Well, that was fun

Now that it is done, I realize that it was kind of nice having three days when I did not have to figure out what to write that day. Working from notes taken during VancouFur 2013 was surprisingly fun, and a pleasant little second vacation from having to cogitate up some content every day.

That also makes me realize that my typical feeling that my usual blogging is not worth very much may not be entirely true. Certainly, it takes a lot of creativity to come up with more things to write about every day. That has to count for something.

And of course, it’s all very good exercise for my writing muscles. It keeps them toned and tuned. It might not work them really hard compared to the sort of workout that writing actual fiction does, but what the heck, it still beats doing nothing with my so-called life.

Still, I feel slightly intimidated by having to fill up all those one thousand words off the cuff today, so it is good that I also have some links to share in order to help span the gap.

For instance, we have this cat, who came up with a novel way to irritate its humans into doing its bidding.

Oh, you little devil, you figured out how to knock on the door.

And I can totally imagine how this kitty figured this out. I know cats well, and I know they have a distinctive posture they assume when taking care of their more intimate cleansing, and I could easily see how a cat might be doing that while waiting for a human to come along and let them in. If they were being especially intense in their cleansing, a paw might well accidentally rap against the door loud enough for the humans inside to hear.

Someone opens the door to see what that noise was, and boom, kitty is inside.

But far more than that… kitty has finally managed to hack the system and find a way to make that damnable frustrating door open at will! Before this innovation, all the cat could do was meow at the door piteously and hope someone hears.

But now… kitty has the power! You knock, and they come! Sure, they seem kind of pissed off when they do, but that never lasts, and meanwhile, you are inside.

I think the only way to train the cat out of this obnoxious (but effective) behaviour would be to greet it with a bucket of water every time it “knocked”.

Then there is this little literary experiment from the pages of The Review Review (ha ha ha) called The New Yorker Rejects Itself.

Here;s the skinny : the writer of the article and literary experimenter, David Cameron, took a story that had been published in the New Yorker (widely recognized as the most chic place in the English speaking world to be published), gave it a new title and a fictional author, and sent it out to various publications both big and small to see if it would get accepted elsewhere.

After all, if it’s good enough for The New Yorker, it must be good enough for everywhere else, right?

But, shockingly (not really), it got rejected en masse. Not only did it not get accepted for publication anywhere (at which point Cameron would have instantly withdrawn it, otherwise he would have been guilty of plagiarism), it did not get so much as a nibble.

And if this surprises you, I applaud your innocence, but it does not surprise me at all.

We writer would like to think that somehow, the publishing world is a straightforward meritocracy, a nice neat ladder where the better the story is, the more you will get paid for it and the tonier the publication will be, and that is it.

But as Cameron admits himself at the end of the article, such naive assumptions deny the truth of the slush pile. The first gatekeepers of publication are low-paid, overworked first readers whose impossible job is to pick the few things worth passing up the food chain for the real editors to consider out of the mounds and mounds of submissions even a small press journal or tiny home press magazine gets.

See, the thing about the Internet is that it is full of very helpful lists of every damn publication out there, and that insures that every publication gets way more submissions than it can handle.

So to presume that the lowly human beings who have to go through hundreds of submissions, many mind-numbingly awful, can do this and maintain perfect objectivity is ridiculous.

This is reinforced by the fact that first readers are not judged by the objective criterion of literature, but by how many things which get published that they personally pass up the food chain.

And this is not a light judgment. It determines not just whether they get promoted but often whether or not they even get to keep their jobs. A first reader who does not find things the real editor likes risks getting replaced by someone who might.

And yes, that is all pretty depressing for those of us who want to get through those gates into the golden world of being published authors.

It means that no matter how excellent our story is, it still has to be lucky enough to land in front of the right first reader at the right time when they are in the right mood to like it, and contain nothing that will immediately piss them off and make them reject your story out of hand.

It makes it a numbers game, rather like job hunting. You have to send a lot of stories to a lot of places before you stand a chance of winning the publication lottery.

And the thing is, it still has to be good. A good story might only buy you a ticket, but without a ticket, you have no chance at winning at all.

This is what make self-publishing so appealing to me.

Vancoufur 2013 Con Report : Sunday, March 3

9:00 AM : Another sleepless night. I am awake but unsteady. I get it, Life. I should have remembered to bring my damned sleeping pills. Lesson learned. Now can you stop punishing me with headaches and nausea and the feeling that my eyeballs are backed with sandpaper? Because this is definitely not going to help me have fun. Thanks a whole big bunch.

