Holy crap, videos!

It’s… been a while since I posted any videos here, hasn’t it?

Time to fix that.

First, some music :

Kind of an abrupt ending there. I should really give up this “musical minute” idea and just call it “Musical Moments” or something similarly vague. Restricting myself to one minute is clearly not have the desired effect, namely getting me to make higher content density music.

Instead, it just makes me lazier and makes the music more awkward, and leads to me using the same tricks to pad things out every single time. Content density has actually gone down.

So, back to the drawing board on that one.

Next, we got us an SS :

Sarcastic Slideshow, of course. I feel like I have used some of those images before. I should organize my files in a way that I know which ones I have used and which I have not.

I guess I could move the image files into a separate folder after I use them. It would be a lot more work. Currently, I just select a swath of images and add them to the video project, then delete the ones I don’t like from the project (not the HD), and do audio captions for the rest.

Add the opening and closing tiles plus some background music, and abracadabra, you have another hilarious SS.

And now, this tale of woe :

La mort de moi souris d’ordinateur. Everything is okay now. I got a new wireless mouse and it works fine. Ir even takes an AA battery instead of AAA, like my previous wireless mouse, so I have no worries about what happens when the battery runs out.

All I have to do is charge up one of my purple AA rechargeables, and bob’s your uncle.

Say hi to Bob for me.

Next, my thoughts on Super 8 :

Honestly, I am still undecided about the movie. If I was Siskel or, let’s face it, Ebert, I would only be able to give a thumb half-up at best. A lot of it is wonderful but also cheesy and manipulative, and I am stuck between wanting to like it for its Spielbergian goodness and the part of me that just rolls his eyes at how obvious, corny, and at times downright stupid the movie is. It will take me a long time to fully digest that movie.

In a sense, it would be easier if I could just dismiss it cynically. But I can’t.

And now, more music.

I don’t know why I ended up putting in all those Foghorn Leghorn quotes. They just sounded right, I guess. Still, not one of my better efforts, in my opinion. Seems rushed and cheap. I am impressed with the rhythmic structure I built there though. That was one smoking hot beat for a few bars in there. Real pulse quickening stuff.

And now, my thoughts on Sense8.

Honestly, I could go on forever about that show. I am up to episode 9 or so now, and every episode is a wonder and a delight. The show is richly satisfying and the theme of these people from all over the world coming into contact with one another and slowly becoming a part of one another’s lives really appeals to me.

The show is just so… humanist.

And the characters are all very likable. That’s more of an achievement than it sounds like. So many shows do not grasp the need to do that, or lack the ability to make it happen.

But if you expect people to not only care about what happens to the characters but be willing to do through darkness and violence and death and horror with them, they have to be people you love being about.

What’s next…. oh yeah, more music.

A middling effort on my part. Nothing ear-grindingly wrong with it, but nothing particularly memorable about it.

I feel like, at this point, as a composer, I am just flinging myself repeatedly at the wall that has held me back for so long in hopes that I will eventually break through it and my output will match the songs in my head a bit more.

Or at least be more like the sort of music I want to make.

And now, for those who don’t care for music, more music.

But this time, I added random images! (I was SO tired. )

Can’t say I care for it, honestly. Things always go all to hell when I try to do melody. It ends up sounding like shit.

And now, another SS video (I am going to get such interesting traffic now) :

Use the wetness-heat evil. Sage advice. That is truly some of the most marvelously and ornately incomprehensible Engrish that I have ever seen. I wanted to put some oriental-type music behind my poetic reading of the text, but I couldn’t find anything that sounded right to me.

It was all too macho and martial and impressive sounding. Even the stuff that was supposed to be for meditation! I am not sure I ever want to meet the sort of person who finds power-strings and taicho drums soothing.

And now, some fun with interpretive subtitling :

Like I say in the end credits, I am never ever doing one with that many characters and cuts again. It was so hard to know who was talking when, and what was going on. I am pretty sure it will be hard to keep up with the subtitles as a result.

I will definitely stick to two-person scenes from now on.

And finally, a personal news update from a weirdly lit yours truly :

So yeah. Life has been weird lately, and not particularly pleasant or fun, but I am glad stuff is happening to me now and I will do what I can to keep that going.

Slowly, slowly, I prise the jaws of self-destruction out of my flesh. And as I do, I stop being the bone I chew.

And the greater the chance of me actually getting somewhere in life.

All this intellect and talent has to be good for something.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

About the Charleston Massacre

Here we go again.

As one would expect to happen in the wake of a senseless act of brutality, the modern media beehive is abuzz with talk about this latest incident of that peculiarly American specialty, the mass shooting.

Yes, they happen in other places. But they don’t happen five to six times a year anywhere but the U S of A. And I am very happy that President Obama said so in his official response.

The rest of us in the “advanced world” (gonna steal that) have been saying it, or at least thinking it, for many years. If America was a person, it would be a highly unstable lunatic. The lunatic often means well, but ends up doing more harm than good. And as a rule, is very bad at self-control.

Of course, one of the things up for “debate” in the reality-hating world of right wing conservatism is “if” the crime was racially motivated. The evidence is overwhelming that it was. The dude said “I’m here to kill black people. ”

If that’s not evidence enough for you, then you are clearly operating to preserve belief, not understand the world.

Why do people want to deny the racial element? I think it comes down to not wanting to be part of the problem. The Fox News times went right ahead and adopted an absurd form of victimhood in order to achieve this : it wasn’t racist, it was anti-Christian.

