Bleeding on the page

That analogy works a lot better if your work is on actual paper.

Still feeling bored and depressed. That’s why I am doing my blogging so early. I need a dose of at least mildly purposeful action or I will just end up sleeping the time away.

I am getting really tired of video games. And without them, what the fuck do I do with my time?

At least I am reading again. I had a good run going of reading before bed instead of, or after, entertaining myself with my tablet, but then I lost track of the book and started playing video games again, which is maddeningly futile.

You can’t get to sleep by stimulating your mind. Or at the very least, I can’t.

So yesterday, I made the conscious choice to forget the book I had been reading, and start reading something else. By doing so, I cut the Gordian knot and escaped the gumption trap I had fallen into.

“Gumption trap” is a great phrase. I should use it more often. If I thought of more of my problems as traps, I might have a stronger will to escape them.

Because if there is one thing I am good at, it’s escape.

Hopefully, this sad mood I have been in will be dispersed once I have been to class today. Normally, on Tuesdays, I have class from 1 till 7, but once more Journalism 101, the first class, is canceled. This time, it’s because the prof has to go to his brother’s wedding in Hawaii.

I’m sure he misses us all terribly, though.

So today it’s Psych 1200 only, which starts at 4. Hopefully, we will be getting our exam results today. I mean, they made us do it on one of those irritating Scantron sheets (Be sure to fill in the circle completely with a Number 5 pencil) and you would assume that would lead to fast results.

I have never liked that kind of testing. Such cramped, fussy little things. When I was younger and more fearful, I was intensely paranoid about somehow doing the test “wrong” and failing because I didn’t fill in the circle right.

I mean, asking someone with my fine motor/vision issues to fill in those circles completely, but without going outside them, is basically the equivalent of asking a regular person to balance a teacup on their nose while jogging.

So I just concentrated on making sure the circle was full and didn’t worry about going slightly outside the circle. The most important thing is for there to be no pencil markings in any of the other circles, and I had that down pat.

Anyhoo, by all reason, our results should be back today, and so today I will get the results of my ad hoc experiment to see just how goddamned smart I am. Psych 1200 is the one where I had no idea it was exam day until I showed up, so I did absolutely no studying and had to rely entirely on what I actually remembered combined with my test brightness and logical deductive capacities. Which is pretty much how I sailed through school for most of my life.

So it might work. I might get a good mark regardless. I’ve done it plenty of other times in my life. Granted, this time I had the extra double plus challenge of not having the textbook, but what the hell. I did the best I could under the circumstances. The universe can ask no more of a person.

Regarding my sadness and boredom (my sad boredom? My bored sadess?), I think it will prove to be a good thing in the long run. This is another one of those evolutionary processes where I need to transform myself, and the kind of metamorphosis I need requires a lot of energy in order to escape the gravity well of my depression.

That energy can only come from things like discontent, boredom, or irritability. Once more, I have to let the energy build up until it finally becomes so intolerable that I have to do something about it, and it will be that explosion that gives birth to a newer, better version of myself, which has much less dragging it down.

Speaking hedonistically, I would prefer that my problems were solved via overwhelming joy and sunshine from a rich and powerful outside source, but that is not in the cards for me, so instead, it’s a long succession of cold, painful evolutions.

Maybe the joy and ecstasy route is closed to us cold rationalists whose minds are not open to the transcendental because we have honed our minds into precision machines bent on the truth at all costs, and thus cannot grasp purely internal realities with the intuitive acceptance of the mystic or the holy man.

Everything must pass our interior tests for validity or be disregarded as noise. We can analyze ourselves till the cows come home, but we can’t unlock the doors within us with the very rationalism that put the walls there in the first place.

I know that the brutal truth machine within me is not necessarily my friend. I know that its ruthless machinery brutalizes me as often as it helps me, and that its fine, fine scalpel cuts my soul as often as it cuts away the lies.

But it’s all I have. No, that’s not true. More accurate to say that I am addicted to its output and in order to maximize that output, and the feeling of power and insight it gives me, I give it full rein to go wherever it wants regardless of the damage done to me in the process.

I can’t say that’s the perfect way to run my railroad, but it’s gotten me where I am today : nowhere.

Oh well. Time to stop bleeding on the page for today. I am going to take a nap (assuming I am still sleepy when I am laying down… no certain thing, that) and then head off to school to discover my fate.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

I voted tonight

I voted tonight.

That’s a bigger deal than it sounds.

Very loyal fans of this blog will know that voting is not easy for me because of my social anxiety. To vote, I have to go to someplace I have never been full of people I don’t know, and when I get there, I have to prove who I am before I am allowed to play my part in the future of the nation.

Absolutely everything about that makes me anxious.

But luckily, I have Joe and Julian in my life. Julian was kind and persistent enough to gently prod me about going to vote, and I was very reluctant to do it before I got my ever-so-important photo ID in the mail. I had been planning (inasmuch as that is possible when gripped by terror) to vote on actual election day, which is a week from today on the 19th.

But Julian did his best to remove my excuses, including the question of identifying myself (turns out, photo ID is not needed. I could even have brought one of my prescription bottles… far out!), which he solved by looking up what ID was accepted online.

And the first time he asked today, I said no. The anxiety was in the driver’s seat, and to my social anxiety, showing up there and then being turned away for lack of identification would have been absolutely crushing. Easier to kick the ball down the field and leave my fate to the whims of ICBC and the provincial government.

