Another drowsy day

Although this one is of my own making, because I stayed up till 10 am this morning playing video games.

Or rather, video game, specifically, Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii. The game is really addictive to me, because is has tough mission based play (I am currently trying to slay a beast called a Darroth, and it’s winning) and plenty of opportunity to go back to previous missions and gather the resources you need to upgrade your equipment and then give it another try.

For a goal oriented, resource oriented person like myself, this is crazy addictive.

So this being a drowsy day, I have already had some really fucked up dreams. The weirdest of which has to be the bit with the ducks.

This is so weird and messed up that even I, wacky funster that I am, am a little embarrassed to relate it, but here goes : I dreamed that there was a product out which was a bowl a duck soup with an actual, living duck in it. A tiny one, obviously, but yup, it was alive.

And in my dream, I had one of these duck bowls, and I loved it. Somehow, the duck was like a pet who swam around in your soup and quacked and gave all signs of being a very happy little duckie. Kept you company while you ate the soup, I guess.

Thankfully, I am nearly positive you didn’t eat the duckie itself. I think it became your pet once you were done. Oh, and if you added more soup to your bowl (from where? dunno), the duck would somehow heat it up for you.

Near the end of this dream thread, I was just about to explain this wonderful new product to someone and has basically said “You know what is really cool?” but then paused a little too long, and they said “You know what’s not cool? They have this new product where you have a live duck in your bowl of soup!”.

The last thing I remember, I was explaining to the person how it’s not nearly as bad as it sounds. No, you see, the duck loves it in there!

Even for a dream, to me, this is all unspeakably weird. I am a very sensitive animal lover, the sort of person who feels a great deal of empathy for all living things, and so to have a dream that has such a bizarre take on a living creature like a duck really leaves me scratching my dream soaked head.

Plus, I mean, why ducks? I have vague impressions that there were ducks in the dream before it turneed into a soup question as well. I have no idea what the hell ducks “mean” to me, what the iconic resonance of The Duck is within my musty old mine.

I have never had any particular like or dislike of ducks. I can’t recall any duck related traumas or triumphs from my childhood. I have seen ducks, both on television and in person at parks, but while I found their waddling crabbiness charming and amusing and their swimming lovely in its effortless efficiency, I cant’ say they made any kind of big impression on me that would lead to them playing a starring role in a very disturbing little dream.

Maybe it was all just because I was hungry. We’re a little low on groceries right now and I have had to improvise, and my improvisations are filling but not all that nutritious, being mostly carbs.

I am really disappointed that, despite Joe cheerily assuring me that a trip to Costco would happen this weekend on Friday night, here it is, well past closing time for Costco on Sundays, and he’s asleep. Obviously, it is just not going to happen, and I had to send Julian for a few stopgap supplies, which I can ill afford.

Plus, we are out of fruit, and whenever that happens, my mood suffers. I must really need the fructose and the vitamins in my diet to keep me healthy. Now I am wondering if I will have to do without fruit until next weekend. That is a prospect I do not relish.

If I had the money and the mobility, I would just go get my own groceries. But I am not, so I am forced into a state of dependence, and as such, I don’t feel I can very well complain, or demand.

Guess I just have to take what I get, and make do, like I always have.

One thought on “Another drowsy day

  1. It’s duck soup! You are the duck, happily swimming ’round and ’round in your nice warm bowl of soup.

    I too have been running low on groceries, but this evening I managed to stop in at Safeway and pick up a few staples… bread, bananas, carrots, onions, spaghetti and tomato pasta sauce. I had been eating the oatmeal I got for my mouse, mixed with ground beef and a few spices, and grilled.

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