What a day

By all accounts (or at least, by mine, and that;s really the only one that counts), today has been wild.

First off, of course, we have all the Hurricane Sandy mania teeming through the etheric medium and making me worry about my relatives back home on Prince Edward Island, a continent away.

Normally, I suppose, us West Coast types would feel only the normal humanist worry about all those people in the northeast US and the Maritime Provinces in the path of the storm.

It is not that we wouldn’t care, it is just that we would be worried about people in general, which is never quite as potent as worrying about specific people we know.

And after all, here in BC, we got earthquakes going off like Halloween fireworks off Haida Gwai.

(By the way, I loathe the local tradition of fireworks around Halloween. I am not in favour of the general public having access to flying incendiary devices that make sudden loud noises. I guess we should be grateful that around this time of year it’s always very damp around here. Back home, we have Dry Fall half the time, and all those leaves would go up pretty fast. )

And speaking (parenthetically) about back home, that is what has me worried. It looks like the northern edge of Sandy will smack into the Maritimes, and I can’t help but imagine what a tidal surge could do to my little old home town of Summerside, what will it being right on the water, having no seawall at all (we have never needed one… until now?) and the house I grew up in being only six blocks from the Atlantic and how pretty much everywhere I hung out as a kid being right on the waterfront…. plus lord knows how many relations I have there….

Oh, and let us not forget that Summerside sits at one of the two points where Prince Edward Island gets very thin, so that there are points where you can see both the North Shore and the South Shore… and so a tidal surge could come from both directions at once…

Oh well, at least my mother and brother live together near the very top of the hill, so the water would have to travel a long ways uphill to get to them either way.

Plus, this is just the edge of the system, far from the core, so I am probably working myself into a state of hysteria over nothing.

Ironically, it looks like this thing will miss the Maritimes by a mile and instead hit Toronto.

I am not even going to make a joke. Too damned easy.

Meanwhile, closer to home, I am still suffering from those aches and pains I was dealing with yesterday, and it is like unto make a man go mad.

It left me alone for most of the day, but then tonight it came back with a vengeance, and just when I was having an important discussion with an online friend about a future job prospect for myself.

(No more info on that. If it happens, you will hear about it. Until then, zipped lip. )

So right now, I have that wonderful feeling that every bone on my body is grinding against whichever bones they are connecting with and I am beginning to seriously worry about this shit.

So I have decided that if it is not gone by tomorrow afternoon, I will make a phone call to my GP and set up an appointment to see him on Thursday, after therapy.

Tylenol helps some, but not a whole lot. I just recently took a 24 hour anti-histamine, and that seems to have cooled things off on my joins by a fair bit, which is… interesting. Generally when I am in a bad state, I start to ponder if my hay fever is playing some sort of part. So I took the histamine on spec, more or less, or at least, somewhere between “on spec” and “on a hunch”.

Could I be having some sort of reaction that attacks my joints? Or could it be that pressure building in my sinuses is making me feel tense all over? That has happened in the past, so it’s a a strong lead. I have been trying my best to keep both my nose and ears clear, but it is an uphill struggle and I may not be keeping up with the flow.

Hopefully my 24 hour anti-histamine (Loratadine, but her friends just call her Laura) will not just soothe the fires but slow the flow too, and so I will be able to gain some ground against this affliction.

And then I can stop having the urge to smash random objects just to relieve the fucking TENSION. Argh.

Anyhow, due to that important conversation I mentioned earlier, I ended up not having supper until 9:30 pm, which is much later than usual, and who knows, low blood sugar might be part of the problem now. If so, it will fade over time as I digest.

I doubt that is part of it, tho. Usually that makes me feel weak and sad. Right now I could gladly try my luck against Mike Tyson in the ring, if only to shake the rust off my joints.

I wonder if this is how arthritis feels. If so, it confirms what I have always thought, that arthritis is a horrible, horrible disease and we do not spend enough time and money fighting it simply because it is not a life-threatening disease.

Maybe not, but it can make your life a living hell without remittance, and that has to count for something doesn’t it? There is more to medicine than reducing morbidity.

Anyhow, time for me to go rest and try to recover from all this crazy shit. If this post shows up as being posted on Tuesday instead of Monday, rest assured, I completed it on Monday my time, it is just that my web host and I have a difference of opinion on time zones.

See you tomorrow, folks!

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