On The Road : Big Bad Tablet edition

Well, here I am at the Richmond Centre White Spot, coming to you for the first time via my new (to me) bigger tablet.

Sort of. Technically, I am typing this into a text file which I will paste into my blog later. I forgot to get the Shaw Open password when I was at home, so this device is not hooked up to Shaw Open.

You can bet I will fix that and quick, though. I love Shaw Open. It’s like magic. You go someplace and when you go to use the Net, you are already connected.

It’s so welcoming!

But what about the big question? CAN I TYPE ON IT?

YES! More or less. It is a little cramped, but I can type with both hands on it and that is the main thing. Hopefully, after that necessary adjustment period I mentioned before, it will be just like typing at home.

And that will make me very happy.

Oh, and I found out what kind of beast this tablet is. It is a Galaxy Tab 1 10 inch. So basically, i went up a size and down a model. Fairy nuff.

Oh, and the reason shit was crashing left and right on this thang was that the operating system was hopelessly, nay hilariously out of date. It was running a flavour of Android (Honeycomb[1]) that doesn’t even exist any more. I had to download a 250 meg file to update it to nice modern Ice Cream Sandwich 4.2.

And I loves me some ice cream sandwiches.

To put that in perspective, the entire Android operating system is only 400 meg. So it replaced like 62.5 percent of the OS by volume. That’s a lot.

Anyhoo, everything is tickety boo now. A few things crash now and then, but that’s true with little tablet too.

Well, my meal is done and I am bored with being here. See you back home.


Je suis retourné.

It was a nice walk home. Walked there too, and I am proud of that. I was waiting for the light to change so I could cross Cook to the bus stop and I looked down Cook to Richmond Centre and I said “…fuck it. I’m going to walk. ”

And I did! Yay me.

It’s always easier to motivate myself to walk when I know I am going to get to set down (and eat!) at the end. I thought about taking the bus home, but seeing as I would have had to walk a block to the bus stop, then gotten off a block from home, I wouldn’t have gained anything but aggravation.

Still, it was good to have the option.

Switching to local weather, it’s been a very cloudy day for me today. I find myself drifting into deep thought a lot today. I don’t know how many times I drifted off while writing at White Spot, only to “wake up” and remember that I was supposed to be typing and/or eating.

I’m just glad I don’t have any heavy social engagements right now. I would end up drifting away while someone was talking to me, and that is insanely rude. And there is no point in trying to explain yourself to people. There is no explanation that would placate someone who is irate with you (quite justly) for acting like what they were saying was just too boring to bother paying attention to.

It’s not that, honest. It’s just that sometimes, one thought leads to two thoughts leads to bigger and bigger thoughts and before I know it, my inner world has usurped my consciousness and someone is mad at me.

It’s one of the dangers of being a dreamer like myself. That rich inner world is stronger than the outer one sometimes unless you take firm decisive action to keep the borderline crisp and clear.

Most of the time, I am in no danger of drifting off on people. Talking with them and keeping up with the conversation takes up enough of my consciousness that no part of it wants to detach and go off on its own. The people I like talking to are the people who can do this on a regular basis because they are intelligent enough to have interesting things to say.

Yeah I know that makes me sound elitist. But that’s just how it is with me.

So most of the time, I am okay. But now and then, it gets really hard to stay focused. Clearly, some internal system needs to process an idea so big that it has to take the conscious mind offline to do it.

And it’s not about to wait till I go to sleep!

It’s hard to describe the place I go to when I drift off like that. I couldn’t begin to tell you what I was thinking about.

Its like my man Mikey of Suicidal Tendencies says in this video. I’m thinking about everything, and then again, I’m thinking about nothing.

Less mystically, my subconscious mental processes (which are legion) have multiplied to the point where they simply cannot complete without taking over all of my mental bandwidth. So when I drift off, it’s like falling asleep in one sense, and the exact opposite in another.

My inner eye is opening wide. The outer, not so much.

That’s why I consider myself a sort of odd duck mystic. A rationalist mystic, which I find pleasingly oxymoronic. A lot of my inner experience (and hence, life experience) can only be described in terms verging on the mystical. Despite my deep belief in science, reason, and evidence based reality, a great deal of what goes on in my mind is completely subconscious.

Consciously, I am just the guy using the deep supercomputer that is my mind. Or at best, the conductor of the symphony inside.

I guess that’s why when I tell people I spend a lot of time thinking when I was a very bored student in grade school, and they ask me what I was thinking about, I have no answer.

I was thinking about everything. But them again, I was thinking about nothing.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Probably in Silence Speaks form.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. And it’s big. Yeah yeah yeah. It’s not small. No no no.

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