Julian waited around an hour, and then poked his head in to say that he and Joe would be going to vote around 6 (it was just before 5 at the time), and that was the ramp I needed to get over myself and I said I would go along.

Knowing that I had a ride there and back, that I would have two people I know there, and that I had enough of the ID that they took, made it possible for me to commit to going. Also helping was that Julian said we would be going to eat later. This gave me something I knew I would enjoy to focus on when I started getting anxious. Just have to get through this, and then…

Our polling station was in a small (but very nice… they had a Fireside Room. I want one) church nearby, and there was quite a lineup, as I knew there would be. Apparently, there has been a rush on the advanced polling this weekend.

I am choosing to interpret that as good news for Canada and bad news for Harper. Canadians seem very eager to vote, and to my mind, people are way more eager to vote against than they are to vote for.

So, fingers crossed, this will mean victory for the Anybody But Harper contingent. And I really don’t care how that comes down. Ideally, we will see a repeat of the 1993 federal election, when the (then Progressive) Conservatives lost every single seat except for two held by politicians so beloved by their constituencies that the only thing that could have prevented their reelection was an assassination.

So yeah. Like that. Minus two. I want Harper’s name to be as reviled and poisonous as that of Brian Mulroney, and here’s the rub : compared to Harper, Mulroney was a wonderful prime minister.

At least Mulroney had the humility and respect for the people of Canada to make his systematic dismantling of everything good and Canadian seem like an accidental byproduct of some sort of blithe ignorance of how things work, instead of the front and central aim of absolutely everything he did as PM, like Harper.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Voting.

We got to the church and there was a line. It moved fairly well. There was an Asian lady with her extremely old and frail mother ahead of us in line, and at one point, she asked us to save her place in line because she had to take (or rather, FOLLOW) her mother to the bathroom. We were happy to do so.

After all, we’re Canadians. We’re civilized.

As we were waiting in line, someone from Elections Canada came down the line to check our… whatever it is you call the little postcard type thing they send you to tell you where to vote…. things. I had mine, so no prob. Then another came down the line to check out ID. Moment of truth, and I was really nervous.

Yeah, I know I’m crazy. Like, for real real, not for play play. I know it all too well.

Anyhow, everything was fine, of course. So technically, that meant I had already passed the identity hurdle and could relax while waiting in line. But of course, it’s not that easy.

To be honest, I don’t think I really relaxed until we were five minutes out the door. And even then, only partially. That’s the problem with depression : good things disappear almost before they happen, but the bad things linger on and on in the mind.

Because deep deep down, you don’t feel safe, and you are always on guard. And that’s no way to run a railroad.

After voting, we went to McDonald’s to get drive-thru. I couldn’t really afford it, but WTF. We were midway through ordering when the voice at the other end tells us that their CO2 system was broken so they only had iced tea.

Seriously, people? I can’t drink iced tea (sugar), but even if I could, I don’t like it. We were outta there and off to another McD’s in our area. That one had sodas that worked.

I need my Diet Coke, man.

So, now I have voted. I am so glad. By voting, not only did I do my duty as a Canadian, I headed off having yet another thing to feel stupid and lame and fragile and weak and horrible about.

Depression covers a lot of adjectives.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

The runaway train

The sad thing is, it’s all about control.

I have figured out one of the main reasons I don’t send my writings to publishers or the like, and it is because I am afraid. Afraid that if I send stuff out and it is accepted, I will end up being pulled out of my cozy little socket and dragged out into the light without the option to retreat any more. My life would gain more momentum than I can control and carry me off into the dreaded unknown whether I wanted it to or not.

And that level of uncontrolled exposure is the worst fear of an agoraphobic slash socially anxious person like myself. Even though on another level, escaping this inane life of mine is what I want the most.

Just on my own terms. And in a way that somehow isn’t scary.

Change without change, freedom without risk, autonomy without separation. It’s all the same impossible dream. No matter how hard we try to dance around the issue, sometimes we have to face the fact that we want two mutually exclusive things, and the only way forward is to choose which onenbsp; to persue…and which one to abandon.

And the thing is, the most likely outcome of sending my stuff out is nothing. If I am lucky, I’ll get rejected in some kind of timely fashion, but otherwise, all that will happen is I will, over a long period of time, gather a collective of rejection emails that proves I am a writer.

Otherwise, very little in my life will change. No runaway train. Not even a skateboard rolling downhill.

So the fear is entirely irrational. Yet it persists. I don’t want to lose control. I just don’t trust the world enough to think I can be safe without remaining in control of the situation. Nor do I have the faith in my ability to cope with things that would let me feel like I can handle whatever comes along.

So I am left with a life I control so hard, little happens in it.

School is a great first step out of that. I have had to expand my comfort zone considerably in order to go back to school, and yet, I am relatively comfortable with it because it’s school, not a job. I have done school before. I’m good at school.

It also provides structure and extrinsic goals. I need those. I can’t generate them myself.

This fear of being torn from my comfort zone and ending up in a situation where I am fully exposed and I have no escape route and I am forced to deal with things in realtime informs a lot of my attitude toward life. It makes me fear novel situations, and cling to the very life I am also eager to escape. I suppose when I am dreaming of escape, of having a life with more content and meaning and purpose, I am not truly imagining myself in the situation. Not realistically. Not with my fears and anxieties entered into the equation. And certainly not with any thought as to how the heck I got there and what steps along the way would be especially scary and difficult for me.

