An atheist’s prayer for Canada

This prayer goes out to all of Canada, from Gander, Newfoundland to Vancouver Island,

I pray that we are kind.

I pray that we understand that the foundation of all morality is not authority but compassion, and that it is through kindness that we make this nation stronger. A tribe that lets its weakest die is a tribe that soon has no members. The tribe that cares for those most vulnerable and thus turns tax burdens back into tax payers is the tribe that thrives.

I pray that we are courageous.

I pray that we can find it within ourselves to fight for the weakest among us. That we have the courage to call those who would feed on the week to make themselves strong what they truly are : cowards. And bullies. And the opposite of civilization. I pray that we have the strength and courage to put ourselves at risk by daring to come between the wolf and the flock. I pray that we can continue to be the true north strong and free.

I pray that we are wise.

I pray that we can see that it is by division that the corrupt conquer the just, and that only by seeing through the illusions of difference to see the true Canadian spirit within every one of us that we can resist the tyranny of the powerful over the masses. I pray that we can see that, despite their supposed power, the tyrants of today are not more powerful than we the people, and the only thing we have to do to unstead these petty children is refuse to let them get away with murder any more.

I pray that we are just.

I pray that the Canadian public continues to believe in the core Canadian principle of fairness. That we understand that what can be done to one of us can be done to any of us, and thus remain willing to treat all Canadians, regardless of religion, community, or ethnic origin with the same just and merciful regard we would wish for ourselves.

I pray that we are intelligent.

I pray that we are intelligent enough to see through the smokescreen of meaningless side issues concocted by some team of bloodless, heartless consultants somewhere whose only purpose is to pray on our fears and drive us further apart so we are easier to conquer. I pray that we are intelligent enough to keep our minds focused on the common, everyday issues that affect our common, everyday lives instead of being distracted by the callous manipulations of those who have nothing but contempt for the everyday Canadian taxpayer.

I pray that we are mature.

Mature enough to see past out own immediate short-sighted interests to the future of the nation and the world we are leaving our grandchildren. Mature enough to understand that some things are worth what we pay for them via taxes, and that sometimes we are the ones who must restrain our inner children and accept that there are rules, limitations, and obligations that we must accept not as burdens imposed from above by some sadistic authority figure, but because they are the price of living in this great nation of ours and only thieves and slackers try to get everything while paying nothing.

I pray that we are sincere.

I pray that we mean it when we declare ourselves to be on the side of the angels. I pray that we mean it when we take pride in Canada’s history as the people who do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, the ones who show up when peace needs a keeper and when freedom needs someone to fight for it. I pray that the good graces of our neighbors and friends continue to be of value to us and that we remain able to see ourselves as part of the world and not an island unto ourselves.

I pray that we are kind, courageous, wise, just, intelligent, mature, and sincere.

In other words, I pray that we are Canada.

And that’s all I have ever wanted us to be.

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