Dreams and scraps

More intriguing strangeness from the lotus eater’s den that is my Paxil and apnea addled brain.

In this dream I just had, I rebooted my computer, only to have it boot into some completely different system, something that seemed like it was from twenty years ago, including low-res VGA graphics, a primitive looking GUI operating system, and horror of horrors, a modem. I knew I somehow had a modem in this dream because the computer starting executing a script and that script immediately dialed said modem and made a connection and started downloading a shit ton of files.

Needless to say, I was freaking out, because obviously I had picked up some kind of malware that had just been waiting for a reboot, biding its time, before hijacking my computer and using someone’s home brew OS to run a script and download files and who knows what the hell else it would do to my precious computer!

So I was freaking out and frantically pressing CTRL-C over and over again to cancel the downloads (told you this was some old school computing) and crying and swearing that I was going to find the person responsible for doing this to my computer and shove my arm down their throat and rip out their hearts and then make them eat it.

In my dreams, I am somewhat more emotional. Dream catharsis, I suspect.

So I manage to cancel most of the downloads and am beginning to calm down when I notice something strange has happened.

(Things get a little vague and a lot weird here. Bear with me. )

The strange thing is that I notice that there is now a shopping cart in the room with me, and it’s filled with various items, and the items are the usual sorts of things that one might see in a stranger’s shopping cart at the supermarket. That’s not the weird part.

The weird part is that I somehow know that these items are a direct result of the downloads I couldn’t stop. I know, with dream knowledge, that my computer downloaded these real physical objects.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

So I go from freaked out of my computer to a wee bit intrigued by his phenomenon of downloading matter, and I begin to investigate the objects.

I take one of the objects, a plain square bottomed glass tumbler, and did the usual sorts of things any curious tool-using monkey does with an unknown object : I turned it over, looked at it from all angles, held it up to the light, hefted it in my hand to confirm it had normal weight, flicked it with my finger to see if it rang like glass (for some reason, I was worried that it would just go poof when I did this… nope!), and so on.

Then I got out the microscope I seemed to have in this dream, and grabbed the identical tumbler I also had from the kitchen, and checked them both out under the microscope’s scrutiny.

No difference at all, I concluded. Identical crystalline structure. (I was also apparently a scientist in this dream, or at least, a science fiction version of one. )

Unfortunately, that’s all I remember from the dream, except for thinking that I kind of wished I had no aborted most of the downloads, all things considered, now.

I blame said dream on all the Jame Burke and Doctor Who I have been watching lately.

In other news, you will never guess who this young lady is :

Mutual Savings Bank – “Hi!” – Featuring Tina Fey from The Purple Onion Archives on Vimeo.

No, it’s not a time traveling Ellen Degeneres clone, it is, amazingly a very young Tina Fey, fresh from Second City, landing a gig in a bank commercial.

The blog I got this link from says that it’s an awful commercial, but I don’t agree. It’s not brilliant or anything, but it’s not without a certain amount of charm, and that’s not something you can say about most bank ads.

What gets me is how Ellen like she is. That could easily be Ellen Degeneres in that ad. It matches Ellen’s unassuming, friendly style perfectly, down to the applique vest over the silk shirt and the boyish haircut.

You really get the feeling that they wanted Ellen, but didn’t have the budget for her, so they went looking for a “Ellen type” and somehow, that ended up being our beloved Tiny Fey.

Pop culture history is full of surprises, isn’t it?

One thought on “Dreams and scraps

  1. Indeed! Not only is she dressed like Ellen but she’s acting like Ellen too! And this would have been pre-Ellen, meaning the casting director was aware of Ellen the stand-up comedienne.

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