Like (I suspect) many others, I dimly imagine that somehow, I will get to the Moon without passing through space. That all the steps towards my goals will be easy and fun, and that any minute now, I will finally get around to trying, and then, fame!

After all, I am just so darn talented, how could anyone resist? No need to prove that by sending stuff out. I’ll just sit back an enjoy the feeling that I am totally going to succeed some day in the future without feeling any pressure to take any of the steps that would actually lead to that happening.

Those steps are hard. And scary. And I might lose the comfort of entirely unearned ego and faith in my own specialness.

Well, not entirely unearned. That’s another good thing about school, I am getting some much needed positive feedback. People in my creative writing class, including the professor, seem genuinely amazed by my writing. So I guess writing a thousand words a day for five years or more, plus the million words, plus a novel a year, has done me some good.

Keep at anything for long enough and you’ll get good at it. I should apply that to more areas of my life.

As for my other forms of brilliance, those depend on how well I do on my two exams. I am totally viewing them as tests of whether I am still the academic whiz I used to be, who just naturally remembers enough from class to get good marks on the test without having to study at all.

Like I have said before, I am kind of hoping the answer is no. It would give me something to strive for. If I get those exams back and find out I got my usual 80-90 percent like usual, part of me will be genuinely disappointed.

And I have to admit, I have this fantasy that, somehow, just by showing up and showing off how gosh darn smart I am, some grownup (ha) in the hierarchy of Kwantlen (the education mill) will recognize my talents and take me under their wing, or at least take it on themselves to offer me some solid guidance.

This does not seem likely, true. After all, it’s never happened before. Presumably, this is because I am brilliant but somewhat unpleasant to deal with, and it’s easier just to ignore me than to deal with my strange thoughts and clueless challenges to their authority and general oddness.

I am still that big dumb clumsy dog who everyone loves but nobody actually wants around because it’s just too stressful.

But I am trying my best to be a better dog. Easier to handle. Better housetrained. Less likely to break your fine china.

Maybe then, I will be able to find somehow to take me in.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

The return of the void

I have been making light of this whole “suddenly no homework” thing but it’s actually kind of a big deal.

To refresh your memories : last week was a very busy and stressful week, school-wise. I had a bunch of assignments due (including one I was flat out wrong about, but whatever) which meant that between school during the day and homework (or, gasp, even actual STUDYING), I was kept very busy indeed.

And I loved it. I might not have said so at the time because I am still a little behind on knowing what is good for me, but looking back, I was one happy, fully engaged with life dude when I had lots of things to do.

And now, that is over. Life goes back to its usual placid yet stultifying pace, and that is really depressing. Now that I have recent and vivid knowledge of how much happier I am when I am busy, my usual slacking seems dull and horrid, and I feel the pressure of all those empty hours to fill all the more keenly.

And that really sucks.

I mean seriously, what do I do with myself now? This void in time (and meaning) really makes life seem pointless. What am I even here for? With nothing in particular to do, all I can do is amuse and distract myself until something comes along.

And that is just not enough any more. I have had enough idle distraction for a dozen lifetimes, and I am royally fucking sick of it. Hell, the only reason I am doing this blog entry now instead of after supper, like I had planned, is because I couldn’t face the two “free” hours I had before I eat.

What I will do later, I have no idea. Blogging can only take up so much of my time, so doing it sooner doesn’t actually get me ahead. It just means I will go back to the void all the sooner.

And I can’t stand it there.

It doesn’t help (or does it?) that I am sick. I have a cold and it has been making me a snot faucet (snaucet) for a few days. As usual, at first I thought it was just my allergies acting up, but it’s the wrong time of year for that. Then when the feeling of malaise set in Thursday, I knew it was no allergy attack.

Plus, antihistamines had zero effect on it. Crap.

So I guess I caught a slow acting version of Con Crud, a term my therapist found extremely gross when I explained it to him on Thursday. For those who don’t know, it is very common for people who go to conventions (of any sort) to end up sick afterwards. This is because when you take a bunch of people from a wide geographical area and put them in the same hotel, lots of virii and bacteria get to find new hosts who don’t yet have antibodies for them, and it ends up being a Petri dish where lots of disease vectors come together.

So whatever is making you feel ill after a convention (besides post-convention depression, also very common) is called Con Crud. It’s usually nothing particularly nasty and often it doesn’t do anything more than make you feel sort of crappy for a few days.

In my case, I can only assume that my immune system held this invader off for as long as it could, but it was a battle of attrition and they (I) lost.

So now the real war is on. Full on immune response. I think I am probably over the worst of it now, but it was a sucky kind of thing to happen at the tell end of a stressful week.

It’s not like I could call in sick for an exam. Then I’d need a doctor’s note, and all that jazz. Lame.

And so now, I am sick and bored. For me, this has always been an irritating point in one’s recovery from a cold or flu, where you have your energy back but you still feel ill, so boredom comes easily.

At least when you are fully sick, it occupies your mind.

I really hope the nose part of this thing is over, because I have not been able to use my CPAP machine in a couple of days. There is no point strapping a mask on over your face when you are producing all that snot. You’d drown.

But I can feel the difference between how I feel when I have been using CPAP and how I feel when I have not. So hopefully, I will resume its use tonight.

Get that bad air out of my lungs, dammit!

