Sunday. So, foobles.

More random stuff from my Internet peregrinations, which I have nicknamed “foobles” in a move I hope you will find charmingly eccentric and whimsical, as opposed to, say, frighteningly imbalanced and certifiable.

First up, a comic some person put together on a subject near and dear to my heart : Disney’s The Lion King.

Click the picture to see it full sized and readable!

Sadly, it is also about the heartbreak of childhood disillusionment, which is why, in my mind, I have labeled this comic “The Truth About Lions”.

That’s just how lions are, kid. Most lion prides are a single family group, all related, and they don’t exactly have an Africa-wide dating network in order to meet up with other lion prides and trade genetic information, if ya know what I mean.

So a single rogue male might entice a lioness out of an existing pride and found a pride with her, and when his female offspring come of age…. well, it’s him, or her brothers, and you know what?

Lions just don’t give a shit.

And if his daughters have daughter, he will jungle bang them too, when they come of age. And so forth and so on, until he’s an old mangy elder who doesn’t get real excited by anything any more, and one of his sons had taken over the pride and harem.

Of course, the real explanation, if you want to be wanky about it, is that, if you watch the Lion King closely, you will see that it is at least implied that there are a lot more lionesses than the two in the comic. They are just never named.

But honestly, realistically?

Lions just don’t give a shit.

Next up, a video that makes for perfect Internet fodder, in that it is relatively short, has a lot of entertainment value, and is awesome.

When I first watched it, I didn’t get why the reporter didn’t react to having made a spectacular over the shoulder half-court basket, and his expression was so strange that I wondered if something else was happening to him. Something bad.

But then I figured it out : he has no idea he scored the basket, and that weird expression is actually him looking at his crew and wondering what the hell they are freaking out about. So in reality, it’s him that is thinking something weird is going on.

That, to me, makes the clip all the more charming on repeated viewings.

And of course, being a guy, his immediate reaction when learning he just did something very awesome in front of a camera is “Did you get that?”.

I would be enjoying the glory of that for days and days! And I don’t even give a shit about sports. But come on! That was killer awesome.

I think it is important, in life, to enjoy what good fortune comes your way, and that includes having the sense to milk dumb luck for all it’s worth.

Last up, check this wacky place out : it’s called the Garden of Cosmic Speculation. .

Sounds pretty psychedelic, right? And it is. It is a private garden in Scotland, near Dumfries, and it is theme around science and mathematics.

And, presumably, at least a little bit of drugs.

Just ask Alice. When she's ten feet... tall.

Most of the pics in the article are pretty, in a kind of Alice In Wonderland meets Tim Burton but not like in the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland way, but there is one image that I absolutely love.

It is this here staircase.

That is just so beautiful

I absolutely love how that looks. The effect is one of the stairs flowing down the side of the hill just like a banked river. The rest of it is nothing I have not seen before. That sort of art, the geometrical explorations and the stretched grids, became quite common in the psychedelic sixties.

Although this curlicue into the water is pretty cool.

See what I mean about Tim Burton?

But that staircase…. that is just gorgeous to my eyes. I love how it conforms to the landscape in a way that seems natural and yet is also quite unique.

More ideas for my all too commodious mental “things to do when I am an eccentric billionaire” file. So many weird things to do before I die.

My bucket list is written on an actual bucket.

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