I think that, in the Alzheimer’s demographic of Fox News, there is some seriously magical thinking going on. These people think that if there is no racism any more, they themselves are not racist.

They deeply suspect, in that part of their mind they keep locked away that deal with reality, that they really are racist. In fact, they are sure that they are. But that is clearly viewed as extremely wrong by society, and so they can’t admit to themselves that they are, or that any of their friends are.

So they are willing to deny the entire existence of racism just to escape the truth about themselves. Easier than having to change your mind, I suppose. At their age.

However, I think the fact that this crime is racially motivated tend to lead people in the wrong direction. People want to connect this to racism as a whole in order to make sense of this horror, but the truth is, there is very little connection.

Sure, this person was racist. He was also crazy. Racism is simply the form his insanity took. it could have been anti-semitism, sexism, or a deep belief that some people have flies in their eyes and must be destroyed.

Because of all the racial horror happening recently in the USA, it is extremely tempting to connect the dots. And who knows, maybe that influenced his choice of psychotic modalitity. In another time, he might have decided it was hippies that were responsible for all the evil in the world. Or the Illuminati.

But that doesn’t really say anything about the state of race relations in America. Cops killing unarmed black people is extremely relevant to the issue. One lone nut crossing that mysterious line that separates the one who does from the millions that don’t is not at all relevant.

Remember that line. There are, in the world, probably at least a hundred thousand people with the exact same beliefs as this man. But they don’t shoot up black churches. They never will. This guy did.

And nobody knows why.

All we know is that, for some reason, in any population, there is a chance that someone will really, truly, completely believe the things that people only say they believe because it makes them feel better.

If the extreme racists of the world truly believed what this man did, they would all do what he did. It would be the only thing they could do, from their point of view, to stem the rising black tide.

But they don’t do it, because that would be crazy. You can believe whatever the hell you want if you know, deep down, that you will never ever act on it. You can go around thinking everyone with blue eyes has no soul, or that children are parasites, or that everyone is a robot but you, and if it makes you happy to do so and you know you won’t act on it, who cares?

Once you understand ideology as serving emotional need far more often than any attempt to align one’s beliefs with reality, a lot of extreme ideologies make a lot more sense.

Another perennial topic being attached to this incident as people grope for answers to questions that may have no answers is guns and gun control.

I don’t think that has much to do with it either.

His father bought the gun. Background checks wouldn’t have stopped him, unless we were willing to say that anyone connected with a mentally ill person is banned from buying guns. Waiting periods wouldn’t have stopped him. He was crazy when he asked for the gun and he was still crazy when it got it.

There’s not a lot any law can do to keep a father from giving his son a gun. That would have been just as true up here in Canada as it would be down in the USA.

Better mental health services might have helped, especially if there was an early intervention. It’s less clear if they would have done any good with a more recent intervention, though. The truth is, the system only recognizes the criminally insane after they have committed a crime. Before that, they are just the same as a million other people with loose screws.

The only way to truly cut down on these incidents is to lower the societal pressure level. That means turning down the heat, embracing our mutual humanity, and working hard and making sacrifices in order to strive for moderation.

None of those things are American values.

So I return to my original point :

These things keep happening because America is fucking crazy.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Fighting for the present

And I’m not talking about the kind of present you get on Xmas morning.

I have been thinking about my relationship with time again lately, and how much I envy those with a very different one.

I am talking about the kind of people who don’t reflect on things. The people who just keep going forward and never look back. The people who learn from their mistakes without dwelling on them, and who can face the future boldly and without fear.

People who can live in the here and now.

That is, roughly, the exact opposite of me. I am always enveloped in the zone where overlearned lessons from the past meets unrealistic worries about the future overlap without ever truly being in the present.

It’s a non stop time warp.

I have talked before about why. Thinking types like myself need time to think things through and therefore hate situations where we have to make split-second decisions based on gut instinct.

Instinct is not our forte.

But I think this also connects with my thoughts about control. If you are always desperately trying to control outcomes, then you have to have time to think out a plan and use it to take control.

If, like me, your desire to control outcomes comes from a deep down mistrust of the universe, then the easy confidence of people who have faith in their own ability to cope with whatever life brings is not available to you.

On no level do you think everything will turn out for the best. Not without someone making sure it does, and seeing as you don’t trust anyone, that person has to be you.

Thus, the controlling person. It is a personality type which can lead to extraordinary power and success in the world when married to sufficient intelligence and drive. But it can create a serious problem.

Let’s call this problem the Micromanagement Paradox. The inability to believe that anything can be safe or good without you being in control of everything can lead to an inability to leave well enough alone. The individual in question becomes addicted to the feeling of control, the little spark of satisfaction that comes from making something “better”, and therefore constantly monitors, adjusts, nitpicks, and fiddles with things.

The result is that they very often end up breaking the system they worked so hard to build. The nervous, self-soothing habit of “adjusting” things ends up costing them the very thing they are trying to achieve.

This is especially true if some of the things they are trying to control are people.

But back to the subject.

This inability to live in the moment is very destructive. The very paranoia that fuels it is extremely draining. And the present moment is, in a very real sense, where we all live.

It is always now. Like the bumper sticker says, yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s a mystery, might as well live for today. If you can’t even relax and enjoy the moment while it lasts, then what is the point of all that control? You will never achieve a sense of safety that way.

You can only feel safe by relaxing your desire to control and to do that, you have to trust that things can work out fine without you having to control them.

Or at least, control them as much.

We return to my analogy of the police state. To the police state, the only way their citizens can be safe is if they are tightly controlled. If anything goes wrong, there is only one solution : tighter control.

