Foobledy fooby foo!

Hey there space monkeys! Welcome to another wacky and wonders waltz through the world of the weird and the wild inhabitants of the Land of the Foobs. Please try to keep your hands, legs, genitals, pseudopodia, flagellae, antennae, extrusions, and fronds inside the tour vehicle at all times, and if you absolutely must indulge in flash photography, please try not to flash anything that will upset the other passenger. Smoking is permitted only if you happen to be on fire. Passengers must remain behind the yellow line at all times, as our driver is easily spooked. No gum chewing either.

First on our safari tour, we come across a handsome and well proportioned example of a wild and untamed satirical comedy skit. This one is a British species, so be warned, it is especially venomous and toxic, and deadly accurate as well, so stay well back, and enjoy!

Brilliant stuff. I have seen other clips from these two, and they do amazing work. Sharp, funny, stingingly accurate, superbly executed, and best of all, cheap to make. It just requires the two of them and a couple of TV cameras, and, of course, a really good script. My kind of comedy.

And honestly, the whole voodoo cargo cult that passes itself off as a meaningful guide to anything known by its adherents as “economics” needs to be exposed for the shallow fraud it is as hard and as often as possible. It is rich bastards and their pet economists and other academics that got us into all this economic bullshit that we are all suffering through in the first place anyhow. The whole financial sector is based on lies, delusions, shell games, deliberate obfuscations, and outright fraud anyhow. The sooner we stop worshipping the appearance of respectability and learn to call a crook a crook, the better.

And speaking of the evil old men who rule the world so god damned poorly, you would never guess who has joined the list of those lining up in the rotunda to stick a dagger into Rupert Murdoch’s twitching corpse?

Why, none other than his archenemy, Lord Black himself.

The bad news first : Conrad Black is not going to spend any more time in jail. He and his league of evil lawyers have defeated all charges against him.

Bummer, I know. But at least he spent some time in jail, and how he is in a perfectly wonderful position to take potshots at Murdoch from the high moral ground of someone who is not only looking pure and righteous and exonerated, but someone who has been his chief rival for years and ergo knows Murdoch quite well, and who furthermore has always been the classier of the two, and thus is perfectly situated to look down his nose at Murdoch and say “Well, he was never really our kind of person anyhow, was he?” and cost Murdoch all cred and clout and sympathy from the Upper Upper types who are the only ones who could save him now.

And what hurts Murdoch hurts Fox News. Remember that. For Fox News alone, he deserves eternal pain.

And lastly, something I have had kicking around for ages now, and so I feel I should share it along with these other signs of the times type stuff.

It’s a posting to the local craigslist that made me, and my friend who is a chef in this area, very happy.

As regular readers know, I have a big soft spot in my heart for the well executed rant, that special art form where righteous anger and eloquence combine to state the truth forcefully and sometimes even hilariously.

I mean, check this shit out :

That one is quite long in the tooth (hence low video quality) but has lost none of its potency. That dude is really angry and uses it to marvelous effect.

Or how about this recent love of mine? (warning, tons of swearing)

I love the relentless energy and especially all the genuine frustration and anger and sheer ARRRGH in the singer’s voice. You can tell he really means what he says, and I can only imagine that millions of other Tube using Brits felt exactly the same way at the time.

And that brings us to the end of today’s tour through the wild and savage jungles of Foob. Please be sure to wait until the vehicle has come to a complete stop relative to the planet’s surface, and be sure to check the seats and cushions for any articles of clothing, carry-on luggage, or spawn you might have left behind.

Now get the heck out.

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