I do have something to do tonight, namely, clean out the 2L bottles I have let accumulate till they are covering all surfaces in the kitchen. It’s not a huge amount of work, and yet I always put it off for as long as I can, and then some.

Guess I still have some growing up to do.

And the thing is, this need not happen at all. If I can just train myself to rinse the bottle and put it in the appropriate bin every time I empty a 2L, which happens once a day, on average. That’s only a few moments of effort and it would keep me from having to do these big washings of like, forty bottles.

The thing is, I like big jobs. I like jobs that I can sink my teeth into, where I can gear up and put my back into it for a considerable period of time. Even when working, I hate to be interrupted before I feel like I am “done”.

Still, I am not the only one involved here. My bottles take up all the room on the kitchen counters when they get this bad, and that makes life worse for everyone in this apartment.

Time to grow the fuck up.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

The Return of the Ghost of the Me Blogging Again

Oh right… I can use this thing to actually blog.

I am finally ahead of the game in terms of homework and exams. I had an exam today in Psych 1100. Sixty multiple choice questions, tooks me 40 minutes. That’s 40 seconds per question. Sounds about right.

I was the first to finish. Not the first time that has happened to me. I tend to do exams in a blaze of activity, all neurons firing. It’s what works for me, or at least, what has worked for me in the past.

As always, when I finish first, it either means I am absolutely brilliant or that I have no idea what the fuck I am doing. Usually, the answers is somewhere in between, but most of the time, it’s a lot closer to the brilliant end of the spectrum. When I do an exam, I am quite thoroughly mentally activated, and I have a lot of mental to activate.

I am sure I got some wrong, and there will be some where I can say “Geez, if I had only thought about if for a second… ” instead of blazing through the thing like wildfire, but I am confident that my grade will be good, if not necessarily great.

That’s just how I roll.

Of course, I could be wrong. I am prepared to find out that I have been wildly overconfident and really need to get my shit together and knuckle down. That would, in a way, be a relief. I have been looking for schoolwork that truly challenged me for a long ol time now, and it would be good to know I had found it and I had to truly up my game instead of coasting on native intelligence and a high degree of test brightness.

I just Googled “test brightness” and all I got was stuff about calibrating your monitor. Apparently it’s not a “thing”. I don’t know what else to call it. I’m really good at tests, whatever you want to call it.

The shape of the question implies the shape of the answer. And other mystic bullshit.

Of course, I am operating at a considerable handicap, namely that I don’t have the text yet. From that point of view, passing the test at all seems pretty impressive. And there is no doubt in my mind that I passed.

I realized today that I possibly could have told my professors about my whole problem with lack of ID and all the consequences thereof, and I might get some leniency. I don’t have to rely on my innate cleverness so much. I am sure the professors would understand that I am the victim of forces outside my control.

But I am just too damned proud to do it. I would rather scramble to keep up and take whatever lumps that entails than throw myself on the mercy of the court and beg for scraps. I guess to admit my problems to my teachers would mean admitting weakness to people whose approval means a lot to me (even though I sort of suck at getting it) and I would rather maintain the illusion that I a competent and capable, as opposed to the stumbling fool I tend to be.

People like me should really have handlers. People to keep us materially organized so we can be all dazzling and amazing in the world, and the fact that we are helpless hothouse flowers who are only good at blooming is kept relatively secret.

So for now, I just do my best to stay calm (not easy) and remember that some time soonish, this will all be over and I will be on the other side of it and this tension about identification will be something I laugh and shake my head about.

Otherwise, things have been medium groovy. I had my exam for Psych 1200 last Tuesday. Totally unprepared. Had no idea we had an exam that day. But I was all frontin like I had it all down. Guy next to me said “So, are you ready?” and I was all like “Sure, no problem. Got it cold. ”

So I suppose it would be extra embarrassing if I got a bad grade on that one. Luckily, I don’t think that way.

What intrigues me about that experience is how naturally I defended myself like that. I didn’t think about it, or stumble over myself, or create any sort of weird awkward tension. It was almost effortless.

And that’s happening more and more lately. I feel like I have lost some large piece of the filtering process between my emotions and reality has been removed, and I am super stoked about it.

I am stoked about it because it means I can be a more natural person now. I have reacted without thinking a bunch of times now, and it has worked out fine. I have proof that I don’t need to subject every impulse to a rationalist Inquisition. It means that sometimes, it is fine to just go with my gut, and leave the rational machinery for the big tasks.

It means I can be a lot more real.

I’m not out of the woods yet, and I doubt I ever will be. I always always be a very thinky kind of person, and that’s one of my strengths. Better one well considered wise move than a hundred random stabs. I will always be contemplative and thoughtful and I will never be a realtime field genius.

But being able to trust that I can say and do the right thing without thinking it to within and inch of its life would go a long, long way towards me being comfortable in my skin and relaxed about life, as opposed to living every waking moment in a state of paranoia, trying to anticipate everything because that’s the only way you can feel safe.

It feels like real, deep down, long lasting progress. A big chunk of ice has been removed from the clog caught in the throat of my soul, and I really hope this is just the beginning.

I might actually become sane.

Scary, isn’t it?

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Vcon 2015 Con Report, part 2

(Be glad it’s this. I was originally going to teach you people about brain structures as a form of studying.)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Wow, did I sleep well. Turns out that, at least this one time, alcohol and sleeping pills made a wonderful combination. I got eight solid hours of peaceful, blank, dreamless[1] sleep and woke up feeling fine.

