Got some sorts?

Because I am out of sorts. (See what I did there? All this and brains too. )

I feel sort of irritated and restless and sick of everything right now. I get the feeling that there is something that I want, but that I don’t know how to get or even how to recognize what it is.

So I am just left feeling pissed off and sort of under the weather and gross without being able to put my finger on just what the fuck is wrong.

I think if I could drive and had a car, I would deal with this sort of thing by just jumping behind the wheel and going for a good long drive to someplace I have never been before.

Jut for something to do with my energies and to feel like I am escaping my life for a bit.

I am telling you, afternoons have become the hardest part of my day. Mornings I sleep, and the evenings I feel fairly centered and okay.

But afternoons are way fucked up. I wonder if it is because I take my Paxil with supper, therefore the hours before supper are the ones further away from my Paxil dose.

Then I take my Paxil with supper and it smooths me out for the evening.

If so, I suppose I could divide my Paxil dose in half and take a half-dose every 12 hours instead of a full dose every 24. That might even things out in terms of effect.

I will talk with my therapist about it when I seem him next, on March 7.

Of course, my recent lowering of Paxil dosage would only exacerbate such an issue. But it will pave the way to my adding Wellbutrin or the like to my meds, and that makes it totally worth it.

And, of course, I knew the reduced dosage would have some unpleasant effects. Getting more access to my emotions comes at a price. At a minimum, there will be an adjustment period.

I mean, I have not even been on the lower dose for a full week yet.

And I have some 30 mg tablets left, so if I really feel bad, I can bump back up to 35 mg for a day. Having that option available is a comfort to me, although the odds are that my innate stubbornness will keep me from exercising it.

I will just endure. And it is not like I am depressed or utterly miserable or anything.

I just feel vaguely irritable and overwrought. Perhaps once my psyche adjusts to the new dose, this sort of mood will become something more positive, like the urge to go do something active instead of sitting down in front of this old computer of mine like I always do.

Certainly, if money was not a hurdle, I would not be sitting here right now. I am not entirely sure what I would be doing, but it would be more interesting that vegging out in front of the computer like fucking invalid all the damned time.

Maybe I should invest in a bus pass. Then if I feel the need to just leave and go DO something, I could at least catch a bus somewhere.

Granted, I would still have very little money, especially after paying for the bus pass every month. But the GVRD is full of things one could do for free, I would imagine.

It just takes unsticking myself from this computer chair, getting into street clothes, packing some supplies into my trusty bag, and heading out into that big beautiful world out there.

Sounds so simple, and maybe it is. But simple and easy are not the same thing. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to do.

Still, I feel good about my progress versus social anxiety. I went to that Overeaters Anonymous meeting last night, and that was a whole whack of social novelty and exposure, and I was not unduly bothered by social anxiety pains.

The potluck dinner was nice. It was soup and salad based, which I don’t mind at all. I would not want to eat it for every meal, but the occasional soup and salad meal suits me just fine.

There were desserts too, but I am being a good boy lately, and so I did not partake of them. It helped that none of them were the sorts of dessert I like, though. They were all heavy on canned fruit or otherwise fruit based, and I don’t like cooked fruit desserts very much.

They all looked like the sort of thing I saw in my mother’s cookbooks but that you never see on the shelf of a bakery or a grocery store. And there’s a reason for that.

The actual meeting was okay. The ladies there seem very nice. So did the other people at the potluck. It took place at one of those little Christian churches of no particular affiliation of which I am growing increasingly fond because they seem to be the last refuge of the sort of friendly, compassionate, moderate Christianity that I think represents the best of the faith.

I am not sure Overeaters Anonymous is for me. I am not sure it isn’t, either, though. But I have doubts.

It seems geared to treat overeating like a compulsion and an addiction, and I am not sure that maps to my issues. I am more of a habitual overeater than a compulsive one. I have never been the sort of person who binges when he is feeling down. In fact, to be honest, I almost never eat between meals at all.

Plus, the meeting took place in this tiny room of the church, and by the end of the meeting, I was feeling the highly unwelcome rising panic of my claustrophobia.

I will think it over, though. It reminds me a lot of group therapy, and I have had plenty of that in the past, and while I am sure it did me some good, I am not keen for more.

Oh well, I have a week or so to decide whether I want to go back.

The year was 2006

Had a dream this afternoon (man, this afternoon naps are wacky!) that I woke up in the year 2006, a whole seven years ago. I was my 2006 self, but with my 2013 mind.

You know, the whole “time travel via inhabiting your previous body” schtick. Clears up that whole “what do you do if you meet yourself” issue, among others.

Anyhow, I knew I was displaced in time, and I seemed to be treating the whole thing as temporary, like I knew I would revert to my proper place in time eventually.

This, I am convinced, is due entirely to thinking in television terms. I knew, deep down, that this was just one of those “character travels into their past to learn a valuable lesson” episodes, and that if I just went with the plot, I would be back to my normal life at the end of it.

And of course, here I am, awake in 2013 in my normal life, so in that sense, the dream had it right.

Unfortunately, dream 2006 was not exactly historically accurate on either a global or biographical level, but was instead the usual confused amalgam of Vancouver, my home town of Summerside, bits and pieces of other places I have visited or lived, and of course, completely insane places that could never exist in the reality outside the zeitgeist.

Too bad. An actual trip back in time to visit my past would be pretty interesting. That is a story I would love to read.

But this story is packed with weirdness. How weird are we talking?

We’re talking Elvis weird.

Yup, Elvis was in my dreams. Me and my imaginary cohorts had to go someplace where Elvis was about to break up with the love of his life and make sure everything went right, in that annoying way that time travel plots have of assuming there is a “right” version of history that must be preserved because any alteration can only make things worse.

Bloody temporal provincialism, if you ask me.

At one point, I actually had the pleasure of telling Elvis off when he was saying crude and offensive things to this lady he was breaking up with. I told him to fucking lay off, amongst other things.

So that was pretty cool. Apparently, in this dream world, Elvis was a suspicious, jealous guy who hired spies to keep tabs on his girlfriend.

No idea if that is even vaguely accurate. I hope not. I like The King.

So we leave with this lady in tow, dressed in a pretty nice pink lace outfit.

(Her, not us. Pity. )

We lead her to this tiny graveyard behind a fancy restaurant (??) and then one of my cohorts surprised me by whacking her on the back of the head and knocking her out.

They explain that she is “supposed” to be found here with no memory of how she got there. Was still a bit of a shock, let me tell you. Not sure I approve, honestly.

There was more bits and pieces, but nothing all that noteworthy.

Outside of the dream realm, today has been unusual because I had therapy this morning. Usually, my therapy appointments are Thursday mornings, but my therapist will be out of town by then, so we had to change it.

We talked about the effects of my lower dosage of Paxil, and I told him about saying a few things that I had not intended to say out loud, which is a bit tricky. But mostly, I told him, I feel better. More solid, more real, more alive. The emotional volume levels are definitely higher, but so far, that has been mostly a good thing.

I then learned some pretty interesting new information about SSRI’s and brain chemicals. Turns out, Paxil is great at turning up the serotonin and turning down your emotions, but at a cost, and not just the cost I already knew about with the whole emotional numbness thing.

It also reduces the brain’s levels of another neurotransmitter called noradrenaline or norepinephrine, and that is considered the “motivation chemical”.

So for the decade I have been on Paxil, it has suppressing my motivation levels all this time! No wonder I have found it so hard to focus and be motivated to do things. My norephineprhine levels are wack!

The end result of all this is that once I have been at least a solid month on the new level of Paxil (30 mg), the doc and I will discuss adding a norepinephrine booster like Wellbutrin to my drug regime in an effort to get me back to normal on both fronts.

I look forward to seeing what it would be like to have both greater access to my emotions and higher levels of motivation. Who knows, I might become a dynamo of activity.

And honestly, it would be about time.

Speaking of activity, tonight I will be going to a meeting of Overeaters Anonymous with that darling of the hoi polloi and international best friend of mine Felicity, primarily as moral support.

But after agreeing to accompany her, it also occurred to me that this will also be a good exercise in stretching my boundaries and going against my social anxiety full on.

After all, it will be a group of strangers with whom I have little in common and we will all be sitting around a circular table together.

There would have been a time in my life when that would have been absolutely out of the question. Unthinkable. Not a chance in hell.

But now, I am only slightly concerned, and actually looking forward to it a little. I am not anticipating great results re: weight loss, but that is not a high priority for me right now.

Plus, admittedly, having my best friend with me makes a huge difference. If I was going there all by myself, I would be pretty scared.

But as is, I will be there with Felicity, and we can face it all together.

Plus, there’s a free potluck dinner beforehand, and that helps too.

Free potluck before OA…sure, that makes sense!

Intelligence versus sophistication

I have been pondering a potentially useful distinction lately, and today is the day I have decided that I should probably put some of it down somewhere.

And seeing as it’s Writing O’Clock, that place would be here, and that time would be now.

First off, let’s define some terms.

Intelligence, we will define as the raw processing power of your brain. Mental horsepower. Some people have very strong minds, capable of pulling great loads of information. Others have extremely fast minds, which deal with small amounts of information but do so with blazing speed.

Most of us smart types have some of both, but for the purposes of this article, we will consider them equal and just think of it as horsepower. Processing speed. Hardware.

Sophistication, we will define as “understanding of the world”. This too has two dimensions, breadth and depth, but for the purposes of this essay, we will treat it as a single quantity.

Now for the relationship between the two. Arguably, sophistication requires intelligence. There is a limit to how well you can understand the world and how it works, and that limit is at least partly governed by intelligence. A highly intelligent person will be capable of a richer, deeper understanding of the world than someone of low intelligence.

This assumes sophistication derived via intellect, and I am well aware that this may not always be the case. Human intuition works in mysterious ways, and it is possible that a person of limited intelligence might well acquire a level of sophistication above and beyond what would appear to be their limit via collating and correlating information on a subconscious level.

But I think that would be the rare exception, the outliers, and we are best off setting them aside when we examine this issue of intelligence and sophistication.

Thus, sophistication requires intelligence. But intelligence does not guarantee sophistication. Sophistication is software, after all. It is the view of the world a person build up out of their life experiences, the formal knowledge they learn via their education, the observations they have made based on the patterns they have noticed in the world, and countless other factors that all contribute to a person’s understanding of how the world works.

A person might well have the excellent hardware of a truly powerful brain, yet still limit themselves to a very workaday and functional understanding of the world that is strictly limited to that which will get them through their everyday lives, and everything else is of value only as possible entertainment.

Likewise, a person of average intelligence might, through diligent self-education and determined effort at expanding their consciousness, approach a much higher level of sophistication than an incurious genius.

Still, as a guiding principle, intelligence limits sophistication, and that is a problem for democracy.

Democracy, broadly speaking, requires of every citizen that they have an opinion about the issues of their times and the proper course for the government of their community.

There is no option, on paper at least, to simply abdicate that authority to someone who understands these things better than you do.

And if we were all of similar intelligence, that might not be a problem, but societies inevitably produce an intelligentsia, formal or informal, and these people are always pushing for progress and making things more complex in the process.

