What the hell? I need COMPUTER HELP!

Dear readers : I need help.

Suddenly, my computer won’t run any programs. At first, when I tried to run anything, it instead asked me what program I wanted to use to open the EXE file. Um, WINDOWS? You know… the OPERATING SYSTEM? Hello?

I thought, well, maybe the file association table is messed up, so I tried to find an association for EXE. There wasn’t any. I tried to create one, but that didn’t work. Turns out there is not “JUST RUN THE FUCKING THING!” option available in the file association creation wizard.

Now, whenever I try to run something, it spybot scans it instead. That’s the default option. And running EXE files just plain doesn’t seem to be on the menu.

What the hell do I do now? I’m just lucky that Firefox seems to get past the problem somehow, otherwise I would be completely hosed right now.

How do I get out of this? I’m running XP, btw.

2 thoughts on “What the hell? I need COMPUTER HELP!

  1. Pingback: Another reason to panic | The Homepage of Michael John Bertrand

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