On The Road : SNAFU Edition

Well I fucked up again.

I knew I had Episode 2 class on Friday. But once more forgot that things are due two days before class, and so I wasted a lot of time working on my assignment for Adaptation class last night when I should have been working on the next version of my Episodes 3 and 4.

So that’s what I will be doing tonight. So fair warning, this is likely to be an underweight blog entry because I only have my lunch hour to work on it and I will be too busy to blog when I get home.

I wish I could say that I will improve given time on the whole remembering thing, but seeing as there are only 8 class days left, I am pretty sure I missed the boat on that.

Oh well. Perhaps my teachers will recommend me anyhow. Even though I have been very unreliable in my work.

I loathe unreliable people and I hate having that word attached to me, but the shoe fits. I am always handing things in late and occasionally forgetting them entirely, and that makes me pretty unreliable in the world of entertainment.

I can only hope that the quality of my writing and a very strong work ethic will make me worth it to potential employers.

The realization that I have a strong work ethic is quite recent. It doesn’t fit with my laissez faire self image.

But to me, deadlines are sacred and I love to be hard at work. The times recently when I have been writing have been amazing. It engages my mind way better than any video game I have ever played. For the time I am writing, I am fully absorbed in what I am doing and that means there is no brain CPU left over for anxiety, depression, or any other bullshit that is clogging up my brain.

When I am writing, I am safe. And you have no idea how much that means to me.

I can argue my weak case for my unreliability not being a work issue. After all, in a writer’s room, I won’t be required to keep six different courses’ worth of work clear in my head. Deadlines will be deadlines, and it won’t be entirely up to me when shit gets done.

But none of that changes the bad impression I have made on my teachers. I hope I can get a recommendation from somebody.

Rick seems to like me. And Baser knows Norman Lear. That could open doors

Because to me, sitcom is a second language. I could totally write for a Norman Lear style sitcom. It would practically be a homecoming to me.

Which is sad. But whatever.

On Monday, we went through my scene in Writer’s room, and it was rough. As a group, we removed a ton of content because it wasn’t necessary, and so I saw a lot of jokes everyone said were funny bite the dust.

My babies! Mama still loves you.

The problem is that when everyone’s scenes were stitched together,  the resulting Frankenscript was twenty pages too long. That has forced us to go on a serious hunt for shit that doesn’t belong.

Well I have to print some shit and go. At least I got to 500 words.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow, homework permitting.


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