This is a very good thing as a whole. Were it not for the intellectuals, we would all be living in caves. But in a modern democratic society, with every citizen an equal participant, it creates a great deal of stress and confusion as the denizens of the top tier of intelligence, in the true spirit of egalitarianism, attempt to translate the language of their own level of sophistication to people of a lesser level of understanding.

This ends up creating an undeclared elite as the people of low or average intelligence, sensing that they are unable to truly understand what is going on as well as the top tier does, are left with no choice but to instead pick the smart person who they like most and who seems to understand what is going on the best, and do what that person (or group, or political party, or whatever) tells them to do.

This violates the very spirit of democracy and its foundation values of equality and fairness, but it is nevertheless the inevitable result of the asymmetry of the distribution of intelligence in a population.

What further complicates the issue is that while, technically, every citizen should be interested in politics, realistically speaking, it is still entirely optional. You don’t even have to vote.

So instead of the democratic ideal of an educated and involved public functioning, via public debate, as one great and wise intelligence, a more realistic view would show a population loosely stratified into layers of sophistication, involvement, and intellect.

As far as I can tell, there is no acceptable solution to this problem. We are certainly not going to quizzing people on the issues before they can vote. Not only would the very questions on the quiz then become hot button political issues, but what does one say to a citizen who is turned away because they are simply not smart enough to vote?

“Sorry, but you will just have to let other citizens decide for you. Turns out, this country is not yours. You are a second class citizen. Be glad we still let you have opinions. Now go away. ”

No, that is not acceptable in any way.

But what I think we must reluctantly accept is that we of that top tier of intelligence have a responsibility not just for how we form our own opinions and make our own choices, but for what we may lead others to think and choose as well.

We might not want this extra responsibility, and our individualist culture would suggest that we therefore do not have to accept it.

But I think we have it whether we want it or not. That is often how responsibility works.

The challenge, then, is whether we use it well.

Rough seas and deep dreams

Holy crap, have I been dreaming today.

It’s been one of those days, at least so far.

I am a storm-tossed dreamer who can’t find his way home
This shipwrecked existence is all that I’ve known
And if I met a policeman who knew my address
I would follow him blindly and take leave of this mess

Sorry for the sudden poetry, but I just had my exposure to this dude, and wow did it make a huge impression.

His name is Ben Kaplan, and he makes my beard feel inadequate.

That is seriously my kind of music. Emotional, poetic, raw, lyrical, withtouches of madness and sadness and badness and gladness and all the other nesses of the big old messed up world.

So today has been kind of surreal on a couple of levels. I am certainly going to hunt up whatever Ben Kaplan songs I can find. Apparently, dude is so indie that there is not even much of him on YouTube yet, and what there is of him there is all live performances, no studio tracks.

Color me intrigued.

It does not hurt that the guy kind of looks like me. Mostly, that’s just the beard (epic beard!) and glasses, but still. Us bespectacled beardies do not get a lot of media exposure, let alone get to be represented by such a rocking out dude.

But back to the dreams… oh, so many dreams.

I know that at one point, I was having a ball exploring some rich person’s sex dungeon. (Don’t worry, this does not get that erotic or personal. )

I know that before that in the dream, I had an angry confrontation with some shallow rich bitch about what a shallow, vain, and stupid person she was.

But to be fair, I kind of started it by making fun of her dress to some unnamed person who was with me, and I guess she heard.

And it was a fairly ridiculous goth type outfit. What I said to the unnamed person was that there was a fine line between dressing to impress and wearing a costume, and this girls was clearly ready for Halloween, not a night at a club.

Pretty bitchy thing to say, but what the hell, it was a dream and I am coping with a lower Paxil dosage and that seems to be shortening the distance between my thoughts and my mouth.

And that is going to be one tricky bitch to work with, as I have had a long time getting used to being able to think my bitchy little thoughts in private and amusing myself without them escaping my brain through my face and wreaking havoc in the real world.

So I will either have to learn to stop thinking evil little thoughts in order to amuse myself (boring!), or I will have to exert more willpower in order to keep my thoughts to myself.

The latter sounds preferably. I have no idea what I would do with myself if I had to stop letting the occasional nasty thought pass through my mind and amuse me, safe in the knowledge that I would never actually do or say any of the things my little inner demon whispers in my ear.

But anyhow. Sex dungeon. After my run-in with Rich Bitch, someone (I guess the person I made the bitchy comment to? Maybe?) suggested we check out the Dungeon, and I said “Sure!”.

Still, as we made out way there (via a series of increasingly bizarre and athletic steps that involved things like climbing carpeted ladders and jumping down three floors with apparently no damage to us), I felt the need to explain to my guide that I was not into BDSM per se. To me, pleasure and pain are simple, I said. Pleasure is great and pain is bad. But I was sure that there would be something in a well appointed sex dungeon that I would find interesting.

At that point, we parted company. I think she (it was a definite she) was disgusted at my confession of non-kinkiness (if only she knew!) and ditched me. But it didn’t matter because I was there, apparently.

So I wander into a random room, and it is a pretty normal room, set up like a simple hotel room, with a big bed and a bathroom and a sort of living room type area.

Now is when things start getting distinctly weird.

Because in the room is a pleasant seeming lady who is watching a video about this weird device that supposedly removes your shed skin cells from your skin and then uses them to “patch” gaps in your skin, which would supposedly protect you against disease and, I kid you not, mosquitoes.

Now that I am awake, this idea seems impossibly gross. It sounds like it would just result in you smelling terrible and having a lot of zits. But whatever.

