jeezly fuck, videos!

I was browsing my tablet’s SD card when I came across a whole metric shitload of videos that I have yet to share with you people.

Clearly, this is an intolerable condition which cannot be allowed to persist.

So hatten down your batches, people, cause it’s vidya time!

First off, we have this little number that I recorded a week ago but somehow failed to link anywhere :

See, that’s exactly the sort of thing that marks me as a mental pervert. Things other people worry about don’t worry me at all, but I lay awake nights thinking about tangles or potential energy or the true meaning of the Lion King.

I am pretty sure that I have ranted about potential energy in this space before, but darned if I can find the entry. I don’t seem to have done it either as a blog entry or as a video. Or maybe my Google Fu is just too weak.

Trust me… don’t get me started.

Oh, and I went out on a little excursion today, about which I am quite pleased. Every time I leave the home of my own accord when I dont technically even have to do it is a little victory against my agoraphobia, and another little victory for me learning to go out into the world and enjoy life.

The main reason for going out was to get some lab work done that the people booking the MRI on my knee and the CT on my ear will need before they can book me. Surprisingly, given that it’s primarily kidney function stuff, I did not need to give a urine sample. That turned out to be a good thing, because I stupidly had a good long pee right before I left, so I was running on an empty tank. Dodged a bullet there.

And my, they are getting efficient at LifeLabs (and wow, is it nice to have one a block away). I didn’t have to take a number at all, which is nice. I have never liked taking a number. I appreciate the efficiency and justice of the number-taking system and it sure as heck is better than having everyone just milling around and fighting for attention, but I just don’t like being assigned a number that I have to remember so that I know it’s my turn when I hear said number bellowed.

They just took my CareCard and announced my name and what cubicle to go to, and the tech was superb. She found a vein right away, I felt almost no pain when the needle went in, and she had her three or four tubes in no time at all.

That has got to be a weird job, though. Spending all day taking blood samples. Poking holes in people, many of whom are probably pretty nervous and some of whom will be freaking the fuck out, finding veins and draining blood, dozens of times a day, all day, five days a week.

And that’s just the blood. There must be other stuff they do that is way more gross and/or way more painful and scary. Seems like a pretty thankless job. I hope they get paid well.

Next up, we have some footage of the view off our new balcony, plus a few more aspects of our new apartment in the sky Warning, a little on the shaky side.

I have to admit, an unworthy yuppie-ish side of me wonders how much better the view is from further up the tower and resents those above us for their presumably superior view.

But oh well. You can take the boy out of the middle class…..

After the labwork, I wandered around the strip mall around there. It’s a very Asian place. Definitely a good place to get various Asian cuisines, like Taiwanese, Beijing, Szechuan, and of course, sushi.

No Thai though, at least, none that I saw. That’s too bad. Thai is my fave Asian cuisine amongst the ones that I have tried. I don’t care for pepper, so Szechuan is out for me, but I love curry, so Thai is high on my list of Asian goodness.

They also had two Filipino places (see, you know it’s genuine because they spell it with an F), a restaurant and a bakery. I’ve never had Filipino food. I admit, I am curious, but sort of a chicken when it comes to trying new cuisines not because I am afraid to try new things, but because it means going into an unfamiliar social situation.

Still, who knows, I might work up the nerve to try new things at the strip mall some time. It just takes me a while. I passed the Chinese bakery near PriceSmart (shop smart, shop… PriceSmart) dozens of times before I finally went in and discovered just what a wonderful thing a Chinese BBQ pork bun can be.

Anyhow, I was hungry, so of all the enticing and exotic options in front of me, I ate at a submarine sandwich place. What can I say, I ate at the place where I understood what all the food was. Here’s my video from there :

I instantly liked the place. It has that unpretentious greasy spoon type feeling that I love so much. Nothing fancy, just good food at a good price (seriously, costs slightly less than McD’s) and all served by a very friendly older Asian lady whom I think must be the owner as well as the cook.

And that’s another thing…. my roast beef sub was not just made fresh, it was COOKED fresh. Cooked! She didn’t just slap a piece of cold cut style roast beef on there. She took a slice of actual roast beef out of the freezer and fried that sucker up right in front of me. Holy real food, Batman!

I haven’t had a sub like that since way before the days of Subway. I liked the place so much, it even inspired me to do my first ever Yelp review!

I feel so modern now.

That’s it for me for tonight folks. I will talk to all you nice people again tomorrow.

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