So it is with the controlling kind of person. And remember, whether or not you are a controlling person has nothing to do with how much success you have had in your life.

In fact, your lack of success in life could be because you are too controlling. Instead of going out into situations you can’t control, you stay at home and do something you CAN control, and thus, can trust.

Like, say, writing a blog.

The prospect of living in the present terrifies me, and that is because of the implied lack of control. How can I trust that I will be okay if I am not constantly thinking about what comes next? Surely, the moment my guard is down, something terrible will happens and it will be all my fault.

Like I said before, it’s a superstition. A compulsion.

And it is impossible to feel safe when, deep down, you don’t even believe safety exists. You could be a billionaire surrounded by layer upon layer of the best security conceivable, crouched in a secret safe room that only you know exists, and you still would not feel safe because something always could go wrong.

So how does one overcome this repressive regime? How do you convince a rabid police state that they would have fewer rebellions if there were fewer rules and less control.

Because remember, this system does achieve its primary goal : safety. It is a rotten and miserable kind of safety, one that is arguably worse than anything that could happen without it, but it does deliver it.

So in order to overcome that system, you have to change priorities. Safety cannot be the primary goal of anyone’s life. Realistically speaking, it’s fairly easily achieved. Your rampant neuroses might tell you differently, but the truth of it is, you are likely quite safe and whatever enemy you are guarding against lost interest a long time ago, or never existed in the first place. And all that is keeping your oppressive regime going is its inability to recognize when its job is done.

Like those science fiction stories where people are living underground in a crushingly totalitarian society because the surface is radioactive from nuclear war. And then it turns out the radioactivity died out decades ago, and the powers that be suppressed the information because it was a threat to “stability”, in other words, their power.

The secret is to just open the door, take a deep breath, and realize you were free all along.

Then, figure out how to deal with that.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

On The Road : Reluctance is Resistance edition

Really didn’t feel like doing my White Spot thing today. The last few days have been quite emotionally draining for me, and that left my reservoir of ATC (Ability To Cope) at drought level lows.

But fuck that shit. The truth of the matter is that my sense of how much energy I have is wildly unreliable and crushingly conservative. Miserly, even. Therefore, it is pointless and highly counterproductive to let it call the shots.

Plus, personal energy is not like a currency, where the less you use, the more you have. Use it or not, it will not accumulate. Therefor you cannot hoard it.

It is a lot more like a muscle. Unused, it atrophies. Use it, and it grows stronger. The more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more energy you noot only have, but feel you have.

Don’t you wish money worrked like that? The more you spend, the more you get?

And most importantly, every time you overcome yourself and do something you don’t feel like doing, you strengthen that muscle too.

So I am proud that I overcame the resistance of reluctance in order to make it to White Spot tonight. Here I am, writing, sitting down, eating,nbsp; and listening to music, all at the same time.

It’s all the comforts of home, plus people bring me food.

I am listening to music via my newly arrived Just Plain Headphones. They are by Koss, cost me eight bucks, and they work. Boffo.

I am still planning to get a modern Bluetooth set in the future, but it gives me great comfort and pleasure to know that,nbsp; if all else fails, I have a pair of Just Plainnbsp; Headphones that Just Fucking Works.

I should start a tech company named JustPlainShitThatJustFuckingWorks.com! Or JSPTJFW for short(er).

It would make a million dollars overnight.

Been feeling medium crappy today. Trying hard not to let it influence my mood. No reason I have to be feeling the blues just because I am feeling a little under the weather. Fuck that random crap.

I am working hard at becomibg happy by default.

Western society says happiness is something you have to earn. Why? What would be so bad about being happy all the time?

People think that if you were happy all the time, you wouldn’t do anything. But people are at their happiest when they are fully engaged. Happy people can do all kinds of work because they never lack motivation.nbsp; They engage with life without fear because they know that no matter what happens,nbsp; even if it’s truly horrible, they will be okay and happiness is always just around the corner.

I would argue that happy people do more than most people,nbsp; not less.

In a way, that is why so many of us are on antidepressants. They provide resistance against the downward spiral of depressopn and sadness, and in doing so, give us a constant feed of unearned happiness.

Clearly, the earned happiness system is severely flawed. There are so many people at every single level of achievement that are deeply unhappy that it becomes quite clear that whatever it is that society tells us will lead to happiness often does not.

And what makes us happy at one stage in life will not necessarily keep us happy forever. We learn, we age, we grow. We ascend Maslov’s pyramid.

Note that happiness is not the same thing as euphoria. Happiness is the state of feeling like your life is great. Euphoria is a function of immediate pleasue. Hapiness makes you feel like everything will be alright. Euphoria merely makes you feel that everything is fine right now, and keeps you from even thinking about the future.

Happiness is functional. Euphoria is not.

And happiness is sustainable. It renews itself. Euphoria cannot last. No matter how strong the pleasure, no matter what kind of pleasure (mental, physical, emotional), the mind will adapt to it and it will fade into the background, like a repeating sound fqading into the background noise.

Thus the futility of trying to fix your depression with its opposite, euphoria. It’s like dealing with a leaky bucket by pouring water into it really fast. It might temporarily give you the illusion that the bucket isn’t leaky, but the second you run out of water, the illusion is shattered.

And guess what? Pouring water through it that fast made the hole in the bucket bigger. Now it leaks faster than ever, and you would have to pour water in even faster in order to achieve the illusion of a non-leaky boat again, and of course that will make the hole even bigger….

People can spend their whole lives digging themselves deeper and deeper like that. And drug addicts are only a tiny fraction of that population.