After watching the video, I noticed that there was one of these devices in the room with us. So I decided to try it out just on a patch of arm, see what it felt like.

Turns out, it was like getting zapped by static electricity over and over again. Not my cuppa. But I suppose it was someone’s kink.

So I got bored, and decided to see what this place had in its pocketses, or in this case, drawers. I started checking out what was in the drawers of the room I was in.

Nothing too crazy. One drawer had lots of panties in it. Nothing my size though, le sigh. Another had things that looked vaguely like whips or floggers. Boring. Another had a light blue bodice with some other bits of frilly stuff that looked like straps of some sort.

Eventually, I found a computer room, where there was a big screen and porn and stuff, and most of the computer was locked away from tampering fingers. I looked over the porn selections. All boring straight stuff. The only title I remember was ZEBRA, but don’t get excited. It was just interracial.

I don’t remember much more than that. There was more, but dreams melt in daylight.

So, weird shit going on in the cabesa del Fruvous.

Weirder than usual, I mean.

Seeya later folks!

Shit just got a little more real

Emotionally speaking, that is.

See, my therapist and I both agreed last Thursday that it was time to take the next step and lower my daily dose of Paxil from 35 mg to 30 mg.

So today is my second day on the lowered dose, and I think I am maybe starting to feel it, because tonight I felt a great and terrible sadness settle into my soul from seemingly nowhere and I am thinking perhaps that is my body and brain missing that extra serotonin boost.

Or not. To be honest, I have no idea what causes my emotional flux. A lot of it could just be from the deep inner processing of emotion and ideas that is constantly going on way back in the background of my psyche.

It would be nice, I suppose, if this deep thought could proceed in some locked off chamber of the mind that only speaks when spoken to, but that is simply not how human beings are wired.

Instead, it is more like my consciousness is always adrift on a deep and mysterious sea which rolls and pitches due to forces far beneath the surface, forces I myself put into place but that I have long since lost the ability to control or predict.

But I cannot entirely discount the chemical changes I will be going through over the next few weeks. I have taken Paxil for over a decade for a reason, and reducing the dosage on it is not something to take lightly. I am wise to be wary of the changes I will go through in the next few weeks. Depression and social anxiety are serious illnesses and not mere phantoms of the mind, easily dismissed.

So why the reduction of dose? Depends on who you ask, in a way. My therapist wants me off Paxil eventually because there are new drugs available now which are superior. Fewer side effects, more effect with smaller dosages, and so forth and so on. And I am down with that. I agree that switching to a better drug sounds like an idea worth pursuing.

But to me, the real reason is that I want better access to my emotions. I think I am ready to reduce the dose and face more of my personal demons. This might be pretty unpleasant some of the time, but judging from the long term effects of my last reduction of dosage, I think it will be worth it.

By letting my inner demons out of their cages, it forces me to deal with them and thus rid myself of them. Paxil and other SSRI’s act as a kind of emotional anesthetic, and when I was deep in the depths of social anxiety and depression, scared of the world and feeling like I was not even real, I needed that kind painkiller in a big big way.

But past a certain point, the swelling is gone, the bones have healed, and it is time for the patient to throw the crutches away and learn to walk on their own again. Those crutches, so necessary during the first part of the patient’s convalescence, become a barrier to it in time, and you cannot learn to be a healthy person unless you put them away.

Luckily, in the case of these chemical crutches of mine, I can throw them away a little at a time. I am reducing my dosage by 1/7th, or around 14.3 percent, and that is not such a big thing in the grand scheme of things, or so it seems.

But I am wary wise of the true nature of brain chemistry altering substances. They do not operate as simple vectors, X amount of drug getting you Y amount of effect.

Biology is rarely that simple, and that goes triple for brain chemistry. Instead, it operates on thresholds. Above a certain threshold, and you get effect Y, period. Below the threshold, you get jack shit, or if you are lucky, maybe a quarter of the previous effect.

I am exaggerating a bit to illustrate the principle, but you get the idea. Each reduction of dosage of a complex drug like an SSRI could have a much larger effect than the mere proportion of dosage would suggest. My mental landscape might change by a lot more than 14.3 percent.

So I will be wary, but on the other hand, I will try not to obsess over it, because that never leads to anything good. An overactive and overpowered brain like mine can easily pick itself apart if not held in check, as I learned in my early twenties when I had severe IBS, hypochondria, depression, anxiety, and a host of other problems.

So the key is to integrate things into your consciousness in a natural and easy way, without either letting the new thing dominate or burying it under a crossroads at midnight.

Just let things unfold in their own time without trying to control the outcome. That is one of the deep and difficult lessons I am learning at this point in my life’s path.

No more micromanaging myself. It clearly is toxic to the desire outcomes, no matter how the false feeling of control lies to you and tells you that only via controlling things can you get good outcomes.

That notion rests on the false assumption that exerting control over something has no cost. But it does have cost, and the more control you exert, the greater than cost, until you are squeezing the very life out of yourself in a vain and misguided attempt at self-control.

True self-control must also include control over the desire for control. It involves leaving things alone which are best left alone, and exerting control only where it is most effective, and then, only as much control as is needed, no more.

As hard as it is for many of us who have a very deep mistrust of the universe, some things truly are better off left alone, and work just great on their own with no interference from management.

And that goes triple for all the little things that go to make up a mind.

Just let go. You will be amazed at how better things will be.

This, I hope to learn. Amen.

Friday Science Wakanda

Guess who has been watching Black Panther : The Animated Series lately?

Anyhoo, heya science fans, and welcome to another edition of the Friday Science Whatever, where I rustle up some of the most brain buzzingly cool science stories for you every week and serve them drunk and on fire!

