I’ll take Potpourri for $100, Alex!

Glory be, I actually wrote some fiction yesterday, and as is tradition when I have finally gotten ’round to writing some fiction, the next day’s entry is officially a completely free form, low stress, chatty bloggy thing.

Fiction is, after all, the hardest thing to write, at least for me. It takes the most of my creative energy and focus, and I am bone lazy, hence, I don’t write it that often, although I quite enjoyed writing it last night, so perhaps I will do it more in the future.

I have pondered starting some sort of fictional blog, something with a simple conceit of some sort that allows for a good deal of creative breadth while giving the whole thing a bit of structure. The blog of an intergalatic space administrator, a minor flunctionary who mostly just shuffles reports around. Reports he rather inappropiately tends to excerpt on his own personal blog.

You know, something along those lines.

And speaking of science fiction, here are possibly two of the most awesome examples of geek ink this side of Squornshellous Zeta.

My H2G2 Tattoo

Are they not the stuff that dreams are made from? You know, human flesh and metallic inks?

What I love most about them is how faithful they are to the traditional art style of tattoos. That’s what makes it magnificent. If it was done in the wrong style, people would immediately know it’s not a “normal” tattoo before even reading it or recognizing the pictures. They’d be ready.

This way, they have already accepted it as a tattoo before knowing it’s a geek tatt, and that, to me, makes it magnificent.

Geek pride, represent!

All in all, I am happy with how my writing is going lately. I feel like I am learning to focus more and more of my creative energy into my words, which has been my goal all along. I have an enormous energy potential in this brain of mine, but the trick has always been in getting it to strike when, where, and how I want it, without too much coming out all at once and frying the entire system.

I often imagine my mind as a vast complicated weather system, full of lightning licking and flickering between the clouds, with big pressure and temperature differentials and enormous amounts of polarization and diffusion, yet somehow, all the people on the ground ever see is fluffy clouds and rainbows and blue skies.

Except for the occasional bolt from the blue…..

But I want my mind to be more like a magnificent machine, more Ray Bradbury and Roald Dahl and steampunk than anything based on science. A machine that whirrs and clanks and buzzes, with bells and lights and big red buttons, all to produce magic and wonder and joy beyond belief for everyone to share.

I want to dream some magnificent dreams, brand new ones, with spots on, that the world has never seen before, and that change everything just by being born. Dreams so bright and beautiful that you would think they would blind you, but instead, they simply painlessly burn the scales from your eyes and wash all the jadedness and scar tissue from your soul, and leave you in a bright new shiny clean wondrous world ready to be loved.

You know, just that.

And the thing is, it is possible. Words have made a difference, books have changed the world. Try to imagine a world in which Origin of Species or The Feminine Mystique or even Peyton Place had never been written.

Of course, the authors of said books actually wrote stuff, whole books even, and not just random rambling blog entries.

But I am getting there, I think. I am learning to express more and more of this latent creative potential in my little words. And that’s cool.

As you can see, in my own odd way, I am incredibly ambitious. It’s just the ambition of a dreamer, someone who wants to bring wonderful things to life and show them to the world so that the whole world can know joy and wonder and hope and the simple pleasure of being alive in a world with so much possibility.

And what the hell, while I am at it, bring myself to this wonderful new place too.

Is it possible to dream yourself free?

I sure hope so, because that might just be the only way I can get there.

See you all tomorrow, my beloved little clique of readers.

I truly love you all.

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