Not my reality

I have been in pursuit of an answer as to what makes me (and people like me) different from your average person since I was a little boy hiding from my bullying classmates in elementary school.

And recently, I feel like I have a solid lead on one of the main factors : we refuse to accept the communal reality.

I will explain. Prototypicallly, human beings have a shared sense of what is real. We gather information on our own, true, but then we share that information with others of our tribe, and that information is added to the group reality.

A simple example : You are driving home from work one day when you notice that a local restaurant that has been in business since before you were born has now gone out of business. Your immediate instinct is to tell everyone about it when you get home. You do so, and now everyone you live with amends their map of reality to reflect this new information.

Were it not for this impulse to share (and receive) information, there would be no particular impulse to tell anyone what you had seen, and you would have kept your version of reality to yourself.

But you didn’t. You knew there would be people who wanted to know back home, and so you told them, and it felt good.

This is how our enmeshed reality works. And even us big brained intellectuals can accept that kind of shared reality. When it is an abstract piece of information, we share the communal reality like everyone else.

But only on the surface. Below the surface, it’s a different story. Because one of the most stark and distinct differences between the intellectual outlook and the more average outlook is that intellectuals accept new information consciously, and with a fair bit of rigorous pre-testing of said information for soundness and consistency.

Average people do not do this, or at least, do not do it to the levels we do. To them, reality is a shared and social phenomenon. The topmost priority is not the truth. The truth is very important and no-one knowingly believes a lie (that’s simply not possible) but it is not the most important thing.

The most important thing to the average person is to develop an understanding of reality that keeps them in accord with the rest of their peer group.

It is not that these people are incapable of truly independent thought. In fact, in every person’s life, there will be times when it is impossible to avoid.

They just don’t see the point in wandering away from the herd and abandoning its soothing protection when, to their mind, the only possible result is to end up lost, confused, and alone.

There is nothing out there for them, or so they think.

And this may well be a function of intelligence. It might be that the kind of rugged intellectualism practiced by the high IQ set is simply not an option for people of average mental capacity. They lack the mental strength and cognitive bandwidth to keep and maintain their own independent version of reality. They need the communal reality to do at least some of the thinking for them. That way, they can concentrate on their own lives and the highly important social information from it.

That leads us to the main problem : the ruggedly independent mindset seems to be at odds with social information and hence the raw data needed for social interaction. By refusing to simply accept the communal reality and demanding such virtues as logical consistency and congruence with other known facts, the intellectual automatically excludes the less certain and verifiable information coming to them via their empathy and social antenna.

Tragically, these signals are then treated as noise, and excluded from consciousness. The intellectual comes to rely on only the information derived from reason, logic, and facts, and to ignore empathy, instinct, and even simple emotion, for they are seen as unreliable and unverifiable.

Average people believe the people they trust. Intellectual types figure it out for themselves. This opens up one universe of information and insight while closing the door on another.

So is there a route back from this decision, or indeed, a way to “have it all” by encompassing both? I am not sure. One would like to think there was, but from my observations, the intellectual way, once chosen and maintained, is irreversible.

That does not mean the situation cannot be improved, however. But the patient in this case must be willing and able to accept that the information from their emotions and instincts is valid and true in its own way, and therefore all efforts to accept and understand it are worth the effort as they will only enrich their understanding of the world.

Any adherence to the misguided idea that one can only rely on the fruits of the intellectual process will block the process. Billions of us Earthlings use the information from our emotions to navigate through the human world every day, and a lot of them are doing a much better job of it than us supposedly smarter types, so we must concede that they know something we don’t.

Open up your mind to the world of social information. Be willing, for a time, to accept some things without questioning them and see what happens. Try to find that part of the mind that takes in social information and do your best to hook it up to your main cognitive center. Feel your way through things.

And don’t be quite so fanatical in your guarding your citadel or knowledge from all irrational influences. There might be vitally important information in all that messy emotional stuff, and no intellectual worth their salt ignores information simply because it makes them uncomfortable.

That lonely vigil at the gates of the mind might help you develop a sense of objective reality, but it also keeps you isolated from the rest of humanity, and unhappy.

And what’s more important than happiness?

