On The Road : Bored Student edition

Got a half hour with nothing to do at school, so I figured I would get a head start on my blogging.

Messed up again, sigh. According to the schedule I was using, I didn’t have class this morning. So I slept in. Then I sit down at the computer at around 9:30 am and there’s a Facebook message from my classmate Josh telling me that I was supposed to be in TV Pilot 3 class, like, NOW.

This puzzled me. I dug through my school emails and found the latest version of the schedule, which I precious had thought I was already using, but turns out, nope.

I clearly remember downloading that version of the schedule and replacing the copy of it I had saved previously of the previous schedule. So I was, until this morning, confident I was look at the current one.

But nope. I had been working off the old one. D’oh! At first, I was going to just skip the class. I don’t handle the completely out of left field unexpected very well, and my first instinct was to skip the class and pretend the whole thing hadn’t happened and basically go back to doing my day exactly like it would have been had my schedule been correct.

Irrational, I know, but I was not exactly at my best.

Eventually I came around to realizing I had to do my best to attend at least some of the class. Denial was not an option. What put my over the edge towards the right side of the equation was the fact that I had to come in to school for my afternoon class anyway, so I might as well come in a little earlier and get some of the class I stupidly missed.

I swear, it’s like I am doomed to humiliation.

Whatever. I am here now and my stupidity of the day is in the past now, and I have a pretty good episode pitch for next class, which is Writer’s Room. It’s pretty good quality but if it isn’t chosen, I won’t be heartbroken.

I just like to contribute.

Home now. Mine didn’t get chosen. Whatever.

Our teacher told us that we need to start to let our egos dissolve away. I’m hip. If I get a job in a writer’s room, I will be happy as long as the checks clear.

For a while, at least. I suppose if I had been there for weeks and nobody seemed to even be listening to me, I might take my efforts to be heard and recognized up a notch. I’ve been ignored for long enough in my life.

The trick would be to do it in a way that isn’t aggressive or obnoxious. I think I could pull that off. I have a natural charm that can keep me in people’s good graces, plus I am a sweet and somewhat hapless fellow and people respond to that.

Also, I have the spooky ability to read people’s minds in a non-paranormal way. Hopefully, that would let me absorb the mechanics of the existing group dynamics of the workplace. And tailor by approach to best make use of that information.

Hopefully, I would become one of those guys who doesn’t fit in at first, but two weeks later it’s like he has been around forever.

I just have to trust my empathic and deductive powers.

Anyhow, the episode that was chosen seems like it will be pretty good. There is one particular plotline I am particularly interested. it centers around the definition of masculinity and how there is more definitions than the standard societal ones.

And hopefully a little about romantic niche appeal and spots in the ecosystem of love.

I am loving this Writer’s Room course. Today was our first day of collaboration and it was great. I feel so relaxed (comparatively speaking) because it’s not all on me. I don’t have to generate all the elements and pull them together into a narrative and make it coherent and all the rest of it. I just have to contribute my ideas and such.

I can totally do that. To be honest, it kind of feels like I am getting away with something. I am so used to being the sole progenitor of all the creativity in my life.  It’s always all me. Even when I have worked with others, it’s always been me pulling the goddamned train.

But not in Writer’s Room! We’re all pulling the train together now, and it feels so good. I asked the teacher if this is really what a writer’s room is like, and she said yes.

Well count me the fuck in, partner, because I absolutely loved it.

There was one little dip in the experience. About an hour into the class, I realized that I had lapsed into listening mode. I was jetting the whole thing wash over me passively when I should have been contributing.

Luckily, I was able to shift gears into here and now mode so I caught up with  the group pretty fast. I will have to learn to be a little more mellow about whether I feel like people are listening to me or not.

Again, as long as the checks clear, I am happy.

The trip home was pretty standard. I walked right past Bob’s and was not tempted to go in. I have been letting my tight-fisted frugality loose  in the run-up to Vancoufur this weekend.

That means I have clamped down on discretionary spending. I will need cash for meals when I am at the Con.

We’re not getting a room this year, though. Joe didn’t feel like it, and he’s the one wither the capital. Plus, the convention is like five blocks from here. So why not sleep in my own bed at night?

Who knows. I might even take some company back to my bedroom for some frisky fun.

It could happen!

I am looking forward to hanging with the fuzzies in RL for a change. I always enjoy myself at these conventions. It’s so nice to let my fur down and, just for one weekend, be part of a temporary community where we are the mainstream and others are the freaks.

Plus, ya know…. we’re adorable.

It makes us very telegenic. I bet there will be reporters there.

I will have to make sure I clean up real good.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.





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