That video thang

Once more, it is time to do that thing where I post a bunch of videos, with my own last.

First, a rather marvelous little social experiment.

They picked the right guy for it too, he has the classic big jolly belly laugh that is extremely contagious. He is totally the kind of guy you want in the audience when you are doing standup.

And what pleases me most about this little experiment is that our designated laughter instigator has genuinely made all those people’s days better. Just by sharing a laugh with them, unprompted as it was, he caused all those people to have a great time and helped rid them of a lot of stress.

The medical evidence for the concrete medical benefits of laughter is overwhelming. Laughter reduces stress, and less stress makes everything better in terms of health.

When we are stressed, our body stays in a flight or fight adrenalized mode all the time, and that is very bad. The adrenal mode assumes that what is most important is surviving the current threat, and so it abandons nearly all long term maintenance functions in lieu of throwing all its resources into fighting or fleeing the thing threatening it.

Which is great for actual physical danger. It even works well for highly stressful activities. But when your stress mode is stuck in the “on” position, your body never gets to completely rest and totally restore itself, and so your condition just gets worse and worse over time.

And you know what’s really stressful? Being sick and feeling like crap all the time.

Enter laughing. It reduces your stress level quite efficiently, and feels great while doing it. That’s why a good laugh not only feels good while you are doing it, but makes you feel good after as well.

Suddenly your stress load has gone down, and that feels freaking amazing. And the rest of your body will thank you for it.

Beats the hell out of crying about it, that’s for sure!

Next up, a very touching PSA about a very modern issue.

I haven’t yet had to deal with the issue of someone you are theoretically talking to spending the whole time gazing at their handheld data gizmo, but I am quite sure that I will not handle it well.

I am extremely sensitive to feeling like I am being ignored, and if someone can’t even be bothered to stop fiddling with their fucking iPuds long enough to have a conversation with me, then they are not worth my time, as I am so clearly not worth theirs.

I refuse to compete for someone’s attention. You either engage fully, or not at all with me. If I was a modern parent, I would totally clash with my kids over them preferring to thumb type their besties with the gizmos I bought them over actually spending time at the dinner table talking to dear old Dad.

That is not. fucking. ON.

And I would be perfectly willing to take said gizmos away for good if that is what it took to get my kids to look me in the eye.

See how they like being the only kids at school who can’t text or take pictures. That will teach them a thing or two about the value of facetime.

And yeah, I know that to today’s youth, this totally makes me sound like a crusty old fart who hates everything new and who is a total hypocrite because he spends all day online himself.

But the difference is, I have a very strict policy to NEVER EVER choose video games or the Internet over interacting with real live people.

I made that rule around 17 years ago and I have stuck to it since then. Nothing can replace real human interaction, and this is coming from someone who has had way more than his fair share of the virtual kind.

Put that thing down and take a good look at the world around you kids, and the people in it.

And finally, Hitler on drugs.

Made using this magnificent tool (plus a little video editing of my own to add the intro and outtro stuff), this is the Hitler video I have been wanting to make for a long time but never had a topic for until recently.

But when I heard from a friend of mine that some fucking quacks had put his girls on Risperidone (generic name), I hit the roof. I was so damned mad and there was nothing I could do about it. Son of a bitch!

That stayed in my head for two weeks, then just yesterday, I thought “I haven’t made a Hitler video yet…” and I instantly knew what the topic would be.

These assholes with their prescription-pad medicine. We should threaten to replace all the GPs with pharmacy technicians trained in matching symptoms and/or lab results to drugs, and see if that gets their fucking attention for once.

After all, if all they basically do is look up your symptoms on a mental chart of drugs, why should we the people be paying a doctor to do what someone with roughly a lab technician’s skill could do, and for a fraction of the cost?

And to be pumping potent psychoactives into the tender and vulnerable brains of preschool kids just for acting their age is beyond an outrage. It is a crime. It is the chemical abuse of children, and someone has to put a stop to it.

I don’t think you can diagnose any kind of mental illness in a child younger than five. All kids that young are insane by adult standards. They do things like throw tantrums in public, pretend to be a dinosaur for hours on end, and watch their favorite videos over and over and over again. All these would be signs of serious mental impairment in an adult.

But in a preschooler, that is all perfectly normal and healthy.

But I guess Big Pharma is waging war against the very idea of drug free health.

Pretty soon, they will be trying to convince us that we all have a terrible illness called Not Taking Enough Drugs Syndrome, and only they have the cure.

Of course… it’ll cost ya.

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