So let’s jump right in, shall we?

First up, we have an interesting experiment : making veggies sweeter in order to make kids more willing to eat them.

No fancy science involved, the scientists just sprayed the veggies with a light mist of sugar and lo and behold, the lunchtime kiddie crowd was more willing to eat them.

I am fine with this. After all, the idea is to get the nutrition into the kids and if a little extra sugar does that, fine. It’s not like sugar on the outside destroys the nutrients on the inside.

However, in my experience, kids hate vegetables because their parents force them to eat them. I realize there is nothing a school can do to about that, but it is something for parents to think about.

Don’t turn this into a whole “test of wills” between you and your child. You might win a battle or two, but you lose the war.

Then again, we might not need the sugar at all if we could use the miracle fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum, to make everything taste sweet.

The miracle fruit gets its name from its one truly miraculous property : it contains a protein that binds to the sour receptors on your tongue and makes them register as sweet, meaning that everything you taste after eating one of these innocuous looking little berries will taste sweet as candy.

The article focuses on a fellow who has little tasting parties revolving around the fruit. People pay him $15 to eat a berry and then try different foods and see how much different they taste now.

Sounds like $15 well spent to me. Seems like a reasonable fee for a truly unique and pleasant sensory experience. And I am glad this little miracle is available on the open market now, although at $2.50 a berry, nobody will be buying them by the bushel any time soon.

Still, I would happily pay that for an hour or so of flavour filled fun. Being diabetic, I do not get much sweetness in my life.

It would be lovely to be able to get it guilt free!

Leaving flavour country for the salty deep, we find that dolphins call each other by name.

Wait, let’s back up a bit. Dolphins have names! And not just the demeaning ones we give them. Wild dolphins have a unique set of whistles and clicks that is their name! Wow, that’s cool.

What’s more, they use them like we would. When a wild dolphin is separated from its pals, it calls out their names just like we would!

That is so much the cooler. It shows that not only do dolphins have more advanced verbal skills than previously thought, but that they must have a sense of individuality.

If they were simple animals with no sense of who they are, names would be useless to them. You have to have a concept of yourself before you can know what you name is.

And you have to recognize the individuality of others before using their names makes sense. A less intelligent or social animal would only have the concept “other dolphin”, plus gender at mating times.

But clearly, dolphins understand that each of them is unique, that there is Frank and Dorothy and Tyrel and Timone, not just “other dolphin”.

That blows my mind.

Next up, we have a real world saving device : the micro-algae lamp.

This amazing device uses algae to power itself and, this is the truly amazing part, absorbs an entire ton of CO2 per year.

Here is the vid :

That is exactly the sort of thing I have been imagining for our future for some time now. We need to build up as much CO2-hungry infrastructure as possible, and use the exact same powers of scale that got us into this global climate change problem in order to solve it.

Admittedly, I had not imagined it would be in such a simple and elegant form. I was picturing something more like enormous terraced gardens producing said micro-algae. And that still might be needed.

But this lamp really seems like the first step in the right direction. We are powerful enough, as a species, to ruin the planet for ourselves.

Via smart solutions like a carbon devouring lamp, we might just fix it.

And who knows, with selective breeding and genetic engineering, we might be able to make strains that take even more carbon out of the air, and bring us back to a stable level we can live with.

Righteous cool, dude.

Finally, we have the rather extraordinary prospect of temporary tattoos giving you telepathy.

Telekinesis too. Well, of a sort.

The idea is that, as part of the cheap sensing revolution we are now enjoying, in the future a simple temporary tattoo embedded with sensors could, if applied to the head, let you control devices via your brain waves, or, if applied to the throat, allow you to control devices and even communicate with others via the previously discarded technology of subvocalization.

See, when we think about saying something, many of the same muscles tense in our throats as if we were saying it, and so it is at least theoretically possible to translate that muscle respond into words and voila, you can speak by just thinking about it.

Hook said speech into, say, text messaging, and you can text with a friend without lifting a finger.

And that is, for all intents and purposes, a kind of telepathy. Experienced subvocalizers might very well be able to “type” much faster that way, making it not just less effort but faster as well.

And all because of a little tattoo on your throat.

The future is one cool country, and I can’t wait to get there!

Seeya next week, folks!

Three more things

OK. This is it. I got three things that have been sitting around my web browser forever and a fortnight, and it is time to finally clear them out and my browser actually clear of all non science related detritus for the first time in a long time.

As for the science stuff, well, I will get to that tomorrow.

Is it too early for this to count as spring cleaning? I doubt spring starts in February in any part of the world. But what the hell, it’s cleaning, and that’s the most important part.

Call it pre-spring cleaning, then.

Here’s the stuff.

First, we have this proof that Elizabeth Warren was placed on this Earth to put things right.

And all she does is ask the dead simple questions that everyone who is not wrapped up tight in the warm cocoon of lies and illusions and false respectability of the financial industry has wanted to ask for a very long time.

Questions like… “When was the last time any of you actually prosecuted anyone?”

Imagine if instead of financial regulators, she was talking to the head of the DEA, and he had to confess that he had never prosecuted any drug dealers, just negotiated fines that the drug dealers simply paid out of their massive illegal drug profits.

That would be a huge scandal and Republicans would be out for blood and screaming about how the Obama administration is “soft on crime”.

But switch over to the financial sector and suddenly the same thing is okay.

I think this reveals a massive weakness in the Republican position. Deep down, they just do not think white collar crime is as important as drug crime or any other kind of crime, and the reason is as obvious as a rose on grass.

All the other kinds of crime are poor people crime. White collar crime is rich Republican crime, or at the very least, it’s the kind of crimes a lot of their base hopes to be rich enough to commit some day.

