In my shoes

I seem to be adjusting to my new orthopedic shoes fairly well. And they seem to be adjusting to me as well.

See, there’s a layer that is deliberately a bit squishy so that the shoes can conform to my feet as I wear them.

I still have no idea why I was so drastically uncomfortable that first day. It seems to have been a case of them being WAY too tight, but for the life of me I don’t know how “Jackie” managed to do them up that tight because I’m tugging on the Velcro straps pretty hard when I put them on (I’ve always preferred my shoes to be snug) and I am still not getting them that tight.

In fact, they feel slightly floppier than I would prefer, but that’s probably for the best as I want to make sure the circulation in my feet is not compromised.

Who knows, maybe we’ll be able to get the wound on my feet to heal.

One can only hope.

I had Wound Care this morning. It went well. Linda the Wound Clinician was there to sand down my foot callouses once more.

So I have that very faint burning sensation in my tootsies right now.

Also did the community shower thing today. Albert is back from vacation and that’s a relief because I really like him.

He does most of the talking, and I am fine with that. I am happy just to listen. I don’t always have to contribute to the conversation, especially with regular folk like Albert.

When I am with my nerdy friends it’s a different matter. There, I have to contribute because of the sheer joy I get from having people who can understand me in my life.

I did not have a lot of that growing up.

It’s one of the sad truths about being smart.

There are so many

Let’s start with the top level one : being smart means living in a world run by and for idiots. Children. You are a giant among pygmies.

This doesn’t really bother me. I suppose I think that the world would be a much better place if I ran everything but I’m not about to become a supervillain over it.

I think my overall humanism and general (relative) humility keeps me from becoming a bitter misanthrope about the whole thing. I understand people for who and what they are and I love them all the more for their flaws and frailties and imperfections, so the fact that I see what are, to me, obvious solutions to the big problems does not bother me very much.

If I feel strongly about it, I can use my powerful voice to broadcast my solutions and try to maybe influence people to see things my way.

That’s how thing actually work in the real world. I am lucky in that my genius happens to encompass things like communication and oratory skills so there is a more than average chance of actually getting at least a few people to listen.

But most of my fellow genii don’t have that luxury, so they are left being Cassandra, knowing what should be done but unable to make anyone listen to them.

On a more personal level, as patient readers know, my “punishment” for finishing way, way ahead of my fellow students was nothing. I would have loved to have been given extra work to do because it would have kept me from being bored out of my mind.

Instead, I had to just sit there and zone out because I wasn’t allowed to just read.

And like the video says, I couldn’t relate to my fellow students because I was parsecs ahead of them intellectually. Their world and their activities had little appeal to me. They cared about actions figures and coloring. I cared about science and reading.

I doubt I would have put it this way at the time, but they were behaving like children.

And I was not. I was this creepy kid who was eerily self-possessed and calm and talked like an adult trapped in a child’s body and who must have seemed like an alien child.

What I really needed was a gifted kids’ program, but that was not in the cards.

More after the break.

Why so cold?

I think I need a thermometer for my room.

It’s the only way I will be able to definitely determine whether I am cold due to it being actually literally physically cold in here or due to something askew with my health.

Admittedly, the former is more likely. I have this enormous lovely window directly behind my computer desk and it is not thermally sealed because people just don’t do that kind of thing around here and thus cold air is constantly leaking in.

It’s geometrically worse when the wind is blowing hair and Bernoulli-effect-ing the warm air right the fuck out of here.

Luckily, you don’t get strong winds in winter around here.

Or at least we haven’t yet. Who knows what the future holds? We could lose our precious microclimate any day now.

In which case I’m going to brick up the fucking windows until Spring, because if I am this cold in January now, I would not survive the winter in the rest of Canada.

As is, there appears to be little I can do to address the problem. Even if I could buy thermal caulking or even just thermal tape around here, I am in no shape to be able to apply it around all the window panes.

And I just verified that I have my thermostat turned all the way up. Le sigh.

I could get a space heater. That might be a good use of that $200 still sitting on my account. I am sure my sisters would like to know their gifts are helping to keep me warm in the winter.

Admittedly, in that completely irrational layer of the male mind that makes us do dumb shit, part of me feels like getting a space heater means that the coldness wins.

Look, I said it was irrational, didn’t I?

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

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