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

How to make sure your murderer gets caught

Now, obviously, nearly all of us would prefer not to be murdered. Most people, given the choice, prefer living to dying, plus there’s always the chance that being murdered will leave an appalling mess of some kind and nobody looks good like that.

I mean really, who wants the “last impression” they leave on the world to be their dismembered carcass? And closed casket funerals are so very declasse.

But while the odds of getting murdered are extremely low (seeing as the number of people who get murdered at all during their lives is smaller than the number of Mensa Republicans), thoughtful people plan for all contingencies, especially if, due to some basic misunderstandings of your unique personality, you have through no fault of your own become a little murder prone.

If you see what I mean.

So offered here are some very simple precautions one can make to make sure that whoever ends up actually doing one in gets caught and punished and made to wear extremely unflattering prison attire for the rest of their natural lives.

(Full disclosure : While I lack what would be called “credentials” or “expertise” or “qualifications” according to a narrow interpretation of the word, I have watched so many hours of mystery and crime procedural shows that I think I know just a little bit more than the average citizen about the subject. This is the knowledge I am pleased to share. )

1. Prepare and properly store a DNA sample of yourself

When some small-minded person can not longer stand your scintillating uniqueness and decides they simply have to do you in, or they won’t be able to sleep at nights, the first thing the police will want is a sample of your DNA to compare to things.

Sometimes this can be obtained from everyday objects like unwashed clothing, tooth and hair brushed, and high powered marital aids, but the thoughtful person does not leave such things to chance.

So the first order of business is to obtain a DNA sample of oneself. There are many ways to do this, but I personally find that simply wearing a MaxiPad under each arm for a fortnight is the easiest and most straightforward.

Next comes storage. Your initial instinct will be to seal this precious specimen in an airtight container.


Turns out that while popping your DNA into a heavy duty Ziploc bag will keep it fresh for a certain time, after a while your precious specimen will begin to degrade and will eventually become no longer viable.

And after all, it might be years and years before your eventual assassin gets around to killing you (people are so lazy these days) and we have to plan for the long term.

Instead, store it in a paper bag someplace cool and slightly moist. This lets your specimen breathe and gives it the small amount of moisture it needs to keep going.

Oh, and above all, LABEL IT CLEARLY. You don’t want the police to find it and then throw it away because they assume it’s just the product of a bizarre fetish. Clearly write your name, telephone number, and the words “This is a specimen of my DNA to be used by police when I have been murdered” on it. I strongly suggest you use a medium-thick Sharpie.

2. Stick to an extremely rigid and inflexible routine.

This might seem like a bit of a sacrifice, but it will be worth it to know that if you deviate from it even in the slightest, people will immediately suspect foul play and alert the authorities. This will, of course, speed the course of justice by giving it a head start in solving the crime, and will also send a strong message to potential murderers that if they entire to release you from this mortal plane, they had better be prepared to really do their homework.

3. Make friends with your local police

This is a good idea for everyone, but a particularly good idea for people who, for whatever reason, suspect they might have caused a person or two to hate them with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.

It is not a hard thing to do to get on the good side of your local law enforcement officers. Good coffee and high quality baked goods, delivered regularly, usually does the trick. Sure, this will be more expensive that a trip to Tim Horton’s for a party pack if Timbits and a six pack of double doubles, plus you will have to find the chic bakery in your town that does regular food in a really top notch way, but this is justice for your untimely demise, so it’s worth going the extra mile.

And while this tack might not make the police entirely fond of you (they may also fail to grasp your uniqueness), they will at least miss you when you are gone and they are forced back into the world of low end desserts.

4. Make sure there are witnesses

There are many ways of doing this. You could cultivate a wide variety of friends and make sure to have a social calendar so jam packed with activities that your killer can never find you alone long enough to get away with it. You could up the ante by inviting alert and trustworthy people with good memories to live with you. And you could pack your home with so many video cameras that stream directly to the Web and the Cloud that there is literally not one square inch uncovered, and then walk around naked at random intervals to insure that there is always someone watching.

These are but a few suggestions for making sure your inevitable assassin gets the ugly clothing and prison rape that they so very richly deserve. I am sure that, as one scintillatingly unique person to another, that given the basic idea you will no doubt come up with many more ideas on your own.

Good luck, and may you have a long and healthy life until they finally get you.

And I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.