And when it comes to policing their own house, they simply do not have the guts to do it. They are all for law and order when it’s all about the fun of punishing people nothing like themselves.

But when it comes to something that might have an impact on them, suddenly they turn into a bunch of limp wristed anarchists full of peace love and granola, saying “oh, don’t let the mean old government step on me, I should be allowed to be free as the wind!”

Yeah, well, fuck you and your buddy too. The law is the law. Comply or suffer. No exceptions.

Moving on to lighter fare, let’s talk about the latest hilarious bad thing to happen to celebrity chef and the man who is to food what Larry the Cable Guy is to comedy, Guy Fieri.

Apparently, the dude is a big deal over at the Food Network, presumably for making three more straight guys watch the network and hence double their coverage of that demographic, but I first heard about this living douchebeard when I heard about the epic bad review the NYT gave to one of his restaurants.

In a true measure of verbal virtuosity, the entire review is in the form of questions. so it’s almost like a Socratic deconstruction of the whole Guy Fieri meme.

And that is fun enough. I have nothing against the guy, but he has to expect that when he more or less declares war on good taste and traditional food criticism, it is going to fight back and it is not going to be a pussy about it, either.

But where the ridiculous became the sublime was when one smart cookie noticed that the domain for Guy’s chain had expired, snapped it up, and put up this masterpiece of surreal wordfuckery in its place.

Go read it all. Read it many times. Each time, you will discover wonders anew. Things like :

Deep fried snake with a printed out picture of David Lee Roth stapled on it and a sparkler stuck into each eye. Served with a side of Bud Light you have to write out of a Hawaiian shirt.

Or this one :

The Blitzmas Beast
Two jumbo Big Gulp Slurpee cups filled with nacho cheese and tied to each other with 25 bacon strips fashioned into a giant bow. Shellacked with Slim Jim style jus, and topped with a dollop of smoked kitchen leavings.

Hilarious. But I think my favorite is this one :

Popcorn crusted popcorn chicken stuffed inside Guy’s Nuthin’ Fancy Meatloaf and superbanged into a volcano of Tabasco butter. We pour it into a Lucite heel, smother it with our own Jalapeno sugarbrew, and set it on your lap on a neon sign. Served drunk and on fire.
Add a Cinnabon and two more Cinnabons 4.95

Served drunk and on fire. LOL.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to an intriguing fellow, a fellow with the unlikely name of Melton (no, not Milton, Melton) Barker.

From around 1930 to around 1970, Barker made his living in an unusual way. He traveled from town to town, making the exact same movie over and over again, with the exact same script, and charging the parents of their town a fee for having their children star in it.

He would roll into town, make a deal with the local cinema to show the as yet unmade film, then make the movie with whatever kids showed up with the money.

I object to the way the article I linked to above insinuates that he was some kind of con man. He was not. Everybody got exactly what they paid for.

And the town always got to keep the movie, too. Sure, it wasn’t much of a flick, just a corny thing where the kids foil a kidnapper then do a few song and dance numbers.

But just think of what joy that movie could bring to people over the years. It would be like a home movie for the whole town. Think of what a kick the young stars would get out of it when they watched it as adults, and remembered back when.

Imagine what a treasure it would be to have locations in the town preserved on film, so people who miss that old malt shop or the hardware store where their Dad worked can see it right there on the screen.

So no, the man was no huckster. He might have prayed on people’s pride in their child and their town a little, but that’s not fraud, that’s marketing.

And just think of how interesting it is that, somewhere out there, there could be hundreds of versions of the exact same movie.

So far, only 20 of them have been found, but that is still pretty interesting. I would love to see if you could seamlessly splice one into the other, or run them side by side and have them sync up.

All in all, I find the whole thing fascinating, and I applaud Mister Barker’s ingenuity and industry.

If you want to sample his oeuvre, there is a website with all existing prints on it here.

They were wrong

Tonight, we start with poetry.

Don’t worry, it’s the good kind, plus there’s plenty of pictures.

Amazing stuff. Shit like that makes me want to be a poet, almost.

I have always heard that there is no future in poetry, that you can never make a living at it, that nobody likes it except a handful of literary geeks and language nerds who love words and are willing to wade through the oceans of intolerable drek in order to find those few pearls of wisdom formed deep in the souls of the tortured and the minds of the refiners.

And talk about a subject close to my heart. I was scarped rawbone bare by bullying till every day of school was a raw and pulsating whirl of pain, terror, and ennui. I stood astride that terrible chasm with one foot in the official world of the child, the schoolroom, where my natural talents rendered the work laughably easy (and laugh I did, much to my detriment), and the other in the schoolyard, where my timid and emotional nature was no match for the aggression of the resentful and the repressed, who expressed that rage against my dual crime of excellence and vulnerability by thrusting me down the totem pole to lie down at the very bottom, below even the special education kids, who at least ad an excuse for being what and who they were.

They were merely intellectually retarded. I was socially retarded, and the punishment for that is so severe that it never ends. It just keeps going and going inside, killing you a little more every day.

Don’t misunderstand, I understand why the schoolyard bullies targeted me. As my shadows, my opposites, they saw in me a way they could exact justice for a world that had decreed they be poor and stupid and never be anywhere near the middle class life that I took for granted like a fish in water.

They had a lot of reasons to be angry with the world, and there I was, isolated, friendless, a social pariah with no friends to defend him and the absolute gall to treat the same school work that was the brutal bane of their existence, the questions and challenges that seemed downright designed to leave them humiliated and helpless and confused, bruised beyond all endurance by a system that seemed to constantly demand the impossible of them and then punish them for noncompliance.

