A list of alternatives

First off, some alternatives to “basket of deplorables” that I wrote in reply to a Facebook post earlier today :

  • A handcart of troglodytes.
  • A busload of pussy farts.
  • A shopping bag of degenerates.
  • A potato sack of crotch leeches.
  • A infestation of eyeball weevils.
  • A gallon and a half of supersaturated manure.
  • A truckload of chucklefucks.
  • A steamload of inbreds.
  • The exact opposite of America.
  • A Republican Convention full of the morally retarded unfit to even call themselves adults.
  • A Trump rally full of the kind of people who go to Trump rallies.
  • A hearse full of the nearly dead and the poorly bred,.
  • A diaper full of turds with mouths.
  •  An example of what happens when you have people who will believe absolutely anything as long as it means they don’t ever ever ever ever EVER had to admit they were wrong or change their minds.
  • A graveyard full of victims of history.
  • A stupid thing full of stupid people.
  • A bumper car full of evil clowns.
  • A Taco Bell wrapper full of puke burritos.
  • An overcast day where it rains stupid.
  • A cataclysm of crapulence.
  • A decorative chess set of moronic pawns and nothing else.
  • A bucket of whale droppings.
  • A Voltron made of five different colors to be racist against.
  • A bunch of sheeplike, submissive, anti-democratic, traitorous, anti-freedom authoritarian Statists who make Jesus weep for how little of His message they have learned and yet they still say they worship Him.
  • Or worst of all : Trump supporters.

Fun things happen when I get the right creative stimulus.

In a perfect world, that (to me) hilarious post would attract a buttload (OMG, I forgot to use buitload) of new Facebook friends and I would become Internet famous overnight.

But I guess I will have to wait.

Whee, I don’t have class tomorrow! The only people that do have class is two of the Feature Film classes. The rest of us get the day off.

And then, after the weekend, I have three more days of classes and then the term is officially over and I have four days off before term 4 (!) starts on the 24th.

I’ve already checked out a little. For example, it was very freeing to realize that my Feature Film class no longer matters because I am going into TV. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that next Feature Film class will be the one where we FINALLY get around to my feature script, I probably would have lost interest entirely.

Actually, that’s not true. I would still be mentally there to help my classmates by contributing to workshopping THEIR scripts. I could never let down the team by failing to contribute to the group endeavour.

How very Canadian of me. Letting people down by not doing my share is unthinkable to me. Even if I was stuck in some kind of group work situation where I hate my partners because they aren’t doing any of the work and I end up having to do everything myself and they are total dicks about it, it would still be unthinkable for me to not do at least my part of the job.

And the highly driven, goal-oriented, compulsive-completer, secret keener part of me would ensure that I do the rest of the work too.

Besides, the control freak part of me would LOVE to get to do the whole thing without having to deal with input from others.

It would makes things so much simpler.

I wish I had been able to get my shit together enough to make an appointment with my therapist for tomorrow. It’s way too late now. I will probably see him next Thursday or Friday for my  “end of term” visit.

Come to think of it, I have my schedule for next term now, and there is a LOT of free time in it. Sort of. Next term is where this TV shit starts in earnest (yay!) aaand that means I will be knee deep in producing a short, five minute film.

And there’s roughly a 1 in 4 chance it will be one I will write.

Being the creativity freak that I am, I really don’t want to work on someone else’s project if I can possibly avoid it. My overflowing creativity needs an outlet, plus I plan on using this as an opportunity to test out my obvious intelligence/natural leadership superpowers and I am just gonna assume that the person whose script is chosen get to be the leader of that particular group of students.

4 films will be produced and there’s eighteen of us left (and we started with 34!), so I imagine it will be two groups of four and two groups of five.

Hope I am in one of the groups of 4. Less competition.

The idea is that everyone will pitch their idea for the film, and then the whole class votes on which ones they like, and the top 4 get produced.

I want, no, I NEED to be in that magic 4. Which means I have to come up with a skit whose pitch will have great popular appeal. I am not sure what that might be yet, but I am sure I will think of something.

And of course, once I have the right idea I am just going to write the fucking thing. I mean, we’re only talking five pages here. I’m already written a 73 page movie and a 58 page episode of Bob’s Burgers. Five pages is nothing.

There’s a few of my better skit ideas that I would LIKE to do. But there’s no point in writing them if they are not going to win. And I know my sense of humour is a tad “out there”. So unless I figured out a way to give them a KILLER pitch, they are out of the running.

It will have to be something that appeals to Millennials. Something that expresses my rage at the people shitting all over the young generation. Fuck you, assholes, you had it easy compared to these kids who were raised like veal then thrown to the wolves.

That’s good, I should use that.

More immediately, I will have to come up with a five minute pitch for an original series over the (for me) long weekend. Which means I need an idea for one.

I am pondering something along the lines of a fresh angle on a proven formula type thing. That’s what sells. I definitely would like to write some kind of “secret war” type show, where there is a massive power struggle going on that most people don’t know about. And with a sci fi or supernatural angle.

Wait… I just remembered an idea I had a while ago that would fit the bill perfectly.

Mua ha ha… I might just have a SHOW.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.




One thought on “A list of alternatives

  1. “I definitely would like to write some kind of ‘secret war’ type show, where there is a massive power struggle going on that most people don’t know about. And with a sci fi or supernatural angle.”

    That’s my kind of premise too. The hidden society inside the society we know.

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