Talk, and lynx

Or was that “links”? Well, just to have all the bases covered :

A lynx. her cub, and you going AWWWWWW!

Got a few links to share, plus some random chat about my life.

Had a bit of a weird thing happen today, though it is not unprecedented. Woke up from a nap to find I was very dizzy. It was not so bad that I could not get around in order to make supper and eat it, but it was still very irritating and I felt like every time I moved my head, my whole world lurched into a spin in that direction. My head also felt way bigger and usual, and even when I was sitting still, I had this feeling like the room was spinning very very slowly.

Luckily, this has happened to be before, so I was not as freaked out by this as I might have been. I am pretty sure it happens due to a fluid buildup in my inner ear from seasonal allergies, and so all I have to do is clean my ears thoroughly then lie down and wait for the world to stop spinning, more or less.

And that is what I did, once I was finished eating. I feel more or less fine now, the dizzies have gone away, But it was damned unpleasant for a few hours.

But then again, there’s Star Wars ninjas.

It is pretty impressive for a fan made video. The Star Wars angle, to me, seems slightly tacked on. I mean, these are clearly just regular dudes in some warehouse or whatever. Take the special effects away, and it is just another action sequence.

Not that the Star Wars stuff does not add a lot of sheer awesomeness to it. Force powers are very cool, especially when integrated into high intensity combat like in this video, and so I suppose that is all the justification for their inclusion that is needed.

Plus, you have to admit, “Star Wars ninjas” as a title is instant Internet bait. After all, it worked on me, and I am all jaded and shit, so it must be an attractive premise.

The real star of the vid, though, is the action, and that is mighty impressive on its own, and double intense impressive for a fan film. The guy who plays our unnamed protagonist has some serious moves, and those are clearly not special effects. He had to be able to really move like that, and that is no mean feat. If he did not move so well, the whole thing would have just come across as another dorky fan video that is mostly about the special effects.

But these people clearly have learned a lot about high octane action from modern movies like The Raid, and it makes the video a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

Amazing what you can do with a bunch of friends, some digital cameras, and off the shelf programs like After Effects, isn’t it?

Also on the “cool video” front is this rather fun short film slash music video from South Africa done in a stylish and loving B movie style about the Attack of the Hedadas.

Truth be told, I don’t care much for the song. Seems pretty washed out and structureless and hookless to me, typical of this era of music. Seems to be working hard to make sure it does not become musically interesting. Perhaps that is the “new sound” these days, but I am a classicist and therefore newness means little to me. It is good, or it is not, new or old, regardless.

But who cares about the song, because the video itself is so much fun! Oh, FYI, a hadeda is a large bird native to all of southern Africa. Its named is actually an onomatopoeia for its loud and distinctive haa-haa-haa-de-dah call.

Anyhow, back to the video. It reminds me most of a Dee Lite video, only with more violence and giant birds. The violence is quite cartoony, though, and overall I found the video to be fun and funny and kitschy and quite the enjoyable little short movie, lame music aside.

One little nit : why did they switch from subtitles to voiceover half way through? Also, I was a little disappointed, but not really surprised, that Mister Ranger Man got killed. I wanted him to survive, but you need monster fodder in these kinds of movies and this video does not exactly have a cast of thousands.

Finally, not a video but a picture. One that is surely rocketing around the Internet right now and becoming fodder for a million Photoshoppings as we speak.

And if people ever figured out who the guy at the end of the red arrow is, he will be famous in a very embarrassing way for at least his fifteen minutes.

Thank God nobody can see me here.

Yup, that is some dude in a baseball cap taking a leak right behind (from one camera’s POV) the President of the United States giving a speech.

That is one heck of a way to make the news. Many have speculated that this fine fellow has made the classic camper’s mistake of defining what counts as “peeing behind a bush” only from the point of view of the group of people you just left, and not, in fact, realizing that one point of view’s “out of sight” is another point of view’s “right in front of God, the President, and millions of people worldwide. ”

I made that mistake once as a wee child, and thankfully never made it again. Good to get these things done when you are young and clueless and people will just find it cute.

But my theory is that this guy did this on purpose, as a bit of political performance art.

See, he was just doing an impression of Mitt Romney : behind Obama, and pissing himself.

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