A nip in time

Grabbing fifteen minutes between panels to blog for you nice people.

Just overheard : “you know, just chill out in the hot tub and have some sambuka.”

Accidental clash of imagery aside, sounds delish. Though if we are doing liquers, I would prefer Peppermint Schnapps, maybe with some Creme de Cacao, maybe not.

It’s a mood thing.

Having a good convention so far. Waking up was not easy, but it never is when I get some decent sleep. I must have slept ten hours at least. Finally getting my sleeping pills, plus my pants, plus having what for me was a very active day (sad) must have helped.

But a shower, some fresh cold air, and most importantly 591 ml of Diet Pepsi seem to have charged me up sufficiently for the day’s events. I know when and where my next panel is, but I have already forgotten what it is.

Oh right, Carthy’s Furries in the Media panel. Should be fun.

To be continued!

(One hourĀ  later)

Back in the lobby again to catch my breath and talk to you lovely people.

The Furries in the Media panel was quite awesome, as usual. We were still going strong when our time ran out, which is always a good sign. Carthy says he may ask for more time next year, as people obviously have a lot to say about the subject and discussion is healthy for any community.

Forgot my jacket in the lobby before the panel. Also lost my watch. Recovered both, though the watch is broken, which is how it escaped in the first place.

Damn am I getting tired of being so disorganized. I try so hard but I still do such stupid shit. I seriously want to know how absentminded you have to be before you qualify for a minder.

And the harder I try to keep it together, the harder it flies apart. I think if I am to protect my fragile nascent dignity from further such humiliations, it will take an entirely different approach.

Pressure on the existing system clearly does not work.

Maybe I need to start making lists.

1. Start making lists

See you again tomorrow folks!

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