In and out

Hi there MJB fans! Here I am, coming to you from the infamous Room 364 at the swankier than thou Burnaby Accent Inn as I prepare to attend that yearly pow wow of the bow wows, Vancoufur 2014.

Right now, I feel kind of sleepy, which is annoying, as I hope to be attending Movie Night at the con in around 1.5 hours. Sure, get tired NOW, why doncha,

I am also somewhat annoyed by the lack of wall sockets in this room, which is currently forcing me to type this communique with the tablet bouncing precriously on my gut.

Ah, to heck with that. So I run down the battery. It is tricky enough tp type on this thing in the best of times.

My mood continues to drive me inward, against my will. I find myself unwillingly and unknowingly tuning out during conversations because my inner thoughts and processes take over my consciousness.

And I hate that. I was hoping to be LESS introverted by now, not moreso. But apparently, whatever I anm going through takes up more of my mind han a mere background process is afforded.

So it takes over, and I feel like I am losing my mind.I have a loose enough grip on reality as is. Some days, it is very hard o hear the real world over the noise in my head, and one of my greatest fears is of losing my grip and plunging screaming into the gaping maw of madness.

Well that is enough for now. Blog at you tomorrow!

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