We are all junkies.

More on that when I get home.


Wow, I wrote 800 words in White Spot. A new record. Hopefully, I will get to the point where I write the whole thing there.

Now back on what I am pleased to call the subject.

We have reached a level of understanding, in this modern age, of the perils of consumerism. The idea that trying to purchase your way to happiness is a very poor long term strategy is hardly new or controversial.

But when we speak of such things, we tend to think in terms of obvious things like going to the mall and buying stuff we don’t need. And that is a big part of it. We convince ourselves that a bigger TV or a new outfit will make us happy, and it will, but not for very long.

The deeper problem is that we treat everything like that. Relationships, jobs, places we live… we talk ourselves into thinking that a new one will make us happy, even though the last ten did not.

What we are really addicted to is hope. Purpose. A direction in life. Modern life does a shockingly poor job of providing this for us that we are left fumbling in the dark for anything that seems like a solution.

No wonder so many of our solutions are just plain wrong. We have no idea what we are doing.

Time someone fixed that.

I will talk to you people again tomorrow.

Breaking the silence

Well, that’s it. I have no reason to keep the silence any more. So now, I can explain what’s been going on.

You all know that I signed up for Stand Up For Mental Health a while back, and in early May, the class started.

It’s basically a program where people with mental health issues learn to do standup comedy as a way of dealing with their issues in a way that turns the bad things into good comedy.

I am a lifelong comedy nerd with mental health issues, and this seemed like the place for me.

All went well until the last class I attended, which was on June 2. In that class, the star of our story and the man behind Stand Up For Mental Health, David Granirer, didn’t quite keep people to schedule as he should, and so despite there being 11 people in class that day, we spent the first two (of three) hours on around three or four of them.

As a result, the last hour had to cover the remaining seven of us, and that made things just a wee bit rushed. The previous class, I had barely gotten to say anything at all, and then to be rushed (which always makes me terribly anxious) through no fault of my own, made me fairly upset.

And Felicity was disappointed as well.

So Felicity, in a long post to Facebook, expressed her disappointment with how things went. Her language was very mild, she named absolutely no names, and she assigned no blame.

I replied to that post in language that was a tad more…. direct.

In response, one of the other people in the course, whom I will call C, launched a very personal attack against Felicity, insulting her comedy and acting like she had just shot the Pope. At every turn, Felicity tried to de-escalate the issue, but C kept on attacking even after Felicity had clearly said ‘uncle’. She accused Felicity of taking her (C’s) turn, which was patently false, and

This was bad. It really hurt Felicity and made her very depressed. We talked about it that evening. She was crushed.

We had been told in our orientation that if we had a conflict with another student, we were to take it to David and he would deal with it. So that is what Felicity did.

It’s a sound and sensible policy, providing certain conditions are met.

But the next thing Felicity know is that people are mad at us for talking about the class in public, thus violating a rule that I am not sure we were ever told. The offense against Felicity was forgotten, and we were the ones in trouble.

Now I was really angry. So I emailed David about the whole situation and was quite blunt with him.

This goes back a few times, then I find out that he has decided it would be “best for everybody” if he transferred us to the next iteration of the program, which would start next January.

In effect, we were being kicked out of the course because he thought some people were “uncomfortable” with us there and and it would be “best” if we just never showed up again.

All for the crime of not knowing that we were not supposed to talk about the course on Facebook (something other students have surely done in the past without getting kicked out).

Needless to say, this made me extremely angry and I emailed David to that effect. I told him that he was betraying Felicity and I, two people with serious mental health, because it was easier to throw out the two big fat nerds than to actually deal with the problem.

I told him he was no liberal. In fact, he was handling the situation no better than any Fox News fan.

I stand by those words.

He was away for a while, so the next move didn’t take place till last Sunday. I got an email from David saying he wanted to talk to me on the phone. I emailed back saying (not for the first time) that the phone made me very anxious and I would prefer to keep it in email.

He emailed back and insisted that it had to be done over the phone. Three guesses as to why, and the first two are “because he was exploiting a known psychological weakness of mine for personal advantage. ”

I emailed back to say “Fine!” and named a timeframe.

He wanted to talk about what would go down today. Today was our last shot at pleading our case. We had agreed to apologize to the class for this whole ordeal, and Felicity and I fully planned to do this.

On the phone, I assured him that I was not planning to launch into an angry diatribe and that I was going to show up purely to apologize and nothing more.

This was true. That is all I had planned to do. Of course, someone of my skills can apologize in a way that nevertheless makes the truth of the situation crystal clear, but it is true I wanted only to apologize.

And that is how the conversation might have ended, had David not then asked about the things I had said in my email. I told him I still believed all those things to be true. He became agitated, and told me that I would not be welcome at today’s class. I told him I would be there anyhow, in the parking lot, waiting for Felicity in her car. . He said no, not even that.

What was he afraid of? That I would attack the class with my mind powers?

Then he hung up on me (so manly) and frantically called Felicity, saying that if she brought me there at all, he wouldn’t let her apologize to the class.

Even if all I did was sit in the car and wait.

Felicity says he sounded rattled and stressed out. Good.

So what went down today was that Felicity and I had lunch at the Denny’s nearest to the course, she went and apologized to the class while I waited in Denny’s, and then she came back, told me how it went, then we went home.

And what do you know…. most of the class didn’t have any problem with her at all.

