K plus one – done!

As I text input this, Iam sitting in the cafeteria of KPU Richmond, mostly finished with a meal of chicken tenders and friex plus a retarded expensive tiny bottle of Diet Coke (a twoonie and a quarter for 500 ml? I can get a 2L for a quarter more!) and enjoying the AC.

The food was fine. A little overpriced, but then again, i can take the bus home instead of having to go find someplace to eat first. But otherwise, fairly standard cafeteria fare, which means the food is fine, but not spectacular.

It is food without ambition. I am fine with that.

Besides the  cafeteria, there is what is esxentially  a built in Tim Hortons. Take that, Starbucks! I see Timbits in my immediate future. Just this once, though, because this is a special day.

Otherwise, I am going to have ti ignore the hell out of the place, or it will kill me.

I have greatly enjoyed myself today. As I say in today’s vif, Jounalism 101 was cool despite group discussion. Oh, and joy oh joy, I have homework from it! Nothing too strenuous, but still, it feels good to know I have some purposeful action in my future.

And yeah, I know, saying “Yay, homework!” makes me the biggest dork ever. I don’t care. Some of us are here to LEARN.

I have now acquired Timbits, including the intiguing new flavour “cinnamon french toast”. It is basically the usual cinnamon sugar Timbit, but the Timbit itself is richer and a little eggy.

Cannot say i like it. But I am glad I gave it a shot.

I really don’t respond well to egginess.

Oh right. The other course for today was Psych 1200 : Areas and Applications. I am also taking Psych 1100 : Basic Processes.

Of course, I enjoyed every minute if it. Psych is tied with Philosophy as my fave subject in the world. So I was rapt.

And the professor is an adorable little woman who sems very sweet and who seems like shecwill be a delight to learn from. I love her. I can even forgive her ugly Freddy Krueger sweater, which did NOT flatter her.

She was impressed that I had heard of the “dull” “hollow” “thud” study. So of COURSE I love her!

Well I better post this and get going. I am almost out of juice.

Seeya when I get home!


Finally made it home and holy SHIT am I tired.

Which segues neatly into the less good part of my day. The education parts were great. The other stuff… not so much.

It started when I got to the bus stop at around 12:10 pm, well ahead of the 12:14 bus I wanted to catch. I got settled on the bench, and waited.

And waited. And waited.

Now depending on your perspective, either the 12:44 pm bus was four minutes early, or the 12:14 was twenty six minutes late. From my point of view, the 12:14 bus never fucking happened. And on this of all days.

I started to doubt myself. Maybe I had been late after all? Maybe I misread the info I got from the Translink website?

But then the other person waiting with me, some Asian youth, had a conveniently loud conversation where is complained to someone that he pointedly kept calling Jennifer (as in “Well, JENNIFER, the bus never arrived! Is that okay with you, JENNIFER?) where he made it clear that he was waiting for the some bus as me and was thinking the same things.

So I didn’t get to KPU until 12:50 pm, and my class was at 1 pm. Luckily my class was on the first floor, and I had looked it up my campus map while waiting for the freaking bus, so it was not hard for me to find it.

Then there was the journey between classes. My first Tuesday class is in the northwest corner of the first floor. My second Tuesday class is on the southeast corner of the third floor.

I don’t have the data to back this up, but I am fairly certain two classes could not be physically further apart at the Richmond campus of the KPU.

That wasn’t a problem today as the first class let out early. But it is clear that on future Tuesdays, I will have to hustle.

Aaaaand then there’s the trip home. That was worst of all.

See, with all my preparation, I had neglected to look up the location of the bus stop to get home. Why? Because there is a part of my mind that, despite all the times this has not been true and bit me on the ass just like tonight, that if you know where one bus stop is, the one going in the other direction will be easy to find.

SO VERY WRONG. So when I was done with my blogging and Timbits, I had no idea where to grab the bus home. And after this long day, I was in no mood to walk.

So I flipped a mental coin and headed in the direction I wanted the bus to be going, thinking surely there must be a bus stop around here SOMEWHERE.

BZZZT! Wrong! I had to walk three and a half blocks to find a stop. And it wasn’t even a stop for the bus I wanted.

But just as I was looking at the sign that said the 430 stopped there and wondering if it was even still running, fate smiled on me at last and the 430 pulled up, neat as you please.

And the bus driver was a fun guy who put up with me being completely unable to comprehend why I couldn’t find my bus pass until I realized that the entire section of my wallet where I keep the important stuff like bus pass, credit card, and ID had given way and those cards were (thankfully) in my pocket.

You have to admit, that’s a heck of a curveball to throw at someone who is already very tired.

Anyhow, the driver was a cool guy who let me sit down and solve the mystery before finally beeping myself into the system. He even joked around with me.

He said, with a twinkle in his eye, “I hate to tell ya this, but that was my last stop. From here on, it’s nonstop to Seattle. I hope you brought your passport. ”

I laughed and said “Well no, but I have an honest face, so… I usually don’t need one. ”

And you know what? I am very proud of that reaction. And not just because it was mildly humorous.

No, the main source of pride is that I effortlessly reacted in a normal and healthy way. I took the joke in the spirit in which it was intended and replied in kind. I did not react in a socially underdeveloped way by reacting as though the person was maliciously trying to trick or hurt me, or by simply not reacting at all.

And that’s a big deal for the likes of me. I reacted the way that I consider healthy, and I did so without calculation or intellectualization. It just came naturally to me.

First day of my new life, and I am already healthier and stronger for it.

And very, very tired.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.