Another day, another whatever

Well, here I am typing in the final hour the day, without anything in particular to say, just wanting to put this entry away, so I can flop down in my bed and stay.

Hey… wait a minute.

Well, here I am typing in the final hour the day
Without anything in particular to say
Just wanting to put this entry away
So I can flop down in my bed and stay

Spontaneous poetry! Holy crap, this creative logjam is worse than I thought. Next think you know, I’ll be busting it freestyle and dropping mad bombs on the microphone like I was Al Capone in your damn headphones. Word, dawg.

Well, OK, maybe not.

But still, I seem to have finally caught up on sleep (Cod willin’ and the crick don’t rise) which means I should be entering a hypomanic type phase of increase energy and the resultant bouncing off the walls a little.

Because that’s the thing, with depression. You become so deep down accustomed to having very little energy and having to watch over it like a miser so you can do the things you need just to get by, that when you do have energy, you have no idea what to do with it. All your coping skills run in the opposite direction, so if you are not careful, instead of being, say, happy and upbeat and productive, you become irritable, restless, and touchy as your body tries to fight down the energy and bottle it up again.

I honestly think this may be the only different between a manic depressive and a chronic depressive : whether the person fights the updraft or not.

But I am trying to teach myself to think differently. Too much energy? Don’t “lie down till it goes away”, or fight to maintain control and hug the midline like a typical dysthymic. Ride the wave! Get some things done that you usually don’t have the emotional energy and/or ATC (Ability To Cope) to handle. Accept the radical notion that sometimes you will be happier doing something than doing nothing, and that doing nothing is not always safe. Sometimes, nothing is the least safe thing you can do.

Slowly, I open myself up to the world of the positive, and try to get the hell over myself for once.

Unrelatedly, here’s a cultural atrocity that my subconscious mind dredged up from the cavernous and cacophanous depths of my rapacious and capacious memory today :

Oh. If you’re pun sensitive, this will hurt. A lot.

One atrocious nautical pun after another, all to the tune of some fairly terrible music. And yet, I can’t help but feel a fondness for it. I have a soft spot for anyone who puts time and energy and commitment into being incredibly silly and trying to entertain people, even if the results are a tad cringeworthy.

I mean, you have to admit, as corny and terrible as the song is, those fellows sure are trying hard!

But wait, I hear you or one of the voices in head say…. isn’t there another song filled with nautical puns and silly antics and music and stuff?

Right you are, oh sage one. You are thinking of Wet Dream, by the legendary Kip Addotta. It is a classic of the wacky world of novelty tunes as showcased by Doctor Demento.

Here it is!

Kind of seems witty and sophisticated next to the first one, doesn’t it?

And finally, I found out something today that instantly whipped me into a lather of excitement!


When I read that on Jay is Games, I just about flipped my loosely laminated lid. I am a huge, huge, huge fan of the original You Don’t Know Jack
game. It is the closest thing I have ever seen to the insane hyperkinetic game show of my dreams.

It is one of the few things in this world that have made me say “I had no idea anything could be that good. ” Seriouisly. It expanded my notion of how awesome things could possibly be. The only other thing I can think of that did that was Arrested Development.

And if you know anything of the reverence and honestly, drooling, panting worship us comedy geek types have for Arrested Development., you will have an inkling of what I am saying about YDNJ.

So intense was my excitement that the time lapse between my discovering the existence of a new You Don’t
Know Jack game and ordering the Wii version from was less than five minutes. I think this is the first time I have ever bought something in the throes of a consumer frenzy.

It was kind of neat.

Sadly, because it’s coming from the USA, it won’t be here till March 9 at the earliest. FUCK. But I can wait… no really I can…. I will just… I don’t know…. chew the corners off everything in the apartment while I wait… that will do nicely yes….

I feel manic alright, yuppers. I’ve been the other kind of depressive for too long, and it hasn’t gotten me anywhere. At least manic depressives get shit done sometimes!

Fuck being mellow. I’ll be mellow when I’m dead.

Rock it out, ADD nerds!

2 thoughts on “Another day, another whatever

  1. The Kip Adotta one is musically good, too.

    I was hypomanic for an hour or two, about five years ago, and I really miss it. It was awesome. For the first time in decades I felt not-crippled. Everything seemed possible. The continuous striving of humanity was its beauty. This is what it must be like to be normal people.

  2. I seem to have somewhat regular hypomanic states. They can be a little scary because of the aforementioned inability to handle the energy surges… there are times I feel almost crazy, the way my ego and confidence soars.

    Cut to Lawnmower Man saying “I AM GOD HERE”.

    But I am steadily laboring to let more and more of that sunshine into my gloomy little world.

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