A new brood

In a brooding mood today, not sure why. Still not quite catching up with how my sleep works now. I am having problems recognizing the difference when I am done sleeping and it is time to face the day, or when I need more sleep and should go back to bed for a while.

I just spent three rather brooding hours lying in bed, not really sleeping at all, but just laying there trying to sleep and not getting anywhere. What the hell was I doing, exactly? Why didn’t I realize I was not getting anywhere and just give up and get up and start doing things?

Well, I know part of it is that intention lock-in problem I have mentioned once or twice before. When I plan to do something, it is very difficult for me to decide not to do it. And when I got up just before noon, I was still pretty tired, and so I said to myself “I will just go eat lunch and then come back and finish up sleeping. ”

And so, that is what I had to do, even if by the time I finished eating I was fully awake and not really sleepy at all, and probably did not need sleep at all. Had to try taking a nap anyhow. And I am not sure why. I just know I have this compulsion to do what I plan to do. It is surely going to get me in trouble some day, or at least, make me seem extremely crazy to people.

And it is definitely the same part of my psyche that makes me take disappointment so badly. It is not just that it hurts to think you are going to do something fun or nice and then find out you are not going to do it after all. It’s that said pain is wrapped in a much larger pain of sudden change of plans. I just cannot hack sudden change like that. It hits me like a physical blow to the gut and makes me feel like I suddenly lost part of me, and so it always hurts like hell and takes me a while to recover.

And it has always been that way with me. I remember a certain birthday when I was a kid. What I had asked for as a birthday gift was for my parents to get my old, hand me down, banana colored hand me down girl’s bike fixed. My parents decided to get me my own brand new awesome mountain bike instead.

So the morning of my birthday comes, and all my family is gathered around to see my no doubt Spielbergian reaction to this upgrade, and instead I just completely freak out, because I just cannot handle the sudden violation of expectation. I wanted my old bike, not this new thing that is taller and has a bunch of gears that I don’t know how to use and is so tall that my feet won’t touch the ground while I am in the seat any more so now I have to learn a whole new way to ride a bike!

So I was crying and angry and upset, when honestly I should have been tickled pink to have a brand new and much cooler bike that was NOT a hand me down. But the sudden change was just too much for me to handle. So instead of a magical moment of childhood wonder and happiness, they got an angry and accusatory ball of tears and recrimination.

I still fell kinda bad about that. I mean, I was just a kid, and you cannot go against your basic nature and mine is distinctly un-fond of surprises. But still. I can see how that was not exactly a happy day for anyone involved at all.

For the record, I eventually made friends with the new bike and learned to ride it, and it was my faithful steed for years and years to come. Heck, I still miss that bike. It was a lean mean street machine.

So anyhow, that was part of why I laid there trying to sleep for hours. I was just obeying my compulsion to do what I plan to do, regardless of whether it is still a good idea.

But I think I also just did not, for whatever reason, feel like dealing with reality. I remember feeling resentful and bitter about it while I was in the state of being sort of, but not really, asleep. I remember feeling like I just did not feel like facing life and its tensions and variables and complications, and so I was deliberately ignoring it, snubbing it, really.

This is not the sort of emotion I usually allow myself when I am full awake. It goes against my desire to remain a positive and open person. I usually keep my “Fuck you, world!” side firmly under wraps. So I find it interesting that it came to the surface so strongly when I was slightly asleep. Must be time for me to deal with that kind of feeling.

And that is not easy, because it is so unpleasant and so totally not who I want to be.

But there is no point denying that it is there, I suppose. There is a deep vein of glowering rage filled misanthropy in me that I have never really dealt with. A strong part of me that wants to tell the world (and everyone in it) to go fuck itself, and to take an angry and defiant stance against the world.

That is not usually who I am. I am usually a happy, amiable, affable type who does not like to dwell on the negative and just wants to get along with everyone in peace, harmony, and goodwill.

But the emotion is there, and I need to deal with it. I have a deep down rage against the world that has treated me so poorly, and no amount of logic or intention will change that.

And some day, it will come raging to the surface whether I want it or approve of it or not.

Better sooner than later, I suppose.

One thought on “A new brood

  1. now that’s interesting. One of the things I learned about some of the significantly mentally impaired people is that they share this same attachment to schedule and expectation and can become very upset and/or violent if it is violated.

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