And then there were people like me, who did the work with ease and then looked bore, and all because I happened to be born with something the system rewarded. I had won the jackpot with my high IQ and comfortable middle class life where we never, ever has spaghetti five nights in a row because Dad was not getting enough hours, where everybody got presents every Christmas and the teachers treated you like you were one of them and not the wrong kind of person just because you didn’t talk like they did.

You talked like your family did, and so the teachers not only did not approve of you. They didn’t approve of your family, either, or honestly, anything about you and your life.

And there is me, a fat target, someone your excellent social skills intuitively inform you that nobody likes anyhow because my unconsciously nonconformist ways cause stress and uncertainty in the social fabric of the classroom.

Not even the other smart kids liked me, because I was not like them, either. They consciously and deliberately strove for academic approval, and so in their minds, earned it.

I just got it naturally, and hard work always resents talent. How can it not? Talent is not fair.

So when everyone hates you and wishes you were not around because your weirdness and your wimpiness cause so much social distortion, the bullies pick up on this, and take it upon themselves to be the instruments of that anger, the fist of the punishment, and the teachers just let it happen, because you know what?

They don’t like you either. The other smart kids are keen to please the teachers, and hence are extremely well behaved and conforming. They are, in fact, model students, the kind that teachers like and wish all their students could emulate.

You, on the other hand, are independent, at times outright defiant, and your high intellect only creates more work for the teachers and is a constant challenge to their intellectual authority.

And that would be bad enough. No teacher wants a student in their class that might well make them look foolish at any moment with a question they can’t answer or even worse, a correction.

But if you had been a conscious and deliberate rebel, they could at least have respected you as an adversary and perhaps even admired you for your stance.

But no. You had to go and be intellectually independent via raw intelligence, and thus be even more unpredictable. It might even seem, sometimes, like you might actually be smarter than your teacher, and that simply cannot be tolerated.

And to compound their loathing, the vast gulf between you and your classmates makes you incredibly emotionally dependent on your teachers, who, disapproval or no, were the only people you could relate to in a school full of hostility.

So you were all kinds of problem, and your teachers found you hopeless, pathetic, and wished, like the students, that you would just go away.

And that got written into the fabric of your soul as well.

And the bullies, they knew the teachers didn’t like you either, and would not interfere with what everyone agreed, openly or tacitly, was just what you deserved.

But that poem quite rightfully points out the only effective battle cry for people like us :

THEY WERE WRONG. Say it loud and proud until you truly believe it. You deserved better and they were wrong to hurt you and to deny you what you needed to survive and thrive.

They were wrong.

And it;s time to get right.

Save me from tomorrow!

I don’t want to SAIL with this Ship of Fools!

Oh no no no no NO!

Heya folks. Guess what, I am getting chatty again. You knew it couldn’t last! But I might throw some links in here too. Fair warning.

Overall, I have felt fairly good recently. All that venting last week must have done me some good, because I feel less crappy than usual. More upbeat. More willing to look at the world instead of just hiding under the covers and waiting for it all to go away.

Still spending too much time in bed, though, and that bothers me.

I have been really struggling with this feeling of time as a burden lately. I think feeling better energetically just makes the problem of how clogged up inside I am all the worse, which might be why a fellow like me develops the deep but unconscious (mostly) tendency to live very gently and very quietly, practically sleepwalking silently through life for fear of waking the demon inside.

Or, to be more honest, for fear of the pain that comes from trying to access one’s energies through the big thick clog in the pipes that depression represents. It hurts so much to try to shift that thing that you just stop trying and eventually it just plain crushes you under its weight, and you learn to live a flat life, with your face in the dirt all the time.

Live that way long enough and it becomes the New Normal, a phrase that is much on my mind lately. It is a phrase with no inherent connotation. The New Normal might be better than The Old Normal, or it might be worse. Either is possible.

But I realize I have always thought of it negatively before, for some reason. Probably just the inherent pessimism that comes with depression.

But really, for someone like me, it can just as easily be a keystone phrase of hope, because inherent in the idea of a New Normalcy is the possibility of change that leads to a new better stability.

Thus, change becomes a way to a New Normal, just as safe and stable as this one, but happier and more fulfilled. Thus, change can be viewed not, as depression would tell you, as a sacrifice of all safety and stability for a random chance that things might get better, but will probably get much worse.

Instead, change can be seen as an unpleasant but temporary sacrificing of stability and predictability in order to achieve a better level of comfort and security.

Thus, you don’t have to climb the whole mountain all at once. You just have to make it to the next base camp. And you can spend as long as you like at each camp gathering your strength for the next climb.

(See? Metaphors. I have so many of them!)

That rethinking allows you to break the cognitive pattern of viewing everything as an all or nothing break for freedom (which totally programs you for failure) and instead allows for seeing things as being made up of whatever size stages you can handle, with no loss if you have to rest for a bit.

That said, I am not claiming that this represents some magical mental mantra that you can just internalize and be free. I am all too keenly aware that the cognitive breakthrough simply cannot happen until the emotional work has been done.

And that is a lesson a lot of us depressed intellectuals need to learn and embrace. We waste years of our lives trying to find a way to solve our emotional problems via intellectual means simply because we are not comfortable with emotions and prefer to intellectualize everything.

But there is no intellectual shortcut around your emotional being. It can seem like there might be, especially if you are delusional enough to confuse the joy of revelation for true emotional growth.

Sure, a brand new intellectual understanding of something can make you feel a lot better for a while. But that is merely chemical, a shot in the pleasure center like one might get from cocaine or an orgasm.