And normally, even with my CPAP and my sleeping pills, I am lucky to get six hours of mildly restless, dreamful sleep.

So while I would not recommend mixing your rum and grapefruit juice with quetiapine and trazodone, it worked for me. The only downside was that I slept so well that I completely missed the panel about Marvel movies at 1 pm.

Therefore, the first panel I made it to was at :

2 pm : Vcons Past. I went to this panel for a number of reasons, the foremost of which was, of course, genuine interest. I am an old person’s dreams in that I am always eager to listen to their stories. Formal history has never interested me deeply, but personal history fascinates me. So I was quite happy to listen to tales of yesteryear from Them What Was There. Another reason to go was to support my friend R. Graeme Cameron, who is a wonderful fellow and a spellbinding raconteur. And thirdly, I was already feeling guilty because I knew I would not be there for his always dryly hilarious Elron Awards because they were scheduled against the only force in the universe that could keep me away from them : The Turkey Readings.

I am sorry, Graeme, but the Turkeys are literally the most fun I have all year.

And speaking of which…

3 pm : The Turkey Readings. People read the worst books they can find. Volunteer weirdos (like me) act out the action. People pay to stop the reading. Others pay to keep it going. Money goes to the Canadian Unity Fan Fund, dedicated to sending West Coast fans to the East Coast and vice versa. When someone bids “stop” and nobody outbids them to “start”, you switch readers and the whole thing starts over.

Oh, and while the madness is busy ensuing, my dear friend and roomie Joe Devoy and the radiant and fabulous Felicity Walker are attempting to illustrate the stories being told, as told. At the end of the proceedings, the illustrations are auctioned, and this year, one of Felicity’s went for $25!

It’s the most fun thing ever.

Seriously. I laugh so much it counts as aerobic exercise. The whole room shakes with laughter. Bad fiction is a natural source of comedy, and getting people being all silly acting it out only amplifies the effects. The beauty of bad art as comedy is that bad art is so much more unpredictable than good art. Good art follows rules. And there are always a lot more ways to break a rule than there is to follow it.

In fact, bad art is a great way to learn the rules of effective storytelling because it will break rules you never even knew existed. Learning by counterexample is a powerful tool.

But mostly, it’s just funny as hell.

4:30 pm : The Elrons and FanEds. The Turkey Readings went till 4:30, so like I said, I missed the Elrons half of it. But I did get to see my dear friend and avatar of awesomeness Felicity Walker receive her FanEd award for activity in the world of fanzines (look it up), and I could not be more proud.

5 pm : As is the tradition at Vcon, the final panel was the Closing Ceremonies. As is my personal tradition, I didn’t go. My roomies did, though, so I just went back to the room and relaxed till it was over, then it was another trip out of the cozy confines of the con in search of food.

A lovely dinner was had with my usual cohorts and some local fans, then we wandered back to the convention for the quite horribly named but harmless Dead Dog Party, which is the party that marks the true end of the convention, where all us fen get together to drink, talk, and delay the onset of reality as long as we can.

This year, however, there was a planning SNAFU and the original base for this all-fen party was just someone’s room, right in the middle of a bunch of other rooms filled with people who had the wacky idea that they should be able to sleep at night. And parties have a minimum volume directly proportional to the number of attendants, so while we tried to be quiet in response to a noise complaint, it just wasn’t happening, even after the second complaint.

So we were booted out of that room, and had to find another. At this point, the majority of partygoers simply gave up and went to bed. But some kind and swift-thinking con staff were able to sneak us into a conference room that had one of my favorite things to see at a party, a big huge round table.

Thus began one epic and well populated game of Cards Against Humanity. At maximum, we had 14 people playing. The game is designed to manufacture hilarity, so despite the fact that it was materially the worst Dead Dog Party I have ever been to in my many years of Vcon-going, I had a wonderful time and didn’t end up going to bed till 4:30 am, all laughed out.

And thus ends another wonderful, magical, marvelous Vcon. I had a grand old time, as I always do, and I can’t wait till I get to do it all over again in 2016.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. Yes, pedants, I know that there is no such thing as dreamless sleep unless you have a serious brain injury, in which case you will likely die of organic psychosis. But “sleep where I wake up not remembering any dreams nor do I have the sort of shadow-memory of having dreamed” is too much of a mouthful to type.

Creative Writing Assignment due October 8

Yup. I am making you people read my homework again.

First, 150 words on this website

Please don’t judge, I can’t say I liked the site at all. Spending twenty minutes there was a trial. The whole experience was like dragging fingernails across the chalkboard of my nervous system. The art style, the writing style, the sudden sounds or speech, all of it irritated me for some reason. And I admit, the underage lesbianism makes me uncomfortable, even though my own gay history didn’t exactly start on my 18th birthday. I enjoyed some of the passages – for the record, they were called Lik-M-Aid, not Lick-A-Maid, although we call called them Lick-A-Maid so I can understand the confusion – and I really think I could have enjoyed this work more if it had been simpler and more pleasant instead of trying so hard to be avant-garde. Maybe that makes me a dull Philistine, I don’t know. But as a highly sensitive artistic type, I prefer environments that are more welcoming. I like the storytelling and the form. In fact I have pondered doing something similar myself in order to tell a story larger than what can fit in the human mind at any one point, but I can’t put up with the style. Sorry.

And now for my 750-ish words of fractured fiction.

