Bonus Science News!

I know I usually save these up for Friday, and here it is Wednesday, with Friday only two days away, but gosh darn it, there’s just so much cool and/or freaky science news this week, I couldn’t bear to wait before sharing it with all you nice people.

First off, here is a particularly satisfying entry in the category of Things You Always Suspect Are Now Being Proved By Science : study shows homophobia is directly linked to homosexual arousal in men.

Yes, just like we have all suspected, homophobic men are actually fags in deep denial.

According to the abstract, they took a group of men, rated them for things like aggression, sexual orientation (self described) and homophobia, then exposed them to straight porn, gay porn, and lesbian porn while they were wired up to measure their bodily reactions.

And just guess what group showed marked sexual response to the gay porn despite their describing themselves as straight (in fact, probably as “ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT STRAIGHT OK? OK? YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT, PAL?”)?

Yup. The gay haters, the fag bashers, the homophobes.

It makes complete sense to me. Who keeps getting caught in gay sex scandals? Anti-gay politicians. Why? Because you have to have both strong homosexual desires and be in deep deep denial or conflict about them to believe the unvoiced assumption of all homophobia, that if homosexuality is not fought tooth and nail, it will somehow “spread” and “take over”.

Obviously, they are projecting their own inner struggle onto the world. For actual heterosexuals, there is absolutely no chance they will suddenly become homosexual. It’s only these poor twisted souls in conflict with themselves who can believe that, because for them, it’s true.

It’s just not true in the world outside their head.

Next up, from arguably the complete opposite of the world of gender, sexuality, and biology, OK doctors are getting ready to perform the world’s first womb transplant.

The idea of transplanting an entire womb from one person to another is groundbreaking (and mindblowing) enough, but there’s a twist.

The transplant is going from a mother to her very own daughter, who was born without a womb.

I think you will agree with me that, freakiness aside, this qualifies the donor as the Ultimate Living Martyr Mother of all time.

Forget about giving up some bone marrow, or a kidney, or a piece of your liver. Hell, forget a full blood transfusion. This women is giving her child the gift of the very womb from which she was born.

I have to confess, I find that all kinds of weird, creepy, and disgusting. But that’s completely irrelevant. There is no room for disgust in science! And what is medicine but our most vitally important applied science?

And the thing is, this is not a merely cosmetic surgery. The whole point of this is for the daughter to have a fully functional womb with which to give birth to the womb’s original owner’s grandchildren.

Again, that is all kinds of fucked up on every level, but that doesn’t matter one bit. I wish them success!

Lastly, if you are looking for a fun and easy DIY science project that just happens to create a black gelatinous devouring horror that would give Cronenberg and Lovecraft the collective heebie jeebie, then check out this article on PopSci about how to create magnetic Silly Putty.

It seems like a harmless enough thing to do. Just take your regular old eerily flesh colored hunk of Silly Putty and fold in some magnetized iron filings like you were making a dessert for a Horta, and voila, you have created Magnetic Silly Putty. Fun, right?

But from such innocent acts comes a frightening beast that looks like Armus sneezed HARD, and that has some eye meltingly wrong looking visuals as this :

Is that not profoundly disturbing? I have to applaud the beauty and purity of its abstract obscenity. For something that is just a half sphere of black putty, it manages to convey a sense of being a living organism with…. orifices…. remarkably well.

But there is one way to make it look even more obscene…

(sorry folks, I just had to do it… )

…. play that last bit backwards.

Rolling on the LOLs ROFLMAOing. That looks extraordinarily and hilarious wrong. Reverse entropy meets abstract obscenity in a glorious collision of madness and joy.

Now if you will excuse me, I really need to go to the bathroom for some completely unrelated reason.