A case for myself

Still pissed off about not getting into VFS, and currently plotting how I am going to make Simon’s life difficult.

It’s going to be tricky. I don’t want to end up alienating a lot of people and making a bad name for myself in the industry which I wish to join. But I also want to make the case for my rejection’s injustice and get some sympathy going for my cause. So I am going to need to tread carefully.

I am probably going to craft an email to send to various higher-ups at VFS. There doesn’t seem to be a single overall leader, but there’s some pretty high-status people acting as senior advisors and I imagine they have considerable pull at the VF of S.

I might even include a few people at CBC in the list of recipients of this email. You never know, they might like the “essentially rejecting me because of my disability” angle. That’s the sort of thing they can get behind.

And seeing them on the recipient list (no Bcc for me!) will send the message that I am willing to go to the media with my case and possibly bring down a whole heaping helping of bad PR down on the VFS brand.

I mean, what have I got to lose?

And I think I have a pretty good case. Simon’s sole reason for rejecting me was my lack of documented work or academic experience. That’s a direct result of my disability. It’s like rejecting a person in a wheelchair because you have never seen them jogging.

I have ample proof that I can write a hell of a lot. How many people who get accepted into the program write 7000 words a week just for fun? And have written novels, skits, short stories, and a play?

Simon tried to tell me he also though I had no viable financial plan, which was total bullshit. It said right on my application that my plan was to get a student loan and cover the rest with bursaries related to my disability. So when he said I didn’t have a clear financial plan, I said “Student loan and bursaries. That’s my plan. ”

That shut him the fuck down.

I kept him on the phone, arguing with him, for like 45 minutes, and I wish it had been longer. So I have the satisfaction of knowing that he didn’t get the neat little painless “bearer of bad news” interaction he no doubt expected. I bet he thought he would tell me I didn’t get in and I would just say “That’s too bad” and he’d express his no doubt very deep and sincere regrets, and that would be it.

But that is not my style. The only reason I was not as sharp an arguer as I might have been was that I was in a state of shock and surprise. If I hadn’t been, I would have hammered that twit but good.

If there is one thing I am a deadly ninja master with, it’s words.

He kept droning on about how “he has a responsibility to make sure that the school… ” blah blah bullshit about making sure the school runs smoothly.

If I had been on my game, I would have countered with “And just exactly do you think I would do to the school? You’ve admitted that my writing is not the issue. I am not arguing with your authority to do this. I am questioning your rationale. ” Or something like that.

But hey, who is on the top of their game when they just got a huge shock?

I will be going out with the guys tonight. Normally, we would do this on Friday night, but we moved it to Thursday night in case my dear sister Catherine was arriving on Friday.

Turns out, she’d not getting here till Saturday. But I still want to go out tonight. Honestly, I need it. I need to do something fun to counteract all the negativity I have been balancing.

I might even indulge in an alcoholic beverage, if they are available. I am not sure whether our usual Denny’s is licensed or not. That’s something I usually ignore, being practically a teetotaler. Never been a regular drinker, and the diabetes just gives me extra reason to not bother.

But what the heck. One pear cider or the like won’t kill me. It’s that OR dessert though, not both.

I swear I will crack this Simon thing. I am not sure I will actually get in, but I will at least make him rue the day he ever decided that I was someone he could shit on with impunity.

If I do somehow get in, and he or his friends are still there in admin, I will have to be extra careful, because I can see them wanting very much for me to screw up somehow so they can swoop in for the kill.

Not exactly the most relaxing educational environment, but fuck’em. By the time they get their traps set for me, I will (God willin’) have already gained plenty of allies by being talented and capable and a genuinely nice fellow.

I am a likable guy. It’s one of my best assets. And it’s no act. I am just being me. I like being nice to people, I love to make people laugh, it makes me feel good when others feel good.

Man, I really am Pinkie Pie. Also Fluttershy, though I am getting over the shy part. I have no reason to be so shy. I am a great guy. I should be proud to just put myself out there and deal with the consequences.

It won’t be ab easy path, this Coming Out (of my shell), but I will get there. I am stretching my comfort zone a little more every day. Sooner or later, it will become a tunnel out of this stillborn life of mine.

And when it does, watch the fuck out, world!

Talk to you again tomorrow, folks!

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