Another berg splits off from the glacier

Once more, it’s time to write and I don’t feel like coming up with something clever or meaningful or ambitious, so what you get is whatever bergs calve from the glacier of my mind and float your way.

Trust me, that’s the least disgusting metaphor for my mental processes I could think of on short notice.

And the thing is, I have no excuse for all this creative laziness. True, I’ve been sleeping more than usual lately. My sleep apnea seems to have taken a turn for the worse and shows no sign of turning back. So my days have a lot of that oh so fun super intense sleep where I dream really deeply and vividly because the Paxil in my brain is partying down with the anoxia and depression and dragging my sorry ass through the spirit realm or The Dreaming or some shit, and I wake up feeling like I just stumbled out of the glowing smoldering wreckage of Hiroshima, and I barely manage to eat and eliminate before I got to stumble right back into that radioactive crater and go another round with Mister Sandman and the pain machine from the Princess Bride.

So I suppose that’s some sort of excuse after all. All this brain bruising bog burning bed time really does take a lot out of me, and doesn’t leave me a lot of time and energy to actually do things.

But still, I’m not asleep or eating all the time. I played No More Heroes 2 on the Wii for like five hours last night. (Thanks, caffeine!). That crazy Kimmy bitch is way harder to beat on normal difficulty. I beat the game on what turned out to be “easy” mode. They only give you two options when you start, and so I figured “I will pick the less hard one, because I have not played this game before. ” But then, after I beat it on that difficulty level, a third one popped up, and I realized “they tricked me into playing on easy mode by not offering hard mode by now! Ow, my gamer pride!”

So I am going through the game again, and it’s a very different experience when you have to like, try hard and pay attention and stuff. Frankly, I think I am enjoying it more this time through, although of course there’s a lot more cursing and losing by a tiny bit over and over and feeling like throwing the Wiimote at the screen and all those other things that make playing video games such a relaxing and serene hobby.

But hey, the labour theory of value is inviolable… you will value something more if it costs you more effort. Our parents try to tell us this, but from them it always sounds like they are just trying to trick us into doing more work or having less fun, so we never believe them.

But if a video game can be rewarding enough that you will put a great deal of effort into beating it, investing heavy sweat equity into it, you will enjoy it more than some cakewalk with pretty graphics.

Once I actually get some reasonably awake time together with some actual ability to focus and make plans and do shit, I will hopefully go back to writing more ambitious things. Or start something totally different and unexpected and wild. Like I do.

Tomorrow, hopefully, is the actual Coming of the Exterminator. It was supposed to happen last week, but there was a last minute SNAFU. I look forward to no longer being bit by the bedbugs (despite what people say, it doesn’t matter if you ‘let the bedbugs bite’ or not… bedbugs don’t give a shit) and being able to have Felicity come over and hang out again and in general being able to relax about the whole thing.

Some time between then and now, I have to put a few things away and do a little cleaning. I was all ready last weekend, so I just have to tidy up a little and put stuff away that I kind of had no choice but to take out of my closet again, like bedding. After the grand extermination, everything will go in the wash and into the dryer and that should take care of both pesticide residue and any remaining bedbugs.

The bad part is, in order to keep the buggies away, I am going to have to get a rubber slipcover for my mattress…. and I have a king sized bed. That is going to be expensive.

Being poor sucks so bad.