Between Ten Eyes

P1 : Look, I don’t much care for the police, but that homeless dude totally jumped the cop. I saw the whole thing. I was right across from the homeless dude on the Skytrain, just chillin’, and this Skycop walks up to the guy and says something to him about taking him home, and the guy freaks out and leaps up like someone put a million volts through him and headbutts the cop. So the cop’s bleeding out a busted nose and trying to tase the guy. By then, people are screaming and this fat chick has her cell phone out and the next thing I know, the homeless guy is down on the floor twitching and foaming at the mouth. Then some huge gorilla of a guy is on the homeless guy’s chest, and then the homeless guy stops moving. Listen, is he going to be okay?

P2 : Don’t believe the media , I saw the whole thing, and the cop was the one who freaked out on the homeless guy. I was sitting right next to the homeless guy – I’m the guy in the Canucks jacket in the video – and that homeless guy wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was just siting there talking to this huge dude when some Skycop comes along and starts poking the homeless guy with his night stick and talking to him like he’s an idiot. I could tell the homeless guy was terrified of the cop and that’s why he wasn’t answering the cop’s questions. He was too freaked out. Next thing I know, the cop is tasing the guy over and over, and there’s blood everywhere, and people are screaming like the do in the movies. I’m telling you, the guy didn’t do anything wrong. That cop should be in jail.

P3 : I’m glad someone is finally asking me my opinion, because not only am I the person who took the now infamous cell phone video, I’m a professional social worker who deals with the homeless on a daily basis, and while Mister Driscoll is not one of my clients, I am well aware of how vulnerable they can be to abuse by the police. That’s why I was recording the scene. I was protecting Mr. Driscoll’s rights. That’s why I posted it to YouTube as well. They can confiscate your cell phone but they can’t confiscate the Internet. Although if I had known what was going to happen, I might have had second thoughts. What’s happened to Mister Driscoll is a nightmare and an outrage and people should be ashamed of themselves for saying what they have been saying about him. For God’s sake, Leonard Driscoll is a human being!

P4 : I think I can clarify a few matters, as I am Leonard Driscoll’s personal physician and therapist as well as being the person the Internet has dubbed “King Kong”. I tried to tell the policeman not to tase Leonard as his condition makes him vulnerable to seizures, but the policeman was clearly terrified of Leonard and not listening to me. Luckily, I always keep Leonard’s anti-convulsive medicine with me, and I was able to restrain Leonard enough to slip it under his tongue. Physically, Leonard will make a full recovery, The damage to his fragile psychological state will take much longer to repair. Knowing Leonard, I believe he reacted as he did because he thought the cop was going to take him “back home”, and for Leonard, home was never a safe or happy place. He never meant to hurt that policeman. He was only trying to get away.

P5 : Are you sure you’re from the government? It’s just that I’ve had a very hard day, and the doctors say I shouldn’t get too excited right now. But I guess someone has to tell the real story, right? Right. Right. It’s all kind of jumbled up right now, but I remember the blood… so much blood. Blood everywhere. And the smell of ozone from the taser. And the confusion. And people screaming, screaming screaming… the screaming was worse than the blood. (pause) I’m sorry, I’m sorry. No, I’m okay, I can keep going. I know what people are saying about me, and it’s not true. Not true. Not true at all. I’m not some violent, out of control lunatic. I’m a human being, just like you. The only difference between you and me is that you work in a big dance office, and I decided to become a cop.

Well, that’s it for tonight’s homework, due tomorrow. I hope you all enjoyed it. It is going to be weird sharing this stuff with a group of fellow students of various degrees of perspicacity to “workshop” it, but WTF. I need to learn to be more open and trusting. Tear down the wall, and all that.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Vcon 40 Con Report

Friday, Oct 2

Due to a number of factors beyond my control (like having class until 4 then needing to reg and eat), I wasn’t able to attend any panels this day. I was, however, able to spend a few pleasant hours in Hospitality, grazing on munchies and chatting with fen, and an even pleasanter couple of hours sampling the various gin type products at the Montreal room party.

Saturday, Oct 3

12:00 pm : Politics of Science Fiction. After an unusually long trip from unconsciousness to wakefulness, I made it for the second half of this panel. Thankfully, it was not about any form of Puppies. Sadly, it was mostly about the politics in science fiction, rather than the far more interesting topic of the politics of science fiction. I personally think that there is an area of surprisingly broad consensus of opinion represented in both science fiction and its fandom, and that would have been great fun to discuss. As it was, it was still a very interesting half a panel and I enjoyed discussing books like The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Leguin.

1:00 pm : Future Was Then. A panel about retro futures. I love this subject because it provides such a rich bounty of perspective on how we view the world and how we look upon the future. Admittedly, we did not do the greatest job of sticking to the topic in this panel, but I have never considered that a particularly high priority. I did manage to bring up one of my well-ground axes, the one about how many very intelligent people were sure that we would all be standing in our government allotted three feet of space by now due to overpopulation despite the fact that basic mathematics would have shown that to be total bullshit. So that made me happy. And it was a good discussion overall.

2 pm : Free Period.. There was nothing on that I particularly liked, so I took this time to mosey on up to Hospitality and see what there was to eat. Pickings were mighty slim at 2 pm, after the lunch rush, but I was able to cobble together something vaguely like a meal and, more importantly, talk to strangers. I had a very nice discussion with two older ladies, one of whom was named Elizabeth (damn I suck with names), and went into my next panel feeling quite good.

