Somewhere in between

Lying in bed, typing this into my tablet, I think about sleeping.

Slept pretty darn deeply last night. Which is a good thing, though somewhat draining. As I type this, I am pretty close to sleep, and when I am done, I will probably go right back to sleep.

But I felt the need to put in at least a token effort at blogging before nodding off again.

So it is Halloween. On a Saturday, which wad great when I was a kid. Because it mean extra trick-or-treating time.

At the risk of sounding like a broken…mp3, Halloween does not have a lot to offer an adult diabetic unemployed person with social anxiety who lives in an apartment building and therefore receives no trick-or-treaters.

Then again, with today’s paranoid overprotective parents, there’s not much trick-or-treating going on anyhow. Gone is the era of my childhood, where our parents just dressed us up and turned us loose, trusting that it was perfectly safe for us to knock on the door of dozens of strangers and ask for candy.

And the thing is, it was.

I worry about what sort of message is being sent to kids when their parents act like the world is bristling with child molesters, serial killers, and kidnappers. I can’t help but assume that these are going to be some very fearful children when it comes time for them to deal with the outside world on their own. It’s like we’re raising a generation of agoraphobics.

And trust me, agoraphobia sucks.

But maybe I am wrong. Generations have a way of resisting the more negative aspects of the parenting of the previous generation. Maybe when it comes time for these kids, the ones who will be trick-or-treating in a mall tonight, to become rebellious teenagers, they will rebel with acts of radical trust and courage, and collectively confront the demons of unreasoning terror their parents, with the best of intentions, have installed in them.

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that trust in the world is a precious, precious thing, and the idea of all those kids never even getting a chance at it because of their overcompensating latchkey parents gives me a cold shudder inside.

I mean, I get it, Gen X parents. I would probably be an overprotective parent myself. And it would be very hard for me to keep my own terrible mistrust of the world from infecting my kids. I would do my damnedest to prevent it, but I might not succeed.

After all, I inherited mine. Well, some of it. My mom is shy and somewhat fearful and so am I. What Mom fears, you fear. It’s a basic survival instinct shared by all mammals. Little animals who don’t learn what to fear from their mommies don’t live long enough to contribute to the gene pool.

But sometimes, that information is false, and we end up fearing that which is harmless and living the life of the stressed, scared, and unhealthy.

People like me never entirely leave the adrenalized state. Actually, that’s pretty much everybody in modern times. That’s basically what stress is. Stress chemicals like cortisol build up in the bloodstream and keep us from being able to totally relax, and that prevents us from getting the kind of deep rest and relaxation needed for renewal.

I sometimes wonder if all the antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills we are taking these days could be replaced by something that simply eliminated stress chemicals while we slept. Then we could get really good sleep and wake up feeling wonderful, without any stress left over from the previous day.

I suppose that could lead to reckless action. I know that when I had a brief window of stressless existence thanks to being on liquid Valium during a laproscopic examination, I felt so good I felt like I was invincible. It took a pretty significant effort of will and restraint to keep myself grounded in reality long enough to get home and go to sleep.

And that was some mighty fine sleep. I can see why Valium became so popular. Talk about stress relief!

I still have those lorazepam tablets my therapist prescribed for me before the convention. I should put them in my bag. There have been a few times in the last week when I could have used some emergency stress relief.

Then again, maybe I am better off dealing with the stress without being able to escape from it even via chemicals. Yesterday’s events made it crystal clear just how much work I have ahead of me in order to learn to not be so panicky and view the novel and the unexpected as a challenge, not a tragedy.

I have been panicky my whole life, although a lousy childhood no doubt made that worse. But that panic-escape response has been with me as long as I can remember.

Maybe some people are just built that way, and the only choice we have is to give in to it, or learn to resist it. But I hope not. I hope I can, through therapy and spiritual growth, become someone who can face the world with greater calmness and dignity and well informed reason.

While still having fun and being funny, of course. I would never want to stop doing that. I love to make people laugh. I just want to go from zero dignity to “theoretically capable of being respected”.

Being around people without dignity, who just plain don’t look after themselves or make any effort to make a good impression on people, can be painful. I have been socially ignorant of how I come off for way, way too long.

I would like to be able to be around people without sending out those weird, creepy, sorta gross signals that a certain kind of low self esteem sends out. And I am not just talking about hygiene and clothing.

It’s about not sending out the message that you don’t care enough about others to do even the minimum to keep from offending them, I guess.

Social obliviousness only excuses so much.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

My hands are cold

Man, do I need a pair of gloves.

Waiting for the bus. It’s spitting rain, so I should not have the tablet out. But I’m tense.

You see, I woke up around noon, and the bus to school arrives at 12:24,  so I didn’ have much time to get ready. And now here it is, 12:35, and still no bus. Meaning I rushed around and got my ass out here at 12:15 for nothing.

And that makes me tense and angry.

If I had known I had this much time, I could have had a relaxed lunch instead of just tossing some food in my bag and assuming I would get a chance to eat it eventually. I could have enjoyed an episode of Scrubs (just started in on it) while enjoying said lunch. I could have gathered my stuff in a relaxed and thoughtful manner, instead  of  throwing it in there like the law is on my tail.

Maybe I should look up the bus schedule for today again. Maybe I got the time wrong.

Bus has arrived. More on this later.



After class, waiting for bus.