So basically, Felicity and I got bullied by David. C presumably emailed him about how horrible we were and she’s a crazy person with Borderline Personality Disorder so presumably, she’s pretty scary, and as a result, he took it out on us when all we had done was unwittingly and with absolutely no malice break the rule about public posting on Facebook.

Clearly, this was all about him, not the group. He kicked us out because he couldn’t admit that he had mishandled the situation entirely so he decided to just make us go away.

But I don’t go away until I am done.

And I am far from done.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Struggling towards the light

In order to overcome yourself, you must go under, Nietzsche said.

That’s how I feel lately. Like I am struggling to overcome myself and become more mature, stable, and strong, but the only way to do that is to keep delving deep into myself and bringing up big pieces of internal gunk, and letting them dry in the sun.

This means I am always going down to where it is dark and cold and hostile to life. Perhaps that’s all cyclical depression is, when you get down to it. Your mind trying to heal itself. And your instinct is to fight the process, because it keeps taking you to a terrible and painful place.

Which is ironic, because your best strategy is actually to simply stop fighting your own redemption. Go limp and let it happen.

And stop picking at the wounds, which I suppose is what I do here.

It all boils down to that deep, deep mistrust of life, the universe, and everything. It is that mistrust which makes people controlling. You don’t trust the universe and feel like it is waiting for an opportunity to crush you, so the only things you can trust are things you can control and thus make sure never hurt you.

This might well result in the archetypal Type-A controlling personality. But it can also go in the opposite direction and create a person who has no faith in their ability to exert control over their life the way a Type-A does, and instead tried to retreat as deeply as possibly into things they can control.

This retreat can be extremely self-destructive, but it serves its purpose of filling the person’s mind with safe things and blotting out the rest of harsh, cold, treacherous reality. In that way, our “flight” response turns inward in order to find its desired “safe” state, when it can deactivate.

But they never quite get there, those people. It never fully deactivates. They never feel fully safe. The persistent feeling that the universe is out to get them prevents this.

In this delusional structure, the rule is “never let your guard down”. Because that’s when they GET you. To support this structure, all negative events are interpreted as personal failures of some sort. That way, the perception of being in control, in this case in the form of being able to prevent the negative experience from happening again, is preserved, but at a terrible cost to the self-worth of the individual.

The result is not unlike a police state : no matter what happens, the response is to tighten security and increase vigilance. Clearly, the problem is that we have too lenient. Defenses have been allowed to go slack. We must be yet harsher.

The idea that it is the vigilance and harshness that is causing the problem simply does not compute. It might be recognized as potentially true in the abstract, but the entire foundation of the individual’s psyche says the opposite, and that is not an easy setting to change.

There are the things we think, and the things we feel, and then there are the deep down superstitions that keep us from being whole. The idea that the moment you let you guard down, the universe will GET you is one of those superstitions.

I call it a superstition because it is clearly not rationally supportable. The concept that the universe has any sort of attitude or intentions towards you is an unsupportable anthropomorphization. The universe is not a living entity, and therefore can’t have any more of an opinion about you than a rock does.

Humans, being such a social species, tend to see intention and agency everywhere. But the truth is, the universe just plain doesn’t give a shit about you.

Not because it chooses not to. Because it never could.

Because this deep suspicion of the universe is not rational or logical, in theory, one could simply tell oneself it isn’t true, and free yourself from it.

If you were a robot. But we are human beings, and superstitions operate on a level considerably below the rational. Not only that, but the truly deep and dangerous ones distort the psyche to the point where it will at least feel like if they are altered in any way, everything will fall apart.

And perhaps that is at least partially true. If superstition is all that keeps some mental structures intact, removal of that superstition would cause those structures to fall apart.

But here’s the thing : those are the structures that are killing you. Them collapsing might well be the best thing that could ever happen to you. It could be the one thing that lets you finally relax enough to fully deactivate your adrenalized state, and that in turn means your body can go out of defense mode, where anxiety, anger, and terror are never very far away and the body slows down healing processes in order to have all its resources at the ready at all times.

And that would be when the true healing begins.

Perhaps the secret to doing that is to simply repeat “I am safe” to yourself until it feels true.

Of course, first, you have to feel it’s safe to do so….

I know in my own case, I never feel totally safe. As I type, I am as safe as any modern person can be. By all rational assessments, I am in absolutely no danger of any sort, not even emotional. The worse thing that could happen is that I read a news story that is sort of sad.

But deep, deep down, I am still that scared little animal that somehow never reaches home. The panic never ends.

The best I can hope for is to keep it down to a single brightly burning ember. That’s where it is now.

But that ember never goes out.

I am safe, I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.
I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

All these fucking ghosts

I’m feeling haunted today.

All this goddamned noise in my head from all the crazy shit I have swirling around in there. Ghosts, banshees, pltergeists, and revenants, all running around and screaming like the kids in a 60’s cartoon.

Were kids really that horrible back then? If so, then…. what the fuck, man.

I remember being taken to (dropped off at?) a few kiddie matinees when I was a wee tot. They were bedlam. Kids running around screaming, throwing their popcorn and soda all over the place, nobody but me paying attention to the movie. The noise level was such that it made it hard to hear the movie. It was total chaos.

I would sit in the front row all by myself, hunched down like a zoo animal hearing a big truck going by. I was in the front row so that I wouldn’t be surrounded on all sides by the madness, and I would just stare fixedly ahead at the screen until the madness was over and Emery, the owner-operator of the theater, would open the door into blessed summer sunshine, and I would be let loose from Pandemonium.

Come to think of it, even to this very day, I feel a sense of great relief when the movie theater door is opened. Granted, that doesn’t necessarily happen at your local EverythingPlex any more, but when it does, I feel like I just got out of jail, and that’s true no matter how much I loved the movie.