And don’t get me wrong, that is fantastic. Pleasure is very important to life. But it is not a cute for the disease, it merely masks the symptoms for a while, like any form of self-medication.

This one just fools you into thinking it is more important than it is because revelation stimulates your pre-frontal cortex, which is the part of your brain that decides if something is “real” or not, and which plays a role in assigning importance to experiences.

So sure, a philosophical or otherwise intellectual revelation feels great, and gives you a great feeling of insight. Finally, everything makes sense and you understand so much more now! It’s all so clear!

But do not mistake the relief of intellectual tension for the relief of your much more serious emotional burden. At best, it just clears up some room in your skull and makes things a little less crowded in there for a little while.

And sure, that’s very nice. But it is not curing your disease, it is only alleviating the symptoms for a little while. There is only one cure for depression, in my opinion.

Feeling things. Things you really do not want to feel. Things from your past, things you buried deep a long time ago and never thought you would have to deal with again.

Well, guess what. There is no statute of limitations on emotion. They do not just disappear if you ignore them long enough. And the more you suppress them, the greater the weight of them you are dragging around with you all the time.

And when they get heavy enough to practically immobilize you… that is called depression, and it means it is time to stop fucking around and do all that emotional homework you have let pile up.

Only when you face the fire and feel the feelings you need to feel can you ever be free.

But first, you have to be ready to stop being depressed.

And you are…. right?

Jotsam and Fletsom

Still more stuff to share! I am a sharing machine lately. What can I say, the Internet is full of wonderful things and I just feel compelled to share them with you wonderful people.

Plus, not a heck of a lot happening in my life to talk about, and honestly, I am pretty sick of the emotional emesis racket for now anyhow.

I have total faith that I will come back to introspection and gazing at my own entrails soon enough. Until then, let’s just keep those solid gold hits coming.

Besides, my browser is all cluttered again. How does that keep happening?

First off, let’s talk about the mystery of magenta.

No, not this one :

I ask for nothink!

I ask for nothink!

It’s this one :

Or as its friends call it, Purple.

Or as its friends call it, Purple.

You might thing “What’s the big deal? It’s just another color.” But as it turns out, it’s quite special!

Because you see, it doesn’t exist.

I will let this fellow explain.

So there you have it. Purple does not actually exist in the world. There are no purple objects in the world, only ones we see as being purple because our brains decide to slap a label called “purple” onto what is actually a side-effect of knowing something has blue and red but no green in it.

And that, to me, is pretty fucking cool. It immediately makes me wonder if we somehow know this on a deep, deep level, and that is why purple has been the color of royalty for centuries. The usual explanation is that royal purple came about because purple was the most expensive kind of dye and therefore you had to be very wealthy, like a member of the aristocracy, to be able to afford anything purple.

And I am sure that is true. But there might well have been other ways to make clothes very expensive and unique looking. And maybe purple dye was only so expensive because rich people bid up the price.

So maybe purple became a royal color at least in part because it registers in our minds as something very unique and distinct. Something that is not found in the rainbow, something that some part of our mind recognizes, in a primitive way, as not quite entirely real.

And the whole point of royal wardrobe is to make the ruling class look different from everyone else in a powerful and impressive way.

So if you are looking to really make an impression, you might want to start wearing purple.

But be warned, there might be side effects…

Next up we have an intriguing idea to ponder : using airships to deliver cargo to cities up north.

By up north, I mean Northern Canada, of course. All that frozen tundra north of the 40th meridian, the Great White North, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunuvit.

The problem with communities up there is that they are few and far between, and have a low population even where they exist, and so supplying them is very expensive, and the cost of living there is very high.

And that is how it is right now. Right now, what does make it up there gets there via truck along ice roads, which as the name implies are plowed out of the ice and can only bear traffic while things stay good and frozen.

That means, incidentally, that counterintuitively, northern communities face the most hardship during their short summers, when the ice roads turn into nothing but mud.

But what happens in the future, when global warming makes those summers longer and the winters warmer? If the ice roads fail, those communities will be devastated.

Solution : blimps! They ignore terrain completely, can carry a lot of cargo, and modern ones run on very little energy (and that, they can get from solar and wind) and even pilot themselves.

It is an intriguing proposition. The main problem with airships like blimps and so forth is that they are somewhat at the mercy of the winds. But that can be overcome by simply building a certain amount of flexibility into your shipping system.

Getting cargo from point A to point B eventually is a lot easier than trying to get there at a fixed date and time. My guess would be that airship deliveries could be done with a two or three day window. And with modern GPS tracking, you would always know where your cargo was located.

Theoretically, you could even send people to go get it if the blimp gets in trouble.

And if you can build a system like that for northern climes, you might well be able to expand it to work everywhere. Imagine buildings everywhere with little docking stations for robotic blimps on their roofs.

Lastly, I am looking into these Chromebooks that Google is hawking.

They are cheap, effective laptops that run the Chrome OS (which is supposedly blazing fast) and they seem like the sort of thing I want.

Just something to support a web browser, basically. Practically everything you can imagine can be done through your browser. All the games I play are browser games, all the blogging I do is via the browser. The Web is where everything happens.

I am sure I could get used to web mail if I had a reason to do so.

Now obviously, I won’t be getting one any time soon. All my cash will be sucked up by Vancoufur for the near future, including the lion’s share of my next GST cheque. So I will not exactly be coming up with $199 or $250 for a laptop any time soon.

But it is nice to know that there are people making products for people like me, with very low demands of their portable computer.

Just run a web browser that fully supports Flash, and I am good to go.

And I already know the Chrome browser fits the bill.

After all, I’m using it right now!