Class wad… Intense. For the first half, we had to partner up and do a bunch of simple sensory and perception experiments. Before we even started, my social anxiety had me in a cold sweat. I have to find a partner? Visions of being ignored and rejected and having to go to the prof and say (wormy voice) “Um, teacher, I don’t have a PARTNER” in front of everybody swam before my eyes. Luckily, I had already shared a few words with a nice East Indian girl, so it was easy to turn to her and ask, and she said yes.

So that was on terrifying hurdle overcome.

And doing the experiments turned out to be rather fun, once enough social anxiety had drained from my brain to relax a little. The most fun one was the one where we had to throw ten styrofoam balls into a basket, first normally then with these goggles on that distorted our eyesight as if we are REALLY drunk.

That was, of course, hilarious. Those goggles were quite the trip.

More when I get home.


And now I am home.

So yeah, the goggles were fun. They really did make me feel like I was drunk, although I have never been THAT drunk (well, once, but I don’t remember it). The visual distortions threw off my sense of balance as well by setting off a struggle between my inner ear and my eyes. And when I took them off, I felt dizzy and slightly spaced out.

I did surprisingly well, tho, given what a doofus I am. Got four baskets out of ten sans goggles. 1 with the goggles on. I am comfortable saying that 1 out of ten in those circumstances can be legitimately chalked up to chance.

We also did a very scaled down version of the Ames Room test. Our “room” was actually a little wooden box about the size of a birdhouse, but the effect is the same. One ruler looked WAY bigger than the other, even though they were identical twelve inch rulers. It was trippy. Then you open the door, and of course, now you can see how the thing is shaped like a trapezoid to fool you.

I have always wanting to mess around with an Ames Room, especially after seeing one in this music video :

Oh, warning : this song is VERY catchy, especially the chorus.

I apologize for whatever inconvenience having that stuck in your head might cause. Wow, that hijacked my brain!

Anyhow, the lab stuff ended, and then came the thing I have been dreading from the moment I read about it in the syllabus on the first day of class… the Annotated Bibliography! (SFX : Woman screaming, monster roar, dramatic chord)

I didn’t know exactly what it was, but it sounded so very, very Not Me.

Turns out, we have to take the subject of one of the experiments we did and find three references for it. The first one is supposed to be the “seminal” research, in other words the oldest source for whatever effect it measures. Like, if it was the Ames Room effect, you would look for the original paper, presumably by some dude named Ames.

The second one has to be something recent which cites the original study. The third one has to be a study that cites the second one. Thus we learn how to do basic psychological research and establish a chain of study leading to whatever.

I hate basic research.

And I was really not getting the whole scholarly search thing. Mostly this was due to my own tendency towards panic. I was getting freaked out and I needed several infusions of professorial advice before I could calm down enough to see that what I was trying to do was not that hard and I just had to get a grip on myself.

I really am prone to panic. I am really high strung in some (usually novel) situations, and for a lot of my life, I have let that panic rule me. I was even considering trying to beg off doing the lab stuff today by saying my social anxiety made it impossible. That’s how deep the urge to give in and escape can be.

But if you don’t endure, you can’t adapt. You have to hang around long enough to get the fuck over yourself and see that the problem is not nearly as bad as you thought it was. You can’t build memories of problems overcome without enduring the panic reaction and not giving in to it.

So I stayed, and the lab stuff was actually fun, and while I was freaking out for a lot of the time we spent in the computer lab researching our annotated bibliographies, I am now fairly certain I can do the research and find what I need, and after that it’s merely a matter of writing and following the fussy details of the AP style manual.

So I’m hanging in there, and maybe, just maybe, I will manage to grow out of my problems.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Right before class

It is a few minutes before my Creative Writing class. This seems like an approprite time to start blogging.

Got all my stuff done. Did the Post-It note thing. Forgot that the Post-it notes were supposed to be in, get this, in Haiku form.

Well fuck THAT noise.

Still, I am icreasingly aware of what a sloppy, slacker job I am doing on my work.nbsp; I did not invest a lot of effort in my assignment due today. Maybe I will get away with it, maybe I won’t. Either way, I am not proud of it.

Time to up my game and show the world what I can REALLY do.


On break now. In this class, we will be creating a concrete poem. Then animating it. Lovely.

Luckily, I have an idea that I think will work. Dunno how to make it in Photoshop, and it might be a lot of work to animate, but at least I have something to work with. And I am intrigued to learn Photoshop animation. Though I imagine it will be simple frame sequencing, with maybe a little tweening.

I am doing my best to work through my childish reactions to having to go outside my comfort zone and do something visual. I want to be more open to new things, as well as open to new experiences that will rewrite my opinion on what I can and cannot do.

I know I have a lot of artistic talent. I want to be more open to different ways to express it.

And I have so much to express. So many words left just hanging around in my brain, waiting in vain to get out, causing trouble.


After class now, waiting for the shitty bus that will only take me partway home.


And now I a home. You know, a two block walk is no big deal.

Although I am a little worried about my knee. You know, the injured one that I never got around to getting treated. It has been complaining when I am out walking lately. Maybe the cold is a factor, I don’t know. So I am keeping an eye on it. Last thing I need is to have to blow out on me and end up having to get to and from school on the HandyDart or something.

I suppose I could manage to get on and off the bus with a crutch, but I really don’t want to be waving a piece of light but solid metal backed by my weight around an enclosed space packed with people. Not with my clumsiness. That could go very very wrong very very fast. It doesn’t bear thinking upon.

They can do miracles with tensor bandages these days.

And I am needing that eye appointment more and more these days. I am getting more squinty by the minute, or so it seems. I need a strong prescription. At least, I hope that’s all I need.

Diabetes attacks the eyes, after all. Musn’t forget that.

My feet are doing okay. I haven’t had any mysterious stabbing pains lately, and that crazy hot itching sensation I have gotten in the past has only made a very brief and minor appearance.

Still, I check them three or four times a week. Don’t want to miss a dead patch or a sore spot. Diabetes is very hard on the feet, and I already know from their tendency to catch and keep a chill that the circulation to my feet is not great.

Oh. And I still have two large holes in my abdominal wall.

Honestly, it’s a wonder that I am alive at all, let alone mobile.

Had therapy today. Started off trying to talk about my mother, but ended up doing more of a survey of my childhood issues. I am not saying it was unproductive, it just wasn’t what I set out to do. But then, I rarely end up doing what I set out to do.

I am just too nonlinear. Or, like I said once before, I am very linear and my lines are just different from everyone else’s. Often on an entirely different plane. That’s why it’s so hard for people to get me.

I am too unique and original for my own good.

One thing we talked about today was my difficulty in trusting people and really opening up to them. Even with my wonderful friends, part of me is always tense and paranoid. I can’t see me ever being able to completely trust anyone. It feels like I will always be guarded and nervous and relying on my analysis of the person rather than any sense of trust.

There’s just too much ice in the way. Ice, death traps, demons, monsters…. it’s pretty much a dungeon from an RPG. And if some brave hero actually made it to the center of my maze, he may well find that there’s nothing there. And there never was.

Right now, I can be fairly sane and reasonable, but I fear what would happen if someone tried to get closer. I still have a lot of bad stuff inside me, and I might not be able to keep people from being hurt by it if they got closer than friendship with me.

And I can’t stand the thought of taking my issues out on some poor person whose only crime was trying to get to know me better. To me, that would be empathic oblivion. No matter how it happened or whether or not I was in the right or in the wrong, I would have to live with the memory of that person’s pain and the knowledge that I caused it.

And I refuse to become callous, even though it might be good for me to dial down the sensitivity a little. Stop taking on other people’s emotions as entirely my responsibility. Shut off that echo chamber in my head that makes things seem far worse than they are by amplifying the signal way, way, way too much.

But the idea of sacrificing some of my sensitivity appalls me. Even knowing it’s a medically sound operation and that I might be better off without that thin sliver of capacity.

I just can’t do it.

There has to be another way.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Down a peg

Waiting for the bus.

Got my Ideology and Politics exam back today. 67 percent. Ouch.

That is well below my usual personal minimum of 75 percent, and WAY below my usual average of 83 percent. So I am not a happy camper.

I have a very strong feeling that we are being held to standards that were never made clear to us. A lot of what she said about the weaknesses in our exam answers are things she never taught us. She seems to expect us to be able to write like scholars without her teachung us how, and this is a first semester intro level course. We have to learn to crawl before we learn to walk.

But seeing as I am still smarting from a low grade, all such thoughts must be viewed as suspect. It could very well be that I am simply lashing out against something which upsets me and wrecks the warm glow of ego I have been enjoying lately.

And to be honest, I knew I had not done well. So this should not have come as a big shock.

Clearly, I have some work to do in order to get my grades back up to where I feel they belong in this course. That means I am going to have to become a better scholar, as well as pay very, very close attention to anything instruction-like the prof says, and really try to get into her head and figure out what it is she wants from us.

Luckily, I am pretty good at that kind of thing.


Fuck! My bus finally showed up… and it was full! Son of a bitch. Right now, I am back in Kwantlen, where it is warm. The next bus is not till 6:10, so I have fifteen minutes to warm up and wallow in seething resentment of full buses and low marks.

Oh well. At least I still have you nice people.

I have two of the three pictures I need for that stupid “overheard conversation” assignment for my Creative Writing class. The third I will do at home.

I got my snippets of overheard conversation from the BCSFA meeting last Sunday. I figured that this way, I would be overhearing quality stuff. But I am still not happy about the assignment. I hate having to do this kind of thing.

I just want to write. Ask me to write a play, a poem, an editorial, an obituary, a business letter, a memo, or a shopping list and I will do it, happily and well.But forcing me to eavesdrop and take pictures? So very not on.

Oh well, I suppose taking people outside of their comfort zones is part of the mandate of education. But I am still going to resent it. I am a writer, writing is what I do, and I can write anything.

I’m just not great with the photography.


Home now. The next bus was almost full but I got on anyhow. I was too impatient to get home to wait for yet another bus. So I ended up standing around three quarters of the way home. Fat guys hate standing.

But it’s not that long a trip, and I did get to sit down after the bus stopped at the Skytrain and that sucked out like three quarters of the people on the bus.

And only replaced like, half of them.

It’s definitely getting to be chilly. I was cold enough after waiting at the bus stop for the bus (the one that turned out to be full) that I was thinking about getting a pair of long johns.

Do people around here even know what long johns are? Long underwear, people. Kind of a necessity if you live somewhere that has real winter. When going outside means facing temperatures of -18 C, it’s all about the layers.

And these dress pants of mine don’t exactly provide much protection.

It’s going to be worse tomorrow night. IT’ll be 9 PM when I get out of Creative Writing class. My jacket protects me just fine from shoulders to mid-thigh, but the rest of me needs more.

Who knows, maybe I will find a nice little restaurant to eat at partway home. Like say, the White Spot on Ackroyd. That way, I have an incentive to walk home like I did last week.