Fast forward to my days in elementary school, and I have more or less the same reaction to the chaos around me on the playground. So much noise, so much chaos. I would find someplace at least somewhat quiet, and stay there a lot of the time.

I was terribly shy as well, so even when I wasn’t being bullied, I was too timid to do a lot of things. Even getting up on the monkey bars so I could go hand-over-hand across the part that was like a horizontal ladder, which I totally could do and quite enjoyed doing, required a monumental fight against inner demons that I could neither understand nor explain to anyone else.

In fact, it honestly would not have occurred to be to seek help. I didn’t even grasp that I had a problem of the sort that people could help with. Life had, even at that young age, taught me that asking for help from anyone was always a losing proposition. I wouldn’t get the help I wanted, and I would come away feeling rejected, dejected, and depressed from having opened myself up to someone only to have them dump a dirty ashtray into me and close the lid.

I knew I was different from the other kids. That was made painfully obvious to me every school day. I didn’t know why they did what they did, and I had no friends that would have helped me learn, so I spent recess and lunchtime surrounded by kids but utterly alone amidst the chaos and cacophony.

It was the kiddie matinees all over again.

Later in life, I wondered why Emery put on those matinees. They were total nightmares for him. He was clearly frustrated by and scared of the kids, and I can’t blame him, because so was I. The cleanup must have been like cleaning up after an incontinent elephant, and as I recall, the ticket to get in was pretty cheap too.

My guess is, it was some kind of tradition held over from the days of the poodle skirt and malt shop, and if he had tried to stop doing it before it was time, he would have had an army of pitchfork-wielding parents at his doorstep (which, come to think of it, was only two doors and a street away from my doorstep) filled with the righteous fury know only to parents who suddenly have to take care of their children for two more hours a week.

This is what makes teacher’s strikes such tricky business.

Nevertheless, the matinees stopped very shortly after I experienced them. Couldn’t have been more than three years. And I trust you can see why.

Good riddance, if you ask me. Oy.

Then again, it was at one of those matinees that I got to see Star Wars in the theater like three times, so they weren’t all bad. But those times, I was with my siblings, and hence, insulated.

So I dunno. Maybe I was destined not to fit in. It would have taken a serious consciousness upgrade for me to have been able to see what was go on around me clearly and then move to make things how I wanted to be. I would have needed to be able to grasp that I was different, understand that difference, decide to learn to fake enough normalcy to get along and have friends, and essentially locked a big part of myself away.

Not sure that would have been the choice I would have made. But even if I had chosen the other path, the lone wolf elitist path, I would have at least been able to make some sort of peace with myself.

Instead, I was just a heavy, soggy bag of emotion and problems, impossible to respect and prone to biting the hand that feeds me without even realizing it, and so nobody wanted to (or could) deal with me.

But what can I say? For all my overweaning intelligence, I was just a kid. Locked away all alone in my own little world, I couldn’t do anything but struggle through every day. Always looking for something but somehow never reaching a conclusion. All my energy went into dragging myself through the quagmire of boredom and terror every day.

At that early an age, if there is nobody watching you and seeing that you are in trouble and intervening… it isn’t going to happen. And every child, no matter how unique and/or difficult, deserves to have someone like that in their lives.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

The conflict within

Sounds like a great chapter title, doesn’t it? Or maybe a sequel. Chipmunks 3 : The Conflict Within.

It’s mostly about Alvin’s cocaine addiction.

I’ve been experiencing a certain amount of inner conflict lately. My inner child is not getting along so well with my newly formed inner parent. I’m being very stubborn and unreasonable with myself.

Don’t worry, that’s not as crazy as it sounds.

It’s all because of that perennial conflict between “want to” and “should”. I have slipped into the “should” column lately, and once “should” mode kicks in, my inner child folds his little arms in front of his chest, pouts, and ignores the things he “should” do with a vengeance.

I swear, I was never this difficult when I was an actual child. Then again…. apart from gym and arts and crafts, nobody was trying to make me do anything I didn’t want to do.

And we all know how stubborn I was about those two subjects. So, hmm.

The first casualty of this inner war was my to-do list. I installed it on my main tablet (the big one) around a month ago, with an eye towards getting better at getting shit done. And it worked for a while.

But then the list filled up. And I stopped even trying to do any of the things on it. So now it just sits there.

I think I have turned the corner, though, and opened the door to doing more work on the self-discipline side of things. I don’t want to be the kind of person who lives a shitty life under shitty circumstances just because they are too lazy and/or stubborn to actually do any of the things that would make things better.

Things that are totally within my control, like how messy this room is, or how much I exercise, or how clean and neat I am personally. I have told myself that I didn’t have the strength to really face these sorts of things in the past, and it was true then. But I am stronger now, and ready to move into actually living life in the real world instead of just hiding from the world in my mental realms and letting everything go all to hell.

I’m in charge now. There is nobody around to blame for what I do. Sure, I still have psychological traumae, but those are wounds to be healed, not excuses to be deployed whenever anything threatens to disturb my freeze-dried inner universe.

I would say I have been nursing my wounds, but nursing sometimes heals things. I have been maintaining them.

After all, without them, I might have to face reality. Oh no, anything but that!

The thing is, I have never thought of myself as the kind of person who can’t face reality. I pride myself in my dedication to the truth, come what may, and that means not shying away from unpleasant truths, or living in denial.

