On The Road : Sunshiny Day edition

The one thing that I hate most about sunshine besides the heat : screen glare. Ow, my retinas!

It’s a gorgeous day 7n Richmond today. Blue skies, yellow sunshine, green grass, and all the rest of the primary color happiness of a beautiful spring day.

It just needs to be a little bit hotter. My ideal weather has the temperature at around 14 degrees, warm enough that you don’t need a jacket but still not actually hot out.

Maybe 16, if there’s a breeze.

Of course, that’s for us polar bears. Presumably, smaller folk need more heat before the jackets come off.

Damn square cube law.

After this, I walk a block to my pharmacy then another block home.

I took the bus to get here, one entire stop, for mostly psychological reasons. Sure, it saves mr a block of walking, but the main advantage is that it starts me at the top of the gravity well of home, instead of having to boost myself into orbit first.

Hmm. That is one of my better metaphors. And no water!

I am, of course, pleased that I got out of the apartment today! And I hope it becomes a regular thing. Hey, once a week getting out om my own for an hour or two beats never at all by…well, infinity.

in strictly mathematical terms.

When I get home, I will finish this bloh entry. Strike while someone hot is ironing and all that. But that will leave me with the open question of what I will do with the rest of my day.

Now would be a good time to develop that second “thimg” to do with my time to replace the baking I no longer do.

I might go back to making videos. Simple “talkers” at first, more elaborate things later on, hopefully.

Well, time for me to get ip and get moving. Got drugs to pick up and the rest of the day to exploit.

When next we meet, I will be home safe and Sound.


Yup, here I am.

Warmed up a whole lot while I was in the restaurant. Dudes were walking around shirtless. Nobody was wearing a big jacket like mine. I felt kind of dum.

And too hot, obviously.

Financially speaking, currently I am waiting for my GST cheque to arrive. It should arrive on time because this year’s tax return had my current, correct address on it. So there should be no tense waiting period between when Julian gets his and I get mine.

It shouldn’t be too tense either way, though, because luckily, this time I don’t need the money. I didn’t do something stupid like spend the money in anticipation of the check, so it is not like I am screwed without it.

Instead, it is going onto my VISA card along with the $75 from my tax return, and then there shall be a spree of the shopping kind. Amazon might end up getting it all.

It depends. It’s a little more work to shop on eBay and there is always a risk factor, but the prices are usually much better.

On the other hand, Amazon can ship my whole order at once, and that is usually cheaper than having a bunch of things shipped separately from a bunch of different sellers.

So I could go either way.

Dunno if I will get that digital candy thermometer or not. It certainly seems like a bad idea right now, on a hot afternoon. Sook something that has to get to 236 degrees Celsius? Um, I don’t think so.

Maybe I will get really good at making frozen blender drinks instead. Smoothies ahoy!

Right now, the heat is making me feel tiiiiiiiiired. I will definitely need to lay down in front of the fan when I am done here. Heat makes a fat guy’s body work so damned hard.

Curse you, mammalian cellular heat generation!

There’s a bit of dickering with my shrink about when I will see him. He knows I hate uncertainty and it makes me anxious, but for whatever reason, he was incapable of setting a date for this week in advance.

Something to do with his enormous Jewish family and Passover, I suspect.

When I left on Friday, he assured me that the whole thing would be resolved by Sunday, Monday at most.

Ha ha. It took me calling him up today, Wednesday, to get things moving. Of course, he said on the phone that he was planning on calling me some time this afternoon anyway, but I don’t believe it.

Maybe it’s just my lifetime of issues talking, but I think he had completely forgotten about it and if I had not called him today, nothing would have happened.

People never really take my seriously. Curse of being the youngest kid, I guess. You can’t get a lot of responsibility, but you don’t get a lot of respect, either.

Everybody ends up being your parent,because everyone was around when you were young and helpless and clueless. I think a major reason why you are always “their baby” to your parents is that they were there and responsible for keeping you safe when you were old enough to walk, grab, and try to eat things, but nowhere near smart enough to know what things could kill you.

That kind of thing must instill a form of parental paranoia that never entirely goes away. Some part of them will always feel like you have to be protected from yourself and that without them, you would jump down an open manhole just for the fun of it.

At one point, that was true. And all parents hear those “I only looked away for one second!” horror stories. Those scare the crap out of ME, and I stand no chance of ever being a parent to a kid like that.

It just makes me wonder how the hell most of us made it to adulthood.

Well that’s all my ramblings for the day, folks.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

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