3 pm : Pulp Movies. The basic jist of the panel was the question of whether or not it would be possible to make a good movie based on the old pulp heroes of the past like Doc Savage. That was the stated purpose, anyhow. I think it was actually just an excuse for some older fen to discuss the beloved pulp heroes of their youth. But the panel was well moderated and so we kept to the topic surprisingly well. I have no skin in the game, and hence no real opinion on the issue. Certainly anything’s possible, despite disasters like Jack Carter and The Lone Ranger.

4 pm : Handling Stress. I went to this panel assuming it would be about how to handle stress in your life, seeing as going back to school has put so much more of it into my life. And largely it was, but apparently, according to the con book, it was also (?) about how the characters you write about experience and deal with stress. I suggested we combine the two missions by talking about how to handle stress in your life by transferring it to your characters. That got a big laugh. And while I can’t say that I gleaned any valuable stress busting tips from the panel, that big laugh did me wonders.

5 pm : Justify The Science Flaw. The fifth incarnation of this panel, and I have been there for every one of them, and loved every minute of it. The idea is that the moderator shares examples of flawed science from popular media and challenges his panel, made up of actual scientists, to come up with an explanation of how that wasn’t really flawed science after all. These explanations are, of course, extremely absurd, and I always end up laughing myself silly (short trip) as all these high IQ people have a wonderful time being very silly about science. This time was no exception.

6:30 pm : Second Free Period. The previous panel went to 6:30, and my friends’ panel went till seven, so I had half an hour to kill. I pondered joining my friends at their panel (about Lovecraft), but decided I would be better off going back to our room, room 124, and taking a half hour Introversion Break in order to recharge my social batteries.

7 pm : The Quest For Food. My friends arrive, and it is time to venture out into the world to obtain sustenance. Being native to the area (this convention took place around 6 blocks from where we live), we were able to guide our friends from out of town to one of Richmond’s many fine eateries, and there, we feasted.

12:30 am : Having lingered too long chatting with my friends about various and diverse topics, I missed the room party for the HMS Calisto and was forced to once more entrust myself to the fabulous folks at the recurring Montreal party. This time, there was more than gin around, and I was able to try Kraken brand rum, something I had been wanting to do partly because of its name but mostly because of its inky blackness. It was surprisingly complex for rum, and tasted quite good, especially with a mixer. (What can I say, I am a cocktail drinker, not a ‘snap back a shot of this’ drinker). I had a fairly deep snootful of the various alcoholic offerings, then floated on back to our room, took my sleeping pills, and slept well. Damn well.

That’s it for the con report for last Saturday. Tomorrow, I will do one for Sunday, plus add whatever general marks about the convention I have floating around at the time.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

On defining consciousness

(This is schoolwork. I have covered this subject before.)

In her lecture on October 2, 2015, Doctor Dukewich expressed her feeling that there must be more to consciousness than proton flow, and noted that in a dish of electrically neutral solution, protons will pass through a permeable membrane just like they do in the human mind, but we would not consider the solution to be conscious. Ergo there must be something more.

I respectfully disagree. The awe we feel when our minds contemplate their own complexity is palpable, and gives us a feeling of irreducible complexity, but that is an illusion. The truth is, to my mind, even more awe-inspiring : that the most complex phenomenon in the known universe, human consciousness, actually IS just proton flow on its most fundamental level.

This in no way detracts from consciousness’ magnificence, any more that pointing out that Shakespeare’s plays are “just” strings of letters makes them any less brilliant, or that everything the device upon which I am writing this assignment does is “just” ones and zeroes make what it can do less impressive.

To quote a man I admire greatly :

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.

Albert Einstein

It is true that there is, in fact “something more” than proton flow happening in human consciousness, just as there is “something more” happening in a computer than ones and zeroes. But that does not preclude our understanding that complexity comes from simplicity. The mightiest star in the sky is made of nothing more than hydrogen, helium, and a little bit more.

In short, pointing out that complex things are made of simpler things does not in any way reduce the complexity of said things. Ergo, to point out that human consciousness is fundamentally proton flow does not, in any way, make the complexity of the human mind any less extraordinary.


And what the hell, here is my weekly journalism assignment :

Name of Student: Michael Bertrand
Question : As a general rule, should news organizations report on suicides? Why/Why not?
My Answer : Yes. They should cover them because the coverage both spreads awareness of the problem and because it will point potential suicides to the resources which may save their lives. Contagion is a possibility but we have no way of knowing whether those people would have committed suicide eventually regardless of the news coverage. Coverage could save many more lives than contagion takes. I say, do it.
My Question for the Class: If someone close to you committed suicide, would you want the media to cover it? Why or why not?
Your day of the week (see chart in syllabus): Monday
Date: October 5, 2015
Headline: Flint, Michigan, declares emergency; high lead levels in kids linked to tap water
Reporter’s name: None listed
Why I think this is a noteworthy news story: (40 to 50 words): I think it illustrates the dangers of a certain shortsighted form of the cost-cutting mentality that seeks to make a number on a ledger go down without any understanding of the complexity those numbers represent. These people eschew complexity and hence are woefully inadequate for achieving concrete results.


And now, the actual blogging.

Had fun at the con. The night I forgot my sleep meds was not fun, but I got to sleep eventually, and slept decently well. Saturday night I slept quite soundly after drinking a significant amount of booze then taking my sleeping pills, which I am almost positive must be contraindicated. Best sleep I have had in ages, honestly. A peaceful eight hours, and all without CPAP.

