Tonight, in local news

Extremely local. I’m going to talk about my colon.

Okay, not really. But tonight will be of the personal update variety.

First, today’s video.

I decided to let YouTube do what it wanted to do to fix the video. Tell me if you liked it better the previous way.

Like I said in the video, I had a busy day yesterday and had no time to make a video for you poor people, and I apologize.

I also apologize for today’s video. I’m not stoned, just kind of sleepy, and hence today’s talk is a tad more rambling than usual.

Oh well. Learn, and move on.

What kept me so busy yesterday was keeping the always radiant Felicity company on her birthday bracket observed close bracket.

Technically, her birthday was last Thursday, but honestly, celebrating your birthday on your actual birthday is a freak occurrence in these modern busy times, even though you would think that, if it is always preferable to celebrate on the weekend, the odds would be two or three out of seven.

Anyhow, she was going to have to leave her home in the morning because the exterminators were coming, and so she wanted company as she puttered about delivering BCSFAzines and running other errands, and I was happy to oblige.

We went to a place which has achieved near-legendary status, the last remaining Muffin Break in the world[1], which is the only place in the world that makes these particular peanut butter squares that Felicity has raved about.

And with good reason. I tried a little crumb of one while we were waiting for her order to be filled, and it was heaven. Like everything that is wonderful about a Reese cup, but with the decadent intensity of a Nanaimo bar.

Damn I miss being able to eat stuff like that.

This lone Muffin Break is in a neat funky little strip mall called Jericho Square. It has a yoga center called Yes Feet and and a cheese shop called Cheese Here.

Clearly, these are my kind of people.

Said Muffin Break also has the biggest goddamned cookies I have ever seen. They’re the size of a catcher’s mitt. I was so impressed that I was tempted to get one myself, but I figured that, odds were, I was going to be eating birthday cake later, so I figured I had better save all my naughtiness points for that.

As it turned out, there was no suitable cake available (it’s so hard to find a white cake with white frosting!), but that turned out to be a boon for me because I had stupidly gotten a dessert after our birthday meal at one of our two usual haunts, ABC Country Kitchen.

The other one, of course, is Denny’s.

But I am getting ahead of myself. After the Muffin Break and a quick stop at White Dwarf Books to drop off BCSFAzines, Felicity and I headed back to our beloved Richmond. We stopped to look for a cake at IGA (no dice, the only one available was only one day from retirement) and puttered about Richmond a little.

We even stopped at RAPS, the Richmond Animal Protection Society, also known as the local animal shelter, to pet kitties. I hearted that so much. I love cats and I miss having them around to pet and fuss over.

Eventually, we decided to go hang out at Denny’s for a while and drink pop and soak up the air conditioning. Did I mention how hot it was yesterday?

Cause it was really freaking hot.

We like it at Denny’s. The food is good, the prices are reasonable, and the people there know us and like us, and vice versa.

I take some pride in that. We are quiet, respectful, patient, understanding customers who tip well, and hence, servers like us.

I mean, I consider how we behave to be the way everyone should behave as a minimum, but apparently, compared to a lot of their customers, it makes us saints.

After that, we went back to Chez Nous to wait for Joe to get off work. I offloaded some video from my tablet to my main, still Internet-less computer, took a shower, and chilled with Felicity.

Then Joe got home, and it was off to ABC. As usual, I had no gift, because I totally forgot about Felicity’s birthday until last Wednesday, then I compounded that by ordering from and not, thus ensuring maximum delivery time and fees.

Derp! All that means that Felicity’s gift will not arrive until 4-9 days from now. She is cool with that, but I still feel like a putz.

Joe got her two AAA grade gifts. One is a DVD of the Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby Doo, which is arguably the most Eighties of all Scooby Doo series and hence Felicity’s all time favorite.

And hey, it has Vincent Van Price in it, and he makes everything better.

The other one, though, was a whole book all about fonts. Felicity is the biggest font fan I know, so this gift was, pun intended, letter perfect for her.

My gift is just something she asked for. How dull.

After ABC, we of course retired to the apartment to watch more of the delightful gift baskets of video goodness Felicity brings us every time we get together.

All and all, it was a delightful day.

Other news : we have a line on a new apartment. It’s in a high rise near Cooney and Cook, so it’s only two blocks from the Richmond Brighouse Skytrain station, and the building has a gym AND a sauna! Score!

Joe went to check it out yesterday, and he said it was a pretty sweet place. He filled out an application, and we will know if we get the place via a phone call to Joe’s cell next Tuesday.

I hope we get it. It sounds like this place rocks.

Well, that’s all from me for today. I will talk to you nice people tomorrow!

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. Remember the muffin craze? It was two starchy crazes ago, before cupcakes and before bagels. I still miss the bagel one.

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