast-forward by napping.

Less naps also means better sleep, or so I am told, and I believe it. Got to save up all your sleepiness for the one big sleep, so that you can get lots of that deep down refreshing sleep that clears all the half-expressed thoughts and leftover emotions and raw uncollated memories out of the mind and lets you wake up with a clean, fresh consciousness with which to face the day.

Sounds nice, does it not? I cannot remember the last time I woke up actually feeling better than I did when I went to sleep. At best, I break even. I feel less sleepy and tired, but I also feel like crap, so it sort of evens out to a net zero.

At worst, I will just have a slightly different than usual nap. No big whoop.

Either way, you will all have to wait til Saturday for the results, because tomorrow is Science day and I have to talk about all this Higgs Boson hoopla.

Hope I understand it by then.

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