And if you asked me about all this a year ago, I would have been able to spin a more than reasonable facsimile of that being true. I have all kinds of realistic, well thought out, pragmatic yet sympathetic opinions and observations about the world which I can deliver at the drop of a hat. I have vivid and accurate insights into things unseen by most, and I can totally convince people that I really have a good grip on things.

I can even convince myself, some of the time.

But when it comes to facing reality on an emotional and spiritual level, I have been a total coward. It’s easy for me to be realistic in the realm of the mind. I’m very comfortable in that realm, and I have pushed myself to see things as they really are for my entire life. I can say, truthfully, that there is no thought I won’t think, no realm I will not enter, no sacred ground where my mind fears to tread. Nothing escapes my analysis. I am determined to figure it all out.

That might mean I am being cold and cruel with myself, but it’s how I choose to live.

But all that is nothing but words if it never translates to actually doing anything. And that’s where emotion, spirit, and will come into play. And responsibility as well.

Growing up means accepting… not liking, but accepting…. that your time of being cared for and not having to worry about things is over and it will never, ever come back. Withdrawing from the world doesn’t alter this basic truth, and when you refuse to take responsibility for yourself because you’re not “ready”, it almost always means making someone else take responsibility for you instead.

And that’s not fair. After all, you wouldn’t want someone else doing that to you, would you?

And if you think “but that’s different!”, here’s the harsh truth : no it isn’t. It isn’t different at all. If you are old enough to vote, you have lost all rights to expect anyone to look after you. There is nobody who is “supposed” to be looking after you and your life any more. That phase of life ended when you became an adult.

Childhood ends. There’s nothing you can do about that. All you can do is make your adulthood more pleasant, or live, like I have, a sad pathetic life for twenty years rather than grow the fuck up.

And the older you get, the bigger a price you have to pay for clinging to childhood like it’s a right.

And that’s the kind of truth I have been burying myself in mental stimulation to avoid facing. I have been patting myself on the back for being some kind of fearless truth warrior while ignoring the truth that said back was turned away from the truth and that my eyes were squeezed shut.

Oh well. In order to go forward, your illusions must die, and the ones you love the most are the ones you need to kill most of all, because they are the ones keeping you from evolving out of your current problems.

You have to let go of your illusions and finally evolve. Only then can you be free.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

My own strength

I am really afraid of what will hapen to people if they get too close to me, or I to them.

And I have no idea how reasonable a fear that is. But it is very strong.

I don’t want anyone else to touch my poison. I feel very toxic most of the time. Radioactive, even. Raw plutonium. And my deepest and most potent shame revolves around that toxic burden.

If it was to poison another, I would die of shame. Others, probably healthier people than I, have the option of dumping their evil into others, because they have the luxury of acting purely on emotion, without understanding why, or needing to.

But I don’t have that freedom. I know what is going on. I can forsee the consequences of my actions on a level which is completely invisible for most people.

Lucky me, I know how the sausage is made. Stare long enough into the abyss, and you find out it’s been staring at you the whole time, waiting for you to notice it.

Had therapy today. Talking about recent stuffs. Got some good advice on how to proceed. Better armed that ever.

One thing that came up was how I feel about the whole affair in which I am currently entwined. And I had to tell him that, if things go as they inevitably will, all I can see is it increasing my already considerably bitterness towards the world.

To go someplace where I was sure I would be safe and fit in and to then, through absolutely no fault of my own, be rejected from that group only reinforces the lessons I have learned from a lifetime of being rejected through no fault of my own.

All my life, I have tried to get along, be a nice person, understand people, be a good student, all of that. And all I have ever gotten from it is rejection from most and pity from the rest.

No wonder I think I’m toxic.

Signing up for class required an enormous lowering of defenses. Actually showing up required exponentially more. I was very pleased with the progress I was making socially and emotionally, and looking forward to getting to know these very cool and funny people with whom I thought I had a lot in common.

Depressed and funny? Check and double check.

But no, it appears that even amongst the mentally ill, I will get singled out and rejected. There’s just something about me that threatens and unsettles people to the point of them not being able to cope with me being around.

And I am pretty much done feeling bad about that. I’m far from perfect, but I do everything I can to get along and fit in, and people still can’t fucking handle me. Or respect me, because I’ve been such a fucking pathetic doormat too.

Well from here on in, I am going to hold my head up high, fight for my right to exist as I see fit, and if people still don’t like me, fine.

Better to be loathed and respected than loathed with contempt. I am a force to be reckoned with, and I will use all my considerable powers to make a place for myself in the world, no matter whose toes I have to step on.

I have spent a long long time feeling ashamed to even be alive. Like I never deserved to even be here, let alone take up space and resources that could go to someone who mattered. All my life, I felt like people would be better off without me.

I have never known how to value myself. After all, nobody else did. Where would I have learned? Even my teachers treated me like they didn’t want me around. I didn’t stand a fucking chance.

I didn’t even have Jesus to love me.

Well it’s high time I healed that wound. And if it takes my hopes and dreams crashing to the ground and burning like the fucking Hindenberg to make it happen, so be it.

Sometimes it takes a forest fire before the forest can return to life, fresh and new.

And I know increased bitterness is not the enlightened or correct response, but I honestly can’t imagine any other reaction. I can’t see past this, or around it. The only conclusion I am capable of drawing from this is that I have to go it alone and have nothing to do with others at all, my friends excluded.

Apparently, you have to have some kind of mutant superpower to see my worth and not just be put off my strange, electric vibe and conclude that I think I am better than everyone else simply because you are frightened of me.

