That scene from Office Space

You know the one. Where Mike Judge and three actors created the scene that provided catharsis for the billions of people in the world who have found their lives and their sanity dependent on a piece of technology that, with diabolical precision, found new ways to fuck with you every single day.

I like this version because it has the full scene PLUS the justifications leading to it.

Office Space Printer from Shang Xiao on Vimeo.

I keep waiting for this scene to be recreated in some technology company’s oh so hip ad.

Then again, that could blow back huge. I mean, what technology company can be sure none of their products ever made people feel like this?

Maybe it should be a baseball bat company instead.


One thought on “That scene from Office Space

  1. Great scene, great music. I wonder why the handsome lead actor from that movie didn’t go on to do anything else popular? He seemed worthy of a further career.

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