10:00 AM : We bid a fond final farewell to our charming and unpretentious little room at the Accent Inn in Burnaby. It was far from luxurious, but it was comfortable, and I value that far above snob appeal any day. Bye bye, Room 278! You were not our home for very long, but you were still home, and I will always remember you fondly.

10:15 AM : I hit the Story Editing panel late. (Woops, sorry Carthage!)Unsurprisingly, Carthage brought his father, the professional journalist, to this one too. I must say, I really admire the guy’s willingness to enter our weird little world and parley with us. Shows he has the true courage of a journalist, willing to go where the story is, to reserve judgment till he has enough information, and to try to understand things on their own terms.

The story editing panel, in which we (but mostly Carthage’s dad) scrutinized some examples of prose and did some basic editing of it, was both fruitful and humbling. I feel like I learned a lot about what is necessary and what is not in prose, but at the same time, of course, I could not help feeling that my prose sucks and I need to work way harder on my writing.

I knew that was the likely fallout of attending the panel, though, and I somewhat assuaged my ego bruises with the knowledge that it is the other half of writing where I excel. That does not let me off the hook for getting better at the first half of it, what one might call the technical half, but it does mean that technical flaws in my writing do not doom it completely.

Also, I want to hand out massive props for the furry writer (sorry, but I forgot your name) who offered up one of his own short stories for scrutiny by the panel. That took a lot of courage. I am not sure I would have been brave enough to do it myself, if asked.

12:00 PM : I hook up with Joe, Julian, Carthage, and my dear friend Marzipan (not the one from Homestar Runner!) for the brunch buffet at the convention hotel restaurant. One of the best things about any convention is seeing the people you only see once a year at said convention, and I am very happy to see Marzipan. Isn’t it sad how people drift apart over the years?

Also worth noting : I am very pleased with myself at my self-control at the brunch buffet. I eat mostly salad, fresh fruit, and of course, BACON. Unlimited bacon is half the reason I go to a brunch buffet. I completely avoid all the tempting carb-laden options like hash browns and I limit myself to only one croissant. (Croissants are eighty percent of the other of half of why I go to brunch buffets. I have been known to go to a brunch buffet and end up eating nothing but fruit, bacon, and croissants.)

Even when I go to the dessert table, I come back with mostly fruit, plus some sort of nougat/fondant square that was surprisingly terrible. Tasted like the inside of one of those ultra cheap candy Easter eggs you find at dollar stores. Gack.

And that is all I had. (Well, plus two Nanaimo bars. I’m not made of stone! And they are just so damned good. And probably doubled my blood sugar all by themselves.)

2:oo PM : I attend a Multimedia Industry panel run by a fellow who goes by the name of Rocko, like Rocko from the show Undergrads, of which he is a big fan. He works in the animation industry as a sort of virtual puppetmaker. He gets the rough sketches of characters from the artists and turns them into models in Flash that the animators will in turn animate.

His job sounds fascinating and I learned a lot about how modern animated shows are made as opposed to the classical method with which I am passingly familiar.

However, his command of English is somewhat poor and his accent is very thick, and so the panel is easily as frustrating as it is informative. I am highly sensitive to language and so dealing with someone like that is very tiring and stressful for me.

I am not knocking the guy. The fact that he speaks any English at all in addition to his native tongue puts him ahead of me in language skill.

But us writer types are more intimately connected with language than most, and dealing with someone with poor command of it on multiple levels stresses us out.

4:00 PM : Laden with the exotic wares of this strange and intoxicating new realm, Joe, Julian and I once more brave the long and dusty trail back to the familiar streets and byways of Richmond, where we will tell our tales of mysterious far off lands and bold adventures.

5:00 PM : At long last, we are back home in Richmond, and with plenty of time to meet up with Felicity, have a quick supper, and relax for the evening.

As always, the end of a convention is bittersweet. You value all the fun you had, but you are sad that it is over now. It’s rather like the day after Christmas in that respect.

Luckily, soon the rhythms and routines of daily life sweep you back into their soothingly familiar tempo, and your sadness about the convention ending is replaced by fond memories, and the feeling of looking forward to the next one even more than you did this one.

And to be honest, I am really looking forward to finally getting some sleep.