Falling through time

I still feel like I am falling through time and picking up speed. I don’t know what happens when I finally crash. I guess… I die.

Anyhow, I got vidya content to share, with mine, as usual, at the end.

First off, we have this trailer for Diablo Cody’s directorial debut, Paradise.

Gee, Diablo Cody made a movie about a sullen, sarcastic, fragile young person trying to come to grips with something major that has happened to her life.

Color me surprised.

Seriously though, it looks like a lot of fun. I like stories about fallen pretty girls. I feel they are stories that are not told because in society we tend to assume attractive people are as happy as they make us feel, and to imagine that if we were them, we would have no problems at all.

But you know what? Shit happens to the captain of the football team and the head cheerleader too. Sometimes they feel as trapped by their roles in life as anyone else. Moreso, even, because everything in society tells them that they have what everyone else wants and so how dare they act, even for a second, like they are not the luckiest people on Earth, god damn them.

You can get trapped by other people’s envy. Being good looking can attract all the wrong kinds of attention. Nobody has it easy in this life when it comes to the things that really matter.

Now if only I get get over my loathing of that annoying git Russell Brand, I might actually go see the movie when it hits theaters.

Next up, a lot of people have been taking a crack at this idea lately, but this take on it is the most solid take on it I have seen so far.

The point it makes is well tread by now as people react to the Fox New reaction to the Trayvon MArtin verdict. True to their credo of being against anything Obama might be for, the smiling demons of Fox News have been arguing for weeks that it is perfectly acceptable to shoot black children because hey, black people are all scary and crime-y and shit.

It is increasingly clear to most people that Fox News and the GOP establishment has no heart, no soul, no spirit, no morals, no shame, no beliefs, and no brain.

It exists simply as a negative impression of Democrats in general and Obama specifically. And seeing as Obama is a decent, kind, intelligent, moderate person, guess what that makes them?

Yup. Indecent, unkind, unintelligent, immoderate jackals who laugh like hyenas at the very thought of moral restraint and decent behaviour.

That would interfere with the obvious relish they take in being as evil as possible and having people lap it up like it’s fucking Cristal.

But the flight of advertisers from Rush Limbaugh is the signal that the blood is in the water for these cackling homunculi. They are losing their base rapidly as they continues to do things that screw over the little guy in favour of the megarich of the private jet set.

Plus, they can’t scare people with gay marriage any more. It’s happened. Nothing changed for straight people. Public opinions is changing to acceptance at breakneck speeds.

Looking forward to those midterm elections in 2014.

Next up, a visual treat.

Admittedly, the first time I watched that years ago, it made me a little nauseous. But now I adore it. It’s like a feast for the eyes, the way the pseudo-food imagery unfolds. It plays interesting games with the part of our brain that identifies food and processes facts about it.

We have, of course, a very active system for that sort of thing. Our primate ancestors, and indeed our hunter-gatherer forbears, had to know to find, acquire, prepare, and consume a wide variety of foodstuffs. To be human is to be omnivorous and while that makes us highly adaptable, it also means that we need diverse foods in order to stay healthy.

So we had to be able to learn a lot about what is good to eat and how to get it and eat it. In modern times, we still use this ability, but we use it in nice air-conditioned supermarkets.

Go to your supermarket and look at those aisles and aisles of food and imagine all you need to know in order to just shop for, prepare, and eat the very basics.

And that is not even getting into the rich skillset known as “cooking”.

Finally, we have the penultimate video, today’s video, about the meaning of life.

Actually, it’s about why we are compelled to ask the question in the first place. A lot of human confusion and strife centers around how, on a fundamental level, we simply cannot stop behaving as if the Universe (or Life or whatever) is a person, or at least, that there is someone in charge who is responsible for absolutely everything and to whom you can send requests and/or complaints.

Most often, this someone is called God, or whichever paternalistic omnipotent all-father you prefer. But the interesting thing is that even supposedly devout atheists display this behaviour.

I mean, who is so stone cold logical that they have not found themselves swearing at some misbehaving inanimate object? We know it can’t hear us. But it makes us feel better.

Why? Because we feel like we really told that thing that is making us mad where to go.

Like I said in the vid, I am not sure there is an escape hatch to this anthropomorphizing of the world and our tendency to treat everything like it’s a person. It may be too hard-wired into our brains for mere logic to ever truly defeat it.

It’s only very queer ducks like me who, when asked “What is the meaning of life?”, answer “Why do you assume it has one?”

Maybe the best we can hope for is lies that work for us.

Maybe that’s all religion has ever been.

2 thoughts on “Falling through time

  1. The white riot and guacamole videos were great. The voice of the anchorman reminds me of Rob Lowe, and I loved the part of the food video at 0:34 where he literally dices the food.

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