Eyes without a face

And blog entries without a subject.

That’s what happens when I blog before the Golden Hours between 6 pm and 8 pm. For some reason, that’s when the ideas for what to blog about come to me. Maybe they are my peak intellectual hours, I don’t know.

Not to make it sound like I am doing this arbitrarily. of course. I will be out in the evening. It’s now or never.

But if tonight’s blog entry seems even more disjointed and rambling than usual, now you will know why.

I’m improvising this whole thing.  Moreso than usual, even.

In my other life – my Skyrim life…. I played an Orc warrior for a while recently. Man, is the game easy when your whole battle strategy is “hit bad thing very hard with big stick”. And it works, because you’re big thick barbarian brute and the “big stick” is either a gigantic sword, an enormous mace (stick with pointy ball at end), or what the game calls a “warhammer” which is really just a sledgehammer with fancy styling.

I went with the sword for my big dude. It’s the fastest of the three.

And let me tell you, there is something primal and satisfying about being able to just walk up to the enemy and beat the shit out of. It was a welcome change from my previous attempt at the Dawnguard plot as an elven archer.

Being an archer in Skyrim basically sucks. Arrows have crappy range and damage and I hate having to constantly back up while firing arrows into the bad guy.

So I played that guy – I called him Ragnar Rageblood, because what the heck, might as well have fun with it – up to level 30 or so – long enough to complete the entire Dawnguard plot as a member of the Dawnguard.

Did not enjoy that. Well, did not enjoy the beginning and the end of that plotline, because the Dawnguard are genocidal maniacs who are dedicating their lives to killing every single vampire in Skyrim, without mercy, regardless of the character of the vampire.

And I am not down with that kind of hateful insanity.

The other way to play through the Dawnguard content is as a vampire, and that is WAY more fun. You get a bunch of special powers and can get more via doing a LOT of bloodsucking, you can turn into a Vampire Lord that has even more powers, you can glide unseen through the shadows of the night, and you have full permission to skulk around in a long black cape and nothing else.

That’s what I am going to due with my current character, a High Elf mage. Being a mage in Skyrim also sucks, but in a way that is far more complicated and irritating.

It’s been pretty rough going so far. I have my character built up to level 9 and his attack spells (he prefers lightning zappy type ones) is getting pretty strong, but his defenses are so weak that he dies pretty easily and that is very frustrating.

I am going to try to fix that after I become a vampire. If I can fix it, great, I will keep playing that character. But if not, I will likely create my NEXT idea for character, which can be summed up in one word : NINJA.

Like I have said in this space before. I am not temperamentally suited for stealth. I go at things directly, and I have very little patience for slow and indirect methods of attack.

So I have not explore the stealthy character options. And if the only option was to be a thief or some kind of crude assassin when you are pursuing the “stealthy” options.

Basically, in Skyrim, there’s the path of the Warrior, the Mage, and the Thief. The rest branches out from there. And I have explored many facets of both Mage and Warrior.

But not the thiefy stuff. Getting to be a badass stealthy ninja warrior is exciting enough to get me through my disinclination towards stealth. I am still not keen about sttealing, but being able to sneak up on my enemies before leaping from the shadows to take them by surprise appeals to me a lot.

Beware the shadows, my friend.

Becoming a ninja,  or as close as I can get to being one, will likely take a whole lot of mods and a fair bit of jiggery pokery. Luckily, I enjoy that kind of thing.

At least, I do when I am fired up by some inner image of a dream I want to make into a reality. That’s what got me into Skyrim modding in the first place, although at time, it was a lot more about the sexytimes options than it is now.

Now, I have more or less lost interest in sexytimes play. Been there, done that, not very exciting any more. Fantasies indulged, time to move on.

I have so little interest in that kind of thing that I am thinking about uninstalling all my sex related stuff in order to improve performance when I am out there actually playing the freaking game.

Burning out on that too. I pretty much only have one character after my current one left in me, and then it will bye bye Skyrim for a while.

And then I will have to go back to having to figure out what to do. Sad.

But first, I need to finish this blog entry  Then, a nap,. because for some reaon I am feeling amazingly sleepy right now, at 4:53.

It’s probably just my eyes getting tired. That can feel a lot like sleepiness, what with my eyelids getting heavy and all.

If so, I will be back on my feet and in front of the computer in half an hour or so.

Unless I fall asleep for reals, in which case, who knows? I will set an alarm for 6 pm because I need time to get ready for going out tonight.

But I might sleep through it.

I might just need sleep really bad.

I might need it really bad.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.


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