Same for Sunday night. I didn’t have liquor in me, but I had stayed up till four in the morning playing Cards Against Humanity (damn, I love that game) with various con-goers at the deadest Dead Dog Party ever.

That was a debacle. The DDP started out in someone’s suite, but after two noise complaints from the hotel, we realized this was intensely stupid. Parties have a minimum volume and that number goes up for each partygoer, so there was simply no chance we would be able to keep it down.

After that broke down, most of the partgoers said to hell with it and went to bed, which was dispiriting. But a group of us went to a conference room with a nice big round table and started playing Cards Against Humanity, and that game is goddamned hilarious, so we entertained ourselves that way until the wee hours of the morning.

And this, after having gone to the Turkey Readings earlier that day, followed by a marvelous dinner with the usual gang plus Jax, Spuug, Dara, and Ana, wherein we amused the hell out of one another.

All in all, I consider it to have been a socially successful weekend. There were a few socially anxious moments when I was at a room party and nobody was talking to me and I began to feel morose and alone and some bad tapes about being forever an outsider started playing, but I powered my way through those and was mostly okay.

More importantly, I made a lot of people laugh over the weekend. My little jokes didn’t always work, but most of them did, and few things make me feel as good as making people laugh and thereby putting a little more sunshine into their lives.

I emailed in sick to my Ideology and Politics class today. I feel weird about that. But I was so damned tired from the convention that I had little choice. I will get back into the flow of things tomorrow.

It did make me realize that, if you strip away all the externalities of what gets me out the door and off to class, what remains is a very strong fear of missing out and falling behind. The idea of all my classmates learning without me fills me with a deep dread. I guess when you are the youngest of four, getting left behind is one of your worst fears.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow, with a proper con report.

Somnia deficit redux

Well Martha, I done did it again. I forgot my sleeping pills at home again. And like I say every time it happend, the thing about my sleeping pills is that without them, I don’t sleep.

So I decided that I will use the only sleep aid at my disposal, and that is blogging. Hopefully, by blogging at all you nicenbsp; people, I can disperse enough nervous tension and mental energy to sleep.

It’s a longshot, but it’s the only shot I got.

Learned lots of neat stuff in Psych 1100 today. We are out of the basic neurology and into what I think of as real psychology. Today’s lesson was about one of the most fascinating subjects in psych : consciousness.

That ended up bringing me an important epiphany. See, the prof was talking about the whole stupid “but what is consciousness, REALLY? ” question, and how “it can’t just be protons moving through membranes” and I said “of course it can be… because that’s what it is!” and said people know what consciousness is, they just don’t like the answer. No matter how refined our picture of the brain becomes, people are going to say it can’t be “just” that. Even avowed materialists like my prof will insist it can’t “just” be that.

But it is. There is no magic ingredient, like Descartes believed. And breaking things down to their smallest part always makes them seem absurd. Shakespeare’s plays are “just” a string of letters. DNA is “just” a string of protein. A star is “just” a bunch of hydrogen and helium.

So I brought this all up in class (in fewer words) and she wrangled with it for a bit and then just dropped it and moved on.

And I suddenly realized how obnoxious I was being. Whether or not ny points are valid (they are), she didn’t want or need them at that time, and neither did the rest of the class. All I was doing was interfering with the learning/teaching process just to show off how smart I am. It was neither the time nor place to start an argument or attack what the prof was saying.

And yet, I was doing it to try and impress her, in a way. And this is hardly the first time I have done this. I have done it since grade 1, to be honest. And that made me realize that I have spent my whole life trying to impress teachers and profs in a way that is sure to piss them off solid, ANDnbsp; make the whole class wish I would just shut the fuck up already.

That… is a fairly harsh thing to realize about oneself.

I don’t want to make it sound worse than it is. Most of the time, I am not consciously trying to impress anyone (and that is good because I was REALLYnbsp; obnoxious today.. I cringe to think of it). I am just very eager and have certain boundry issues when it comes to arguing (I love it TOO MUCH) and it was not until today I realized how wrong I have been.

So in the future, I will restrain myself. I will pay close attention to the differebce between a request for clarification and an attack on what the prof is saying, and for the most part, STFU, listen, and learn.

And keep my wildly original thoughts to myself, for the most part.At least until I find the proper venue.

Like, say, this blog.

This doesn’t mean I will be silent in class. That would be asking too much. But I will ask fewer questions, start no arguments, and for heaven’s sake, pay close attentiin to the tone of my voice.

And keep in mind thst I want to help the prof, not bust their chops.

I am tempted to email her and apologize, but I am fairly certain she would just tell me that she appreciates my eagerness and interest in the subject matter, and not to worry about blah blah etc.

That is both the proper professorial response – they can’t very well tell a student “you’re right, you’re obnoxious, stop being so interested and engaged with the subject matter and STFU – and what I understand of her personality. She seems very sweet and shy, and hence probably not keen on confrontation. So she probably would tell me everything was cool even if I was pissing her off so bad it made her eyes cross.

So I will take it upon myself to improve. It was a painful revelation, but one which opens the doorway to enormous personal growth.

Plus, I kind of want to see what happens if I go an entire class without answering any questions. I am sure there must be other students who would love to answer who just don’t think as fast or speak as easily as I do.

I am being obnoxious again. Better rein it in.