Some small change

Going to do the buildup today, not because I think today’s video is something amazing, but just because I am bored with the other way.

So first, let’s see the oddest Danny Trejo role ever, and yes, I am including Machete.

It’s also quite funny, with a message that a lot of ladies need to hear and a rather fun way of presenting it. I love the way eventually the whole restaurant is dancing just to tell her what she needs to know.

It’s like this restaurant is some Twilight Zone type place designed to free people from terrible relationships or other self-destructive behaviours.

Tune in for the next songs in the series, “You’re An Alcoholc”, “It’s Cause You Were Molested”, and “Refinance That Car Loan”.

And in the interests of fairness, there are a lot of guys with nasty bitchy abusive girlfriends who needs to be told “Your Girlfriend’s a Psycho”.

And of course, the equivalent for same-sex relationships.

But what makes the video weird is seeing Danny Trejo, that super rugged tower of Latino machismo, apparently singing in a voice that could not possibly be his.

Talk about Inappropriate Lip-Sync.

I think the actual singer of the song, Dustin Tavella, plays the titular (snigger) douchebag in the video. If so, he does a great job of making me wanna smack that douchebag in the face.

It’s always disgusting to see someone act as if they do not have to give anything in a relationship and they can be completely selfish and make the whole thing about them and their needs.

But it’s enraging beyond endurance to see that actually seeming to be the case.

Next up, we have a completely kickass Ted talk by that made from solid 24-carat awesome guy, Andrew Solomon, about what it is like to raise a child who is different.

Let’s talk about those awful things written in Time Magazine way back in 1966, almost half a century (47 years) ago.

They don’t surprise me, although of course they are brutally harsh and hard to hear even in this massively more tolerant era. I imagine I have some inkling of what it is like to be a black person hearing the words of the Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan now.

Clearly, the reporter who wrote that did it out of an overwhelming disgust. And as I have discussed in this space before, disgust is the enemy of compassion. That is what makes zombies such an enduring horror with such deep roots in the collective psyche.

Zombies are mindless horrors who are definitely people, but people with all the humanity removed and who are rotting and disgusting and awful. It maximizes our disgust, our fear of death and disease, and the modern lurking horror of the unwashed masses of humanity with whom we must cohabitate

For the most part, the modern human copes quite well with the biologically stressful challenge of living in such crowded conditions. We have all kinds of unspoken rules and socially received habits designed to minimize the stress.

But somewhere in all of us is a monkey who is freaked the hell out by being surrounded by strangers all the time, and the zombie phenomenon taps into that, as does other post-apocalyptic scenarios.

Ahem. But I digress. Back to that Time reporter. I don’t hate the man, he was simply no better than his era. The modern world was still in the grips of a very moralistic psychology which still believed that people did bad things because they were bad people, people who somehow, via weakness or neglect, had allowed some unwholesome influence into themselves and who therefore only have themselves to blame for becoming the wrong kind of person.

This mystical pseudo-scientific worldview was very reassuring to the desperate middle class masses who lived lives of quiet desperation behind a facade of normalcy. It relieved them of the potential cognitive dissonance of having to have compassion for someone who had made them angry or disgusted.

It was yet another version of the just-world fallacy, where everyone gets what they deserve. This is a particularly attractive philosophy to the people who people who are doing well, because it means that they deserve what they’ve got, and that is far more important to people than greater morality.

In fact, people will change their entire system of beliefs from nipples to nuts just to get to believe that they deserve what they have (and more!).

And if that also excuses you from having to care about the less fortunate, so much the better.

Finally, la piece de mild anticipation, today’s vid.

Yup, another phone calls from celebrities. If I do two of something, the odds are extremely high that I will do a third. For some weird reason, I have this compulsion to complete sets of three.

It’s like… 1 is a stable number. 3 is a stable number. But 2 is unstable, and I hate unstable things, so I just have to go on to 3.

I don’t know how high that could go if I just kept extending it.

And I am pretty happy with how today’s vid turned out, but I don’t feel like I broke any new ground with it compared to yesterday’s and so I don’t think I will do a fourth.

The whole reason I am making videos every single day is to learn, expand, grow, and acquire technique as fast as I can. Doing the exact same thing two days in a row does not achieve that.

And I would rather crash and burn than stagnate into stasis.

I have had enough stasis to last a lifetime. I want to move and grow and explore and feel and not be held back by my fears any longer.

Fuck fear. Bring it on.

Oh, and one last thing. Savour this extremely geeky joke.

I think it's funny, but I am not certain.

I think it’s funny, but I am not certain.

Major LOL. 🙂 If you don’t get it, click here.

Have a nerdy day, folks!

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