I’m done with trying to appear harmless. It’s not working anyhow. People will be scared of the giant no matter how gentle he is. So fine, be scared. Throw your spears at my spaceship. I just don’t give a shit any more.

If I am going to terrify people no matter what, I might as well do it in a way that leaves me with dignity and self-respect. I used to think I had no use for either of those.

But the truth was, I just didn’t think they were an option.

Now, I see that I have nothing to be ashamed of, and that I am entirely capable of fighting on my own behalf, and not just on the behalf of others. I am getting fucked over for no good reason, and I am going to rain hellfire on the person (or people) doing it and make them wish they had not picked on the seemingly harmless guy.

I’m a steam locomotive aimed at the heart of darkness on an expressly express route. I’m a landmine that never stops exploding. I’m the monster lurking in the darkness just outside the path of the righteous. I’m the slow, devastating poison of a bad conscience rotting inside you like last year’s leftovers.

I’m Darkwing Duck.

Let’s get dangerous.

I will talk to all of you nice people again tomorrow.

What I know about Guardians

Okay. Let’s do this.

My name is Ichigo Natsumori, but most people call me Itch. It suits me. I’ve always been a restless, twitchy type. Like I’ve always got an itch that I can’t figure out to scratch.

In a way, it’s true.

And the reason you are reading this is that people seem to think I know more about the Guardians than everyone else. It’s berserk, I can’t go anywhere, light or flesh, without people asking me a million freaky questions.

So I thought I would write this text for you so you could all get your peep at the same time and maybe I could get some freaky peace for once.

Also, I really need the money. Damfool.

So let’s see. You all know the story, I guess. I was super bored one day and decided to find out what the hell the capital G crowd did and where they went when they weren’t breaking up bar fights or stopping wars.

I ain’t the first to wonder about our sudden saviors. People have been trying to follow them and figure out what the fudge they are since they showed up seventeen…. no, eighteen years ago. All kinds of top brains got their brows all furrowed trying to figure out where they came from, what they want, what are they made of that makes them able to shrug off a nuke to the love basket, all that shit. None of them came up with a damn thing[1]. One day there weren’t here, the next they were everywhere. And suddenly it was damn near impossible for people to hurt one another. They could yell and scream all they wanted, but if they so much as tried to throw their drink at someone, there’d be a G there to stop them.

Anyhow, I got to following this one G whom I named Chris because he reminded me of this big kid I knew in my middle grades. Great guy, Chris. Big as a house but gentle as a lamb. Never even seen him mad.

Just liked the G’s.

And for a while, it was different, but it wasn’t interesting. Sure, it was fun to keep up with him (her? it?) on my zipboard when he did that freaky running like a rampaging rhino thing, but for the most part, I just watched him get in between two hot-heads or keep some woman from attacking another woman over some damfool thing, and that got old real fast.

So to try to keep my interest up, I started making notes of this and that, and my implant sends everything to Forebrain as a default, so it starts putting things together, and the next thing I know, I got people following me around and crowding me in and
touching my board and fudge, and my lifestyle has been severely compromised.

I don’t know how many times I told people that if they wanted to know so bad, they should just ask Forebrain. But you can’t worship a public brain like in the old days any more, so I guess I am the closest thing they have to a Messiah of the Guardians, and they’re all that people worship these days, so that makes me their Jesus.

That’s all I fucking need.

Anyhow, here are the “personal observations” about the big G’s that people have been clamoring for. A lot of this is shit you probably already know, but I don’t get paid unless I meet my wordcount, so suffer.

First, the basics. They are all exactly three meters tall, two point something meters from shoulder to shoulder, and built like Hercules. They are all the exact same shade of dark neutral blue, they are all as naked and sexless as an unprogrammed holoform, and they all have black eyes with no holes in them.

Slow me down if this is getting too technical.

As far as I can tell, they are total pacifists. And I mean total. They can stop a maverick rail rocket without anyone inside even getting their ‘do wrinkled. They can make an out of control buzzhead with a busted implant become limp and meek just by looking at him. They could take a dude who had just taken a fifty story fall out of a commapt window and put him back together just by touching him and closing their eyes.

That was a bad day. You know, when I put it all together like that, I can see why people worship them.

Oh, and of course, nothing can harm them. Nothing. When I was a buzzhead teen, we liked nothing more than to start a fight to make a G show and then throw everything we could think of at it. Nothing even got a reaction, even when we poured Vas-X oil all over it and light it on fire.

So that’s the basics. Now, to correct some vacant cranium fudge that people think about it.

It’s not true that they never talk. It’s just that they only talk when necessary, and brothers and sisters, they don’t think it’s necessary very often. I followed Chris around for two days before I heard a word, and that was just “Stop. ”

Oh, and it’s not true that they beat people up in secret or torture people into confessing or any of that hot fudge. Anyone who tells you it happened to them is just pulling cred and should be met with compassionate disdain. As far as I can tell, they don’t do anything in secret, and they don’t give a damn what information you have or what you plan to do in the future.

All they seem to know or care about is what you intend to do right now, and they seem to know that without asking anyone.

As for the “powers” debate, for my part, I do think they have some kind of freaky mind powers. Not that, I care, or anything I got nothing to hide. But they are way too good at being around when the fudge is about to go down for there not to be something we can’t see going on.

And what about that healing shit? Nobody knows how they do that, either.

I guess that’s it for now. My flash-high is dying and I gotta go spend some time in Greytown.

Maybe I will do this again tomorrow.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. Fudge, I could have been one of them eggheads up in a research satellite. But I was always more interested in life, you know?