You’re obviously really smart

Time to go to that most unstable and dangerous of places, the ego of a brainy depressive.

All my life, people have told me how smart I am. And not necessarily people who have seen me do or heard me say something really intelligent.

In fact, sometimes it’s people who have only seen me fuck up and be pathetic and lame.

Like a therapist who ran a group therapy group I was in. All she’d seen me do was oscillate between being too shy to say much and spilling as much of my guts out as I could manage. She’d never seen me in my element.

Back then, I didn’t think I had one.

And yet she commented more than once about how I am obviously really intelligent. [1]

And that makes me wonder : what, exactly, makes me so obviously intelligent, even to people who have zero evidence of it? What is this vibe I put out?

I mean, it’s certainly true that I want people to think I am brilliant. I don’t know if that’s a fundamental quality of my character or something that comes from being a broken person who invests their very small and fragile amount of self-worth in the thing he is positive he has, namely intellect. But it’s always been so.

But I also want people to think I am funny, lovable, and a sexy, sexy beast, and that has not always worked out in my life. So it can’t just be desire.

I feel like there must be some sort of electricity to me that comes out in the look in my eyes and how I carry myself and so on. Some cluster of of nonverbal cues adds up to “really smart” in people’s minds, and I worry that sometimes, it intimidates people, or worse, makes them feel stupid and that I think they are stupid.

Now, full disclosure, I am keenly aware that I am smarter than most of the population. But that’s how I see it. Not that people without my gifts are stupid. They’re normal. I am the one who is the outlier.

So I don’t look down on people for having average intelligence. In fact, I don’t look down on people at all, if I can help it. Like I have said before in this space, I require equality. I am too stubbornly independent to look up to people in an authoritarian way and I am too kindhearted to look down on them. I want to relate to people on their own level.

Anything else is kinda gross to me.

But I digress.

This electricity of mine is a mystery to me. I can deduce that I have it, but it’s not something I know how to control and use. Not yet, anyhow.

In fact, it’s clear to me that I have never learned to turn it off, and how I am driven to try to prove how smart I am in literally every single social interaction. I don’t think I do it in a dickish way, like some others of my disposition do. But it’s still not good.

It is, in fact, childish. Like I am still a little kid eager for attention and desperate to get back that moment in time when everyone was wowed by how precociously intelligent I was and I got a lot of attention and affirmation just for that,.

Thinking about my childhood (so what else is new), in my preschool years (of course), my mother always praised me when I did something smart. From a super early age, learning and thinking and such were the ways I got my mother’s approval.

Like I have said before, my mother did a wonderful job of stimulating my young mind and guiding my intellectual growth. And it must have been wonderful for a teacher like her to see me flourish so rapidly. I think that must be what channeled me into the intellectual side of things as opposed to being a somewhat more rounded person.

Because my mother didn’t teach me any social skills. She didn’t have them either. She didn’t teach me complex motor skills for the same reason. She gave me what she had, which was wonderful things like intelligence, curiosity, a love of books, and a great and all encompassing compassion and love for all the critters of the world.

But with it came her shyness, and her lack of the ability to make/have friends, and a few other things I could do without. That, coupled with the fact that in the same year my two best friends went off to elementary school and I was opted out of kindergarten, and the fact that my siblings and I were on different planets, and I had a very poor social starting position when I went to school the next year.

Add in the natural isolating factor of high IQ, and it’s no wonder I never fit in.

It honestly never occurred to me that I would have to change in order to fit in. Maybe some vital social instinct had never been activated, I don’t know. Nobody was asking me to change at home. I never learned how to adapt.

And part of me still stubbornly refuses to act dumber than I am. It’s a profoundly immature attitude and one I hope to overcome some day because it severely impairs my ability to get the sort of social connection I so desperately want.

Why should I think that it’s the world that has to bend, not me?

What makes me so special?

Why can’t I compromise on this one important thing?

Maybe I am still trying to please my mother.

If so…. I think I need to create an entirely new life strategy. Start from scratch, learn to value different things.

Or maybe I just need to ease up on myself a little.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.






Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. She also was sort of coming on to me when my time there ended, in a “I can’t date a patient but you won’t be a patient and so…” testing the waters kind of way. Which was fairly unprofessional of her. I was too much in my own head to really notice it, but like a lot of gay men I seem to have an instinct for keeping the ladies at arm’s length. Anyhow. Not really important to the topic but I felt the need to share the strangeness.

May 11, 2017

Midnight to 2:00 am : Social time with J&J
2:00 am to 7:30  am : Sleep
7:30 am to 10 am : Free time
10:000 am to 12:00 pm : Sleep Issue #2
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm : Free time (HOMM5!)
1:15 pm to 2:15 pm : Lunch (plus Frankie and Grace!)
2:15 pm to 2:45 pm :  Correspondence (I might have a gig!!)
2:45 pm to 4:15 pm: Upwork and such
4:15 pm to 4:45 pm : Rest period
4:45 pm to 6:00 pm : Free period
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm : Dinner
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm : Bloggin’. (Took longer because I was doing too many things at once)
9:30 pm to 10:00 pm : Correspondence and related activities
10:00 pm to 12:00 am : Free period


I’m halfway there!

Let’s get this out of the way immediately :


Editor’s Note : This is the second version of this blog post because SOMEHOW, pressing Ctrl-Z to Undo deleted everything in the post except that first sentence, and I could not undo the undo, and so that was kaputski. So I apologize if I come across as a tad snippy tonight. It’s because I am pissed off solid about something that has nothing to do with you, my dear and gentle readers.

Don’t worry. This is not going to be another of my “getting there” posts.

That’s still a problem (and I am so sick of only getting halfway there, I can tell ya) but that;s not what I will be talking about tonight.

The big news is : I sort of have a freelance writing gig!

It’s kinda complicated.

See, I was on Upwork (love that site) and I came across this gig for someone to write stories in a generic internet chat style. Like this :

<PersonA> Hello fellow fictional character!
<PersonB> I return your friendly greeting heartily!
<PersonA> Class went well today!
<PersonB> Oh? What class did you have that you are taking?
<PersonA> Writing Naturalistic Dialogue!

You get the idea. (For some reason, I was hearing that dialogue in the voices of Rocky and Bullwinkle in my head. )

That sounded like a super fun gