A day on the links

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Got schiznit to share in the usual mode.

First, we have this amazingly cute fox pic.

I swear there's a fox in there amongst all that fluff!

I swear there’s a fox in there amongst all that fluff!

Awwwww! He looks so happy and so darn fluffy! It’s not exactly the most dignified pose, but it sure is adorable. All that fur makes me want to brush him and pet him and spoil him.

Or her. Can’t really tell from the pic.

Then there’s this lovely little bit of freeform fun from Cracked.com, which of course has a completely misleading name that presumably exists solely for Search Engine Optimization.

It has nothing to do with “if actress auditions were edited for honesty”. In fact, that is a terrible premise and I am not sure how you would even pull that off.

It would be more properly titled something like “The Many Faces Of…” and the faux-actress’ name. But I suppose that wouldn’t make people compulsively click on the link enough for Cracked.com’s advertisers, and compared to that, completely misleading people as to what they are about to watch pales in comparison.

I can only assume that a lot of people out there have absolutely no memory and so they don’t even remember the title by the time the video actually plays like, three seconds later.

But anyhow, I thought it was a great piece. They obviously worked really hard with the costumes and makeup to make some of the most hilariously terrible characters I have ever seen.

Ironically, it really does function as a legit character reel for the actual actress playing the fake actress, because she is clearly quite talented and can do comedy in a lot of different modes, including complex takes which start in “character” and end in the “actress” breaking down or breaking character.

I look forward to seeing more of her, as long as she keeps that baby costume locked up forever.

Then there’s this lovely little analogy laid down by that groovy funkster Bill Maher.

I would add that by sharing the money equally, the NFL is not “picking winners and losers”, as the right wing likes to say about the social safety net. It’s just making sure everyone has the same chance at winning.

And what could be more free-market than that? They are acting to maximize competition and thus create the best conditions for both the teams and the fans. That’s exactly how consumer capitalism is supposed to work.

If you are a Tea Party fanatic, presumably you think the game shouldn’t even have a referee. I mean, what does a referee do but pick winners and losers, and penalize the most aggressive and innovative teams?

But about Bill Maher. I was, way back in the 90’s, somewhat of a fan of his, or at least, of his kickass discussion show Politically Incorrect.

It was a great show because it consistently delivered the funniest, most interesting, most dynamic political discussions I have ever seen. And back then, Bill acted mostly as the moderator and/or instigator.

But then that show got canceled out from under him because he dared to suggest that the USA might have brought 9/11 down on themselves (which they totally did), and while he has had a series of similar shows after that, they all seem to focus on him far too much.

And that wouldn’t be so bad but every time I see him, he’s even more smug and petulant and acting like a bad little boy who expects a pat on the head, and it’s depressing. Even when he is delivering killer material like in the video above, he irritates me so much that it’s hard to endure him for very long.

Especially when we have John Stewart being affable and self-effacing out there.

I mean hey, I am glad he is still out there fighting the good fight. I don’t mean to insult the guy.

I will leave that up to the professionals.

It’s not by the same folks who did that other famous insult compilation (no idea who they were now), but there is still a lot of good stuff in there.

Anyone know what movie it is that has Gene Wilder deliver that “dumb bastard” speech? Because I am really curious about it. Seems quite out of character compared to his usual wacky and imperturbable persona.

Oh, and if, like me, you have wondered what exactly “four-flushing” means, I learned from that page of 20’s slang I linked to a while back that it means someone who borrows money from everyone in order to pretend to be rich.

Seems like a highly specific thing to have a whole slang term for, it must have been quite the problem back in the era of the straw boated hat and the ukulele.

Also, I have no idea what the number four and the concept of flushing having to do with living beyond your means, but I sure hope it’s something to do with card games.

The alternatives are unthinkable.

But if you want to see someone REALLY get angry, watch this!

That’s my vid for the day. See how the content for today’s blog gets angrier as we go?

That’s just the kind of everyday quality you can expect from an old-fashioned, hand-carved, hickory-smoked, unvarnished but honest, down home cooking blog like this one.

Damn. Now I am hungry.

Anyhow, collected enough rant seeds to do another triple shout out and get some things off my chest. I realize they are not exactly Earth-shatteringly important issues but those I treat more seriously than just ranting about them in an offhand way.

Plus, I am sort of scared that if I get rolling on politics or whatnot, I will start frothing at the moutgh and end up coming across less as a “sage and perceptive commentator” and more as a “frightening and deranged lunatic”. It can happen. I’m a big scary guy when I get real angry.

So I stick with the little stuff.

See you all tomorrow!

One thought on “A day on the links

  1. Like Dennis Miller, Bill Maher was kind of an asshole to begin with; it’s just that it didn’t bother us at first.

    Dennis Miller became more of an asshole during his HBO run and started voting Republican after 9/11, and together those two things are what tipped the balance.

    Bill Maher has done almost the opposite. He dared to say the 9/11 hijackers weren’t cowards. He does awesome angry liberal rants. He still seems unpleasant but at least he makes some good points. I’ll hear him make a great point like this:


    …and then I’ll like him again.

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