Until Further, Notice!

Just a note to say that there will be no blog entry tonight as I have to read the script for Groundhog Day,.and then write a ten minute presentation on it which I will deliver tomorrow. And tomorrow afternoon, I head out to Vcon (w00t!) and therefore will probably not blog again until Monday night.

Quickly, though : had a bad panic attack on the Skytrain today. It was triggered by a part in The Vampire Lestat where Lestat has to crawl through a tunnel so small that he has to crawl on his belly like a lizard and can’t even raise his head. This triggered my claustrophobia, which triggered a big ol panic attack.

Normally, I can bury myself in my book or my crossword, and ignore the crush of humanity about me when I am coming home during rush hour. But that damned book had to go trigger me and then I felt like there was not enuogh air and boom, freakout city.

Had to get off the SKytrain at the Marine Drive station and wait until I was calm enough to get back on the train, knowing there was zero chance for a seat.

So, not fun. Much Badness.

Anyhow, seeya next Monday!


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