the Vag Badger skit

From some gents called the Hollow Men. A marvelous trip into utter weirdness.

One of the things I like about good skit comedy is that sense that anything could happen, that the weird critters of the human mind are roaming around loose and you get to watch their bizarre antics.

This skit would certainly qualify for that.

2 thoughts on “the Vag Badger skit

  1. That seemed like it came out of improv, but in a good way. Despite reusing the same material over and over, it continued to build momentum, like a Bach fugue. And I’m surprised to say I did not see the final punchline coming.

    I think the first sweater-vest guy is subtly taking the piss out of Stephen Fry, both his acting style in general and the Bit of Fry & Laurie shoe brothel sketch in particular.

    “No, we-just-sell shoes.” That’ll be stuck in my head today!

  2. I really like the analogy with a fugue. I think a lot of good comedy skits work in that exact way, building up layers and becoming something far more than its premise, and yet, the premise is the theme it’s made of.

    You’re right, I think perhaps the shoe brothel skit is part of the inspiration for the skit in general.

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