The day when everything happened

Holy crapcakes, what a day.

Let’s see. We shall start with the fridge.

Our fridge has been dying for months, and lately, it got to the point to where it was hovering inches from death’s icy cold refrigerator door. So something had to be done.

We had tried to get a new fridge out of our landlord before, and he had always brushed us off with some promise of “next week” or the like. So when I called and left a message with Daniel the landlord’s wife, I expected it to be merely the first round of a long and protracted test of wills where I would have to make such a pest of myself (while remaining politely firm) that it would be clear to him that the only way to get rid of me would be to get us a new damned fridge.

That’s how it works, folks. People follow the path of least resistance. Make sure that path doesn’t go through you.

To my surprise, though, not three hours after I phoned, we got a notice slipped under our door telling us the new fridge would be here between 9 am and 2 pm today. Boffo!

Of course, that meant that we had to empty the old fridge, which is a pain, but we have a little mini-fridge as well, and that helped a great deal. Plus, we have some freezer packs and the thermos bags that go with them, and that helped too.

But mainly, Joe ended up cooking every single chicken burger we got, so we have like thirty fully cooked chicken burgers chillin’ in the new fridge right now.

Anyhow, I took it upon myself to be up for 9 o’clock to let the fridge guys in, and to empty the fridge. Joe woke up around then too, so both of us were up, and that’s when Thing 2 happened : Joe discovered that there was a leak in our main bathroom, right above the toilet.

I’ve heard of “it never rains, but it pours” before, but this was getting retarded.

Luckily, our landlord was able to come over right away and take a look, and he called a plumber, who arrived not long before the fridge arrived at 11:30 and stopped the leak. Such rapid response! Wow, this place is great.

Thing 3 happened when I finally got around to returning Sheena from VFS’ call. See, I had emailed her an inquiry about the Writing For Film and Television program they offer that I so very, very much want to do, and she had called back and left a voice message, and this was me returning the call.

She hooked me up with a very cool dude named Patrick who handles intake, and we talked about how to get me into the program and what to expect and such. He said that BC student loans will cover 16K of the 20K tuition for the program (yeah I know, ouch) and that I would have to get extra financing for the rest.

That doesn’t seem too impossible. I will have to dig around hard to find out what sorts of programs are available for people with disabilities entering secondary education in this province. I am willing to bet there is something out there.

I mean, it’s in the province’s best interest to get me an education that will land me a job and make me a taxpayer instead of a tax burden!

I’ve already submitted my application. I have to provide some extra stuff too, like a pitch for my dream project (skit comedy show, duh!) and two to four examples of my work (choices, choices!).

All that is no problem for me. I can write that pitch in my sleep (it’s only one page!) and I have a ton of work to send them, including Maple Leaf Menace, my hilarious short film about a HUAC-like committee investigating Americans for Canadian tendencies in order to fight creeping Canadianism.

Everyone who has read the script thought it was hilarious, so it’s clearly a lead work. I think it’s under twenty pages (that’s the max).. if not, I can snip.

The one sticking point is that they also want a scan or picture of my government photoID, and I don’t currently have one. I lost mine ages ago and have neglected to go get it reissued since.

Well now I have a good reason to go to ICBC and see if I can get the dang thing. I have needed it for ages, just kept putting it off. Plus, it is nice to feel identified.

So wheels are in motion there. Yay me.

Thing Four came when I was still all a-bubble with excitement over my VFS dreams being in motion, and I had come out to the main area to tell Joe all about it and general babble and gush, and Joe very politely listened to it all, then told me about Thing 4, which SUCKS.

Turns out, the bastards who run the corporation who own this apartment complex have decided they want to renovate this place and they have to kick us out to do it. Basically, it’s the classic situation where the owners want to upgrade the place and have to kick us low-rent bums out to do it. We are invited to move back in at the new “renovated” rent level, but I am guessing that is going to be beyond what we can afford.

We have until the end of August to find a new place. And as much as I hate moving, I hate apartment hunting more. The odds of us getting a place as good as this are very low. I am going to push for looking for a house to rent.

After all, if we have to move, we might as well move to someplace nice. We might have to take on an additional roommate or two in order to make it work, but dammit, I want to live in a house with an upstairs and downstairs again!

Oh, plus we have a rat loose in the apartment, Joe’s union is on strike and so he’s not getting paid, and the numb feeling in my leg goes all the way down to the ankle now.

Everything is happening at once. I am maxing out the stress chart now.

Oh well, if it swells, ride it. Time to surf the surge to glory!

Talk to you again tomorrow, folks!

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