A fascist dream

Had a rather extraordinary dream this afternoon, the sort that tends to compel me to write about it because it is vivid, detailed, and disturbing.

So much more interesting than my usual bullshit dreams about getting lost in malls.

In this dream, I was somehow a part of a very brutal and fascist type society. It was not a nation-state, I am sure of that. It was more like a large and well-organized cult. But for whatever reason, I distinctly felt that this was not the sort of thing you could just walk away from.

And I was definitely young, around in my late teens, as were all of my peers.

As usual, the exact logical order and structure of things has faded from my mind, so I have to reconstruct just exactly what went down from the flashes I can remember.

But I remember that I was being taken by my… instructors. I suppose… to do a job I had been dreading, a job that just seemed like madness and futility to me, and I was resisting going so the instructors were keeping a very close eye on me.

Bloody fascist bastards.

To stall for time, I told them I had to go to the bathroom, and they glared at me and gave me the ol’ stinkeye, but let me go.

This is where it gets weird. And fairly sexual, be warned.

I open the door to the public bathroom, and at first it seems normal, just one of those public restrooms where there’s two doors one after another and a tiny anteroom in between. But I open the second door and go around the corner, and it opens out to this quite enormous room full of boys my age, all nude or semi-nude like this is one gigantic gym locker room.

There were boys showering in what looked like old-fashioned wooden phone booths with the door taken off, and a massive heated pool full of so many boys there’s barely any room between them. As I pass the bizarre shower stalls, I hear a voice say “Plenty of butt and balls, eh?”.

I see the boys in the heated pools and greet them with a smile and a nod, but I am looking for the part of this “bathroom” intended for use for actual urination, which in this universe turns out to be this big flat wooden counter-top with holes in it around the size of coffee cup stains, and you are supposed to just direct your stream towards a hole and the tilt of the surface plus gravity will do the rest.

There are a lot of weird bathrooms in my dreams.

So I begin urinating, and I notice that the boys in the heated pool are all watching. I find this amusing, and when I am done, I shout down at them something like “Don’t you have anything better to do than to watch me pee?”

And one of the boys in the back looks a little sheepish and says “Well… it’s England!”. (Sorry, England. )

I return to my captors and they take me to where I am supposed to sit for eighteen hours cold-calling celebrities to try to get them to sign on to be voice actors in a Korean animated feature. (Wow, brain… just… wow. )

All my captors have done it, and I, in the dream, somehow already knew about this, and I completely rebel. I tell them that this is clearly the most difficult kind of work in the world (hardly, but what the hell, I was thinking like a teenager at the time) and that I was not going to participate in their petty sadism.

I then went back to my bed in some sort of “four cots to a room” type dormitory to await my fate.

While I waited, the heady glow of self-righteousness began to fade and I started to get really worried. I knew that someone would soon be coming to punish me, and I was scared. I started thinking about other ways to get by in this society, like pretending to be exactly what they wanted me to be but secretly fucking with them any way I could. I also considered just ambushing the guy they sent to punish me and kicking his ass or even killing him.

So finally, the guy shows up, and it’s a guy in bluish-grey body armor wearing a helmet. I am lying in my bed pretending to be asleep so I can surprise the guy when he gets close, but I can, via Dream Camera, see him creeping up on me.

As he gets closer, he takes out this collapsible weapon that is like two sword blades pointing in opposite directions connected by a handle, and I am starting to panic, thinking “Holy fuck, I didn’t count on having to deal with a bladed weapon!” and hastily revising my list of potential battle tactics.

That’s where the dream ended. I woke up from that feeling quite disoriented and it took me a little while to sort of tune in to reality again, but when I did, I was sure as hell glad I was out of that fascist cult!

Perhaps that is the purpose of such a dream, to make one grateful for the life one has by giving you a taste of one that is far, far worse. If so, mission accomplished.

So that’s the dream. Here’s today’s video.

Yeah, I know… ten minutes? But what can I say, I was on a roll. I have been thinking about GMI in general for years and the Swiss initiative for weeks now, and I had a lot of thoughts to express about it.

It really is a glorious idea. It would make sure wealth kept being pumped down to the average person and free people from the tyranny of employers practically having the power of life or death over you.

And not only does it pump the wealth down, by directing it to every citizen, it insures that the wealth is spread broadly and evenly, forming a very firm and reliable base to the pyramid of capitalism.

Well, that’s all from me for now. Thanks for reading my dream. I know other people’s dreams tend to be boring to read, but I really felt like I had to put that one out there.

It was just so vividly cinematic!

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