Otherwise, things are funky winkerbean. My metafictional website is due tomorrow as well, plus some little “read theses things then write 150 words about which one you like and why” thing. Whatever. That’s barely an effort for someone like me.

Still working on developing a big ego. Nothing assholish, just a cocky attitude towards the world and a firm (ish) belief that I am an amazing human being with lots to offer the world if the world would only wise up and take it.

How’s that? Eh, it’s still a WIP.

Right now, the Melt is kicking in and I feel really sleepy. I wish I could just give in and go to sleep. But I haven’t eaten supper yet, and I got a bunch of work to do for that Creative Writing class tomorrow night. And while you would think not having to go to class till six PM would leave me plenty of time to do my work tomorrow, experience has taught me that those extra hours have a tendency to evaporate real fast once you factor in a trip to the therapist.

Oh, and I have to make another doctor’s appointment, because the medicine he prescribed me for a certain rather person problem last Friday night was apparently a) super expensive, like $360 for the full course of treatment b) super obscure, so obscure that the elderly pharmacist at Shopper’s had never heard of it, and c) super rare, seeing as the full pharmacy at the local Shopper’s did not carry it.

So I have to go back to the doc to get something less esoteric for my condition. I realize now that I could have let the pharmacist take care of that, but whatever.

Being a grownup is so much work!

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

You have to produce

It’s true. You have to produce something the world wants. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Or rather, there is, and it’s called welfare, and it sucks.

This is the major difference between childhood and adulthood. When you are a child, society and your parents support you without requiring anything of you except good grades. These grades do not have to compete in an open market. They do not have to be something someone will trade for money.

But once you are an adult, you have to produce. You need to produce something you can trade.

Note that I am not saying everyone needs to be an artist, an artisan, or a craftsperson. What most people produce is labour, broadly speaking. The point I am trying to make is that merely being a good person is no longer enough. You have to contribute to the society that has carried you this far.

Modern life in the consumerist democracies does an excellent job of disguising this fact. Every single one of us benefits ftom the labour of thousands of people evety moment of our lives, and yet we will never see these people, let alone know them. This quasi-magical existence leads to a potent and compelling illusion of autonomy and independence. Because the modern consumer/citizen cannot see the intricate web of interdependencies that support them, it is easy for them to believe what they are told, which is that none of it matters as long as they pay for what they get, either directly or through taxation.

Given this pseudo-autonomy and the atomistic individualism that accompanies it, it is easy to lose sight of the existence of society entirely, and fall into the trap of thinking oneself as self-generating and self-sustaining. From that egocentric point of view, both paying taxes AND contributing labour to a society one takes entirely for granted like it is a natural phenomenon like gravity, seems intolerable and insane. One might as well work hard and pay taxes for the turning of the tide.

Nobody set out to make a society which produces such shortsightedness. It was the result of the honest pursuit of individualism.

Because of this blocking of our collective vision, people reach adulthood, step off the escalator they have been on without knowing it for their whole lives, and have no idea what to do with themselves. We train people for jobs, and for citizenship, but not for life.

That’s always seemed like a rather larger oversight to me.

I think every high school should teach a course in basic life skills, maybe with a faux-apartment somewhere in the school so you can show people how to do things like mop a floor, cook spaghetti, and pay a bill.

But I digress.

So yeah. You have to produce. That’s another thing kids should be taught. Sooner or later, you are going to have to give the world something in return for what you get. The free ride ends. You end up on your own.

Now, I am not saying any of this in a punitive or cynical way. Having to work for a living is not a punishment. Acknowledging the truth that adulthood happens is not cynicism.

What I am saying is that you don’t just need a job to pay the bills. You need to contribute to society in order to be a happy and fulfilled. Deep within every human being is the need to contribute. It is as much a part of us as the need for romantic love and the desire for the recognition of our peers. We need meaningful labour.

A lot of people waste a lot of their youth trying to avoid this truth. It does not help matters that our culture is saturated with an immature “work sucks, school sucks” message. Everything in the culture makes it seem like anyone with any sense should hate work and long for the so-called “life of leisure”.

This sentiment is understandable. But it’s ultimately destructive to people’s life. They go into the world of work with this attitude that work sucks and it’s something you just have to endure, just like school, and it keeps people from making the best of their situation and find what pleasure and fun can be found no matter how low-status their job is.

Admit it… if you met someone who said they loved their job at McDonald’s, you would think there was something wrong with them,. wouldn’t you? Like maybe they’re mentally special, or crazy, or just plain the dullest person on planet Earth.

But why? They’re happy. Why is that so wrong? Why is it only permissible to enjoy a tiny, select percentage of jobs? And for the rest of us, it’s mandatory misery?

It’s because we view work as punishment, even imprisonment. The only jobs that we are allowed to enjoy are the ones that seem, at least from afar, like they would be so easy and/or fun that they are not even really work. More like getting paid to play.

But like I have said before, no such job exists. For anyone. No matter what job you get, even your dream job (like, for me, writer for TV), it will cease to be play the moment you have to do it when you don’t feel like it.

There is no such thing as mandatory fun.

Instead of letting the “work sucks” message go unchallenged, we should send kids the message that work can be fun and there’s nothing wrong with that. I am picturing something like the old Sesame Street bit about “who are the people in your neighborhood?” with an emphasis on people who enjoy their jobs.

That way, they can grow up to be adults who can be happy with their life even if they didn’t get to be a rock star, astronaut, or even the guy who works the crane on construction sites. Even if they never get to be on TV.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Not entirely well

TMI and/or TRIGGER WARNING : Indirect reference to poop.

Waiting for the bus home. Not exactly well.

Not as bad as earlier, though. Earlier today, shortly after lunch, I felt this sudden wave of anxiety wash over me. It felt like I had built a wall around a lake of anxiety and that wall had suddenly collapsed. Along with that came some fairly bad bowel disturbance…. not painful but vety uncomfortable. And loud.

And…   something else.

Soon I realized I needed to use the toilet. As I got up, the need became more acute. At the same time, I felt this twisting sensation in my lower abdomen, like someone was wringing out my intestines with both hands.

Fearing the worst, I frantically looked all over the bed for signs of an accident. Nothing. Phew.

But after I was done in the bathroom, I discovered that the worst had, indeed, happened. It had just missed the bed and hit the floor.

Not an auspicious start to the day.

I thought about skipping class. But I was feeling somewhat better. So I went. Missed my bus by mere seconds, so
I was 20 mins late. Also not great.

But whatever. Class is over for the day. I will treat myself tenderly tonight and hope to get my system calmed down.


Back home now, and feeling a lot better since I got some solid zero-out time and a nice hearty meal into me. I still feel a little too squirmy inside, but it’s down to a nuisance level.

So, still on alert, but it’s a minimum alert.

Let’s tackle intellectualization again, shall we?

I understand what happens, and why. By reacting to things with analysis instead of emotion, I can get positive cold emotion (fascination, revelation, ego confirmation) instead of negative hot emotion (fear, helplessness, emotional damage) from any given situation. It’s a terribly clever way to hide from the world and not deal with my emotions at all because it does a very convincing job of convincing me I am dealing with things.

After all, I understand what has happened, I have examined it, filtered out the bullshit and gone straight for the truth at the heart of it, and fitted it into my highly detailed and insightful model of the world and how it works and such.

So much activity! But it’s like those Victorian gentlemen scientists who thought they really understood butterflies when all they had done is study dead ones preserved under glass. I understand so much, and I can congratulate myself on how perceptive and insightful I am, and how I see so much more of the big picture in both scope and detail than other people.

But my butterfly collection is still dead. Nothing in that process is warm or alive or life-affirming. None of it nurtures the soul. In fact, it doesn’t nurture anything at all except for a deep sense of being unreal, the world being unreal, and the nature of my existence being as fragile and temporary as a daydream.

Because the truth of it is, no matter how far my mind might roam, I am still living a very isolated and intellectual existence. School, for obvious reasons, has strict limits to how much it can change that. Especially given that I don’t do anything extracurricular at all. No clubs, no study groups, just class and home.

College is a very intellectual experience, at least for me. Still spending all day feeding my mind and very little else.

So I suppose it makes sense for it to be my first baby step out into the world. But at some point I am going to have to come in from the cold. I need to learn to live. Not how to exist…. how to truly be alive, in the world and in my heart.

Still waiting on Spring. But it’s coming.

So I know what I do and why. Intellectualism is a brilliant dodge for me. But it leaves me with a huge vault of frozen emotions from things I convinced myself I was dealing with, or convinced myself that I would deal with…. later.

You know…. in the Spring. That will be coming any day now. Or maybe it’s already here and I just haven’t felt it yet. I am deeply aware of my need for a stable and reliable source of renewal, but I haven’t found it yet.

But the fundamental cognitive question remains : how do I stop? Or rather, dial it back to a healthy level? It is such a deep and fundamental coping mechanism that I can’t even remember who I was before it was there.

Even before school trauma, I was a brilliant and curious child. Maybe a certain degree of intellectualization is natural for anyone of high IQ, I don’t know. For all I know, the opposite is also true.

But due to my total inability to socially integrate, I was left with no other path. No balancing influence. No foot in the world of healthy interaction. And by the time I could make friends (around grade 6), it was really evident that all the school damage, plus the intellectual gulf between me and my peers, had created a thick barrier between me and others. When I retreated into myself, I left a lot of people behind. My social antenna is broken. In a sea of signal, I receive nothing.

And I am still getting over that. I am all too aware of the barrier that still exists between me and others. I know that, despite how much I love my friends and my family, there are still miles of lunar surface (dark side, no less) that exist between me and them. And even though I know that this gulf is of my own designing, I feel helpless to cross it.

All I can do is continue this slow thaw of mine, and hope that maybe, someday, I won’t need to be numb any more.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Another video roundup

I swear I will catch up. It’s inevitable. Especially because I have not been making videos at all lately.

First, we have one of my experiments in gratuitous mellowness :

I love this piece. Definitely one of my better ones. I love how it manages to be relaxing and funky at the same time. It’s very relaxing without being totally dull. Relaxing for people who need a lot of stimulation to relax.

I have fond memories of going to sleep listening to Metallica when I was a teen. Somehow, I found the power and aggression inherent in heavy metal soothing. I suppose it externalized my own feelings as a hormone soaked teenager.

I was ready for the horniness. But I was not ready for the feelings of aggression and rage. Someone should tell boys on the cusp of puberty that one of the things to watch out for is that you may get way, way madder than you ever have before. You might go from being a pretty peaceful kid to wanting to smack people who contradict you into next week.

It happened to me.

And now, I talk about nerds like me :

That was my first and last experiment with arm’s length camera work. It was tiring, it was awkward, and the results didn’t look good. It did avoid the “severed head” problem I got when I recorded with the tablet on my chest, but it was not remotely worth it and it still made me look amazingly lazy.

Which I am. But there’s no need to make it that obvious.

Next up, more music, this time with the added bonus of a really lazy title :

Like a lot of creative types, I hate coming up with titles. That’s why the titles of my pieces are so random. I will use the first usable thing that pops into my head. This tune seemed pleasantly thoughtful to me. Hence the title.

Hence, the title. I must say, that’s pretty damned good too. Another mellow yet funky tune. Perhaps that’s my calling.

And yup. Still more music.

Also pretty darn good. I am too hard on my own music. The main melodic element, once it shows up, is a tad rough, so it is not as good as the previous too. But still, not bad.

Once more, I am sleepy for no good reason today. I got plenty of sleep. Most of it with the CPAP on. But still… I am le tired. There has to be a way to get out ahead of this sleep thing an enjoy the rare luxury of being sleepy when I want to be sleepy and alert when I want to be alert.

Preferably, an answer that does not involve a whole lot of Diet Coke.

And now, for those of you who don’t like music, there’s music.

Erf. The music is kind rough (I know what I was going for and I did not succeed) and those slides are going by WAY too fast. I was trying to match the slide changes to the beat of the song, which is fine, but the song is faster than the slides should go, and I should have used half as many slides and changed them half as often.

Oh well, they can’t all be gems[1].

Continuing our theme, we have yet another piece of music, along with an apology.

I was going to say that the apology was unnecessary and I am too hard on myself, but no, that was not a great piece of music. I probably should not have elaborately apologized for it, but still. Not one of my best.

I still haven’t made that goddamned other thing work. Grr.

And now, the music… of my voice!

Glad I finally (eventually) got this bit of thinking out of my head. It has been in there for a long time. I have had the phrase “dynamic input” floating around in my head connected to that idea for years now.

So in a way, it really is a choice. Not the kind you make consciously, but the kind that nevertheless ends up being foundational to who we are and who we become. At some point in our early childhood development, we develop a preference between abstract thinking and concrete realism, between thinking things through or going with our gut, between deep processing or realtime reaction. And those choices determine whether we are a chess champion or captain of the football team.

Another talk and it’s a big one :

It’s the day before I started at Kwantlen. The person talking in this vid seems like a fond acquaintance now. I recognize him, I remember being him, but I don’t feel close to him any more.

Life is so much better now, and the nearly two months that have passed since I made that video seem like a dozen lifetimes. I am quite confident in my ability to handle Kwantlen, and I have had my academic acumen confirmed by two exams, so I am happy. I still risk being a victim of my own absentminded cluelessness and my courses are not super easy (which is good because it keeps me from getting bored) but I am, overall, a happy camper.

We finish our journey on the other side of Day 1.

You can see that I am already feeling more confident. The Big Event had happened, I was still there, I had survived not one but two boring first-day syllabus reading classes. and I was ready to relax.

And, thank goodness, I still have not been asked to actually work with others. I am getting used to the group discussion thing, and while I still say things that are too weird and/or original and/or unusual for people, I am very slowly learning to not take it so seriously, and to not going around thinking everything is my fault.

So people don’t “get” me. So what? That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me.

I am just more than the average person, even the average college student, can handle.

I will talk to you nice people, who take the time to understand me, and I love you for it, tomorrow.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. Productions!

A sad day

But not a bad day. Maybe. I dunno.

Been kind of depressed today. Feel sad and dragged down. My bed is very appealing to me. I have a strong urge to not bother with things. My a href=””anhedonia /ais medium strong. I feel like there’s no point to anything and it’s hard to remember why I do anything right now.

All of that is classic depression. Bed-seeking, apathy, anhedonia, nihilism. It’s all in the textbook and it’s all true of me right now. Clinically speaking, I’m depressed.

But maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. There’s no point in getting depressed about being depressed. Maybe this is just plain something I need to go through right now and at the end of the long dark tunnel lies the golden light of renewal.

Maybe I am bed-seeking because I am truly behind on sleep. I know from experience that getting eight hours of sleep a night is no guarantee that you are getting enough sleep. Maybe I am not getting enough REM sleep.

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Or maybe I need one depressed day a week to keep me going. Maybe the best plan for me is to assume my Saturdays will be Sadder Days and so there’s no point in making big grand plans, like I did today, that I know I will not be able to execute.

I emhad/em planned to really get to work on that Creative Writing project today. Plus the readings for next week, and my 150 word reply to them.

Damn. Potty break.


Oh, and my creative writing prof also wants us to write down snippets of overheard conversation on Post-It notes, put said notes in public places which are somewhat ironic given what is written on them, and take a picture.

I really don’t want to.

Once more, I find myself wishing I had tsken the more traditional Creative Writing class. They wouldn’t be making me do twee crap like this. All I would have to do is write. That is what I am good at, and it is what I want to do.

If I could write the Post-it Notes myself, it would not be so bad. It is the jotting down bits of overheard conversation and then trying to find where it fits that I resent. I can think of lots of things that would make for cool art when affixed somewhere. But the odds of anyone actually saying them are low.

I don’t like having to find the locks that fit random keys. I don’t like finding things in general. For me, it is far easier to simply make key and lock together. Then you know it will fit.

So I dunno. I guess I could just go to White Spot for lunch, set my tablet to record audio, and see what it can pick up. Then I can listen to it later and pick the best bits.

Assuming my tablet will pick up anything. Just because I can hear it doesn’t mean the tablet’s microphone can hear it. If only we had equipment as good as our senses!

Either way, I am sure I can do the assignment. I just don’t want to. Wah, says my inner child. Wah!

Back to the original subject. I have been pondering the question of whether depression is a bad thing or is it thinking that makes it so for a long time now.

In the short term, there is nothing wrong with just surrendering to it now and then. Let it have its way, and take a rest from fighting it all the time. Save your energy for the more important battles later. Lay your burden down.

The trouble is, will you be able to get out of that comfy cozy hole when the time comes to be active again? The temptation to stay will never be stronger than when you are trying to get yourself out of the hole just when you have gotten all comfy. It would be so easy to stay down and let your life fall apart so there’s no pressure on you any more.

I don’t know why I have such a big issue around pressure. I guess part of me wants to be free to melt into a puddle at any point, and pressure prevents that. Pressure, and obligation. Best not to get entangled with others in the first place, says the Devil of Depression, and let everything go so you can be a limpid liquid again, relaxed and tranquil.

Yeah… and deeply dissatisfied with life. I guess all our demons tempt us to choose the short term immediate thing (going back to bed, eating that bag of cookies, yelling at your kids) and not the long term difficult but superior thing (getting things done and making yourself feel better about your life, suffering through sadness but losing the weight that makes you feel so bad, restraining yourself and getting to have a closer relationship with your kids).

One thing that might be contributing to my sleepiness is that today was the first day I felt the need to turn the heat on in my room since last Spring. I guess that means summer is truly over. Hello, autumn!

But all that lovely cozy heat might well be contributing to my overall sleepiness. I have mentioned the phenomenon I call “the melt” in this space before. It can be defined as “the tendency of an increase in warmth in a certain range to make me sleepy”.

It happened a lot when I was a kid coming home on a cold winter day. The difference in temperature between the below-freezing outdoors and the toasty warm temperature of home would quite often make me very, very sleepy in a way that was actually quite delightful when it didn’t interfere with my plans.

And as a kid, I didn’t have a lot of plans.

Oh well. The blogging is done. My words have been expressed. Think I will curl up in my nice warm bed and snooze.

It’s not depression. It’s sedation!

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

It starts at home

Thought I would mix things up and start blogging before class! While still at class!

I’m telling you, I’m a wild man.

Finally made a doctor’s appointment. Kept forgetting. I’ve had no diabetes meds except for my insulin for a week. And I am almost out of insulin. Luckily, I am pretty sure I can get more.

This is not good. I have once more lagged in my duty of self-care. There is nobody else to take care of it, so it’s up to me to keep myself healthy, and yet, I keep doing dumb shit like ending up super diabetic because of absent-mindedness and procrastination. I have to admit, I am a little disappointed in myself.

The worst part is, I won’t be able to see the doc till next Friday, a week from now. So by the time I get more meds, it will be two weeks without. I am kind of scared as to what happens then.

I am already feeling the effects. That’s why I am so thirsty lately, and why I am peeing so much. I have little appetite except for occasional periods where I suddenly get SUPER FREAKING OMG hungry. I am hypoglycemic a lot because I don’t have meds to help smooth me out.

It’s feast or famine in my bodily stores. Very not good.

I am pondering calling my doctor’s office and seeing if I could get an emergency prescription for a week’s supply. Going any longer without my meds might be dangerous. I think I could make a case that this is an emergency.

If only it wasn’t so tricky to fit an appointment into my schedule. My one open day, Thursday, is the day my doctor is only in the office until 1 PM.

A ha! I called again, and I can get the emergency ‘script as long as I am there before 6:30. Not a problem, class ends at 4.

Yay for me for being proactive and going out of my comfort zone. It was much harder to make that second call, for complicated social anxiety reasons, but I did it and I am proud.

Heck, I just made a third call, for clarification. Sadly, the news is not good. Turns out I have to be there AT 6:30, which is not nearly as convenient for me. And it’s an appointment, not a “come by before”, and so God knows when I actually get to see him. Hopefully before 8.

It really has been that bad in the past.

But I dunno. Maybe he’s not overbooking any more. Or maybe by the end of the day, the congestion has cleared.

You know, because so many people have given up and gone home for supper.

But I got no choice. This is the price I pay for putting things off for so long. And at least if it’s an actual appointment, I will get the full prescriptions and all.

I will have to go to Shoppers’ to get them filled, tho. Ye Olde Neighborhood Pharmacy will be closed by then. Oh well, it’s just an extra block. Hopefully Joe will be able to drive me to the appointment and to Shopper’s. I could use the psychological support. Oh right…. speaking of Joe…

Joe has one of those professional development dealies today. So instead of working his usual 3:30 to midnight, he is working 9 to 3:15. Poor guy. He got home at midnight last night and had to go straight to bed. He’s now at work. He must be terribly tired.

At least that means he will be available for going out to dinner tonight. Normally, we would only get his company after midnight. It will be nice going out to eat on a Friday, like we used to do way back when.

Of course, having a doctor’s appointment at 6:15 will complicate matters. Oh well, if it gets late enough, all you can eat sushi at our favorite sushi place will become an option.

All you can eat places bring a strange economics to the table. People won’t go if they don’t think they are hungry enough to eat way more than usual, because that’s the only way they feel like they will get their money’s worth.

And that would make sense if you are going to a really expensive place. But people feel the same even when it costs exactly the same as a totally finite meal from their family restaurant of choice. A meal that they would walk away from feeling fully satisfied that they had gotten their money’s worth, and also feeling quite full.

So the exact same quantity of food that is sufficient for the money at a regular restaurant suddenly becomes not worth the money when you go to an all you can eat place. It makes no sense.

But I am sure there is some fascinating psychological principle at work here. I can’t wait till we cover it in one of my Psych classes. I love that actual psychology is being applied to economics now, with marvelous experiments like this one :

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For one thing, it means that economics is being forced to admit that A) they have been applied psychology all this time and B) people do not always act in their narrow and reductivist definition of “rational self-interest”.

Because people are people, not fucking robots. They don’t always know what their rational self-interest even is, let alone always acting in it.

All economics is voodoo economics. It’s never been a science at all. It’s all guesswork and drawing the target after you shoot.


Weird place for a (—), right? I was almost done blogging when I had to leave for class.

So I am blogging from class. We have a five minute break, so I will not get far. But what the heck. I write. It’s what I do.


That was brief. As i suspected.

Waiting for the bus. Damn it is cold. My jacket protects my torso from Jack Frost, but this is getting into glove weather, and I only have one glove.

Just like Michael Jackson.


Home now. Time to go to the doc. Wish me well.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

On the cusp

Waiting for the bus to take me to Kwantlen for Creative Writing class.

I added some fake comments to that WordPress site I am working on now. I am still not happy with it. It is so had for me to create anything visual that meets my artistic standards. I want it to look exactly like a conspiracy based blog, but I keep hitting roadblocks.

I thought I was so clever when I decided to make the story sections blog posts instead of blog pages. Voila, instant comment section? But that only works if I can, as I assumed I could create users and post under their names, like I can do on this site.

But no, blogs don’t let you do that. Bugger. So I improvised. The result looks more like a chat log than comments, but it gets the idea across.

Luckily, only a rough version is due tonight. It will be the NEXT week where I have to knuckle down and make it look presentable.


In class now.

I am going to find a way to work in video. Video I can do. I certainly can put together some kind of “unanswered questions” conspiracy video. I might be able to do the “mysterious” anonymous audio clips. The one for the lady social worker will be… tricky.

I just need to get over my voice-acting stage fright. Or is that microphone fright?

There must be other things I can do with video. Something spooky.

It was very nice to cash my chech and get ALL of the money yesterday. Oh, the joys of being a bank customer. I will never pay Money Mart their “three dollars on the hun” any more.

Otherwise, today had been groovy. Did the therapy thing. Proud of myself for FINALLY remembering to skip the biographical update and head straight for the deep seated issues. That is a far more fruitful approach. Biographical updates yield no insights, just small talk.

And I don’t go to therapy for chitchat.

We ended up talking about Dad. It was that or Mom, and Dad won the mental coin toss. Normally I don’t talk about him much because I don’t like even thinking about him. And I think that, on some level, I decided that because I had mentally severed all connection to him (or thought I had), he wasn’t important. This seems childish and petty to me now.

I mean sure, when you are really angry with someone, the last thing you want to do us admit they are important to you. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t. In fact, if they are not important to you, why are you so damned angry at them?

And we are all born with a need for paternal emotionsl input. The competency and even the suitability of the actual father has no bearing on that. If there is a father in your life at all in your childhood, they are a vety big part of you, whether you accept them or not.

And my relationship with my Dad is… complicated.

I find myself wondering how my relationship with him would be now if he had not taken me out of college. That is something I find hard to forgive, and you can’t get over something without forgiveness. So many people get hung up on that.

Forgiveness is for you, not them.

So I am working on forgiving him. It seems impossible, but I can look back and see that I am far closer now than I have ever been before, so I must be doing something right. I am getting there.

It was such a petty, thoughtless, selfish act. Wrecked the life I was building. Pretty much threw me back into an adolescence that I am only escaping from now. All these years of depression started with that act.

I suppose he didn’t know that would happen.


Back home now. Walked. I decided that, since the bus I usually take, the 405, only takes me as far as Richmond Centre at this time of night, meaning I would have to walk two blocks anyhow, I might as well get some extra exercise and walk the 4 to 5 blocks from school to home.

Yes, I live that close and I take the bus. Shut up. It’s a fat guy/emotion security thing.

So I had a pleasant enough walk home. It was a clear, cold night, so my ears and hands got a little cold, but the air was clear and clean, and I am slowly teaching myself to stroll in a leisurely fashion instead of trying to get home as fast as I can so I can rest as soon as possible.

That, as it turns out, is counterproductive. When you push that hard, you adrenalize, and an adrenalized body is a stupid body. It burns up all its resources rapidly, it tenses your muscles in a way that makes any sort of movement short of sprinting after a gazelle painful, and it raises your heart and respiration rates regardless of whether it is actually necessary.

If you stay relaxed and calm, the body does not adrenalize, and activities become much, much easier because you are no longer fighting with your own body. And all it takes is finding that sweet spot where you are moving forward enough to feel like you are getting there, but not so hard that you have to push yourself to do it.

I was in no particular hurry tonight, so I strolled home at a pace I could maintain. And halfway there, I rested. When you are taking things easy, resting seems quite natural, and your brain is no longer screaming at you to KEEP GOING because somewhere there is DANGER.

There’s no danger. Relax. Stroll.

It also makes resting easier because it’s way, way less of a contrast to moving. This makes both stopping and going easier.

I really feel like I have discovered an important secret with this strolling thing. This could be a big help to fat people who want to exercise without agony.

Go only as fast as you can without pushing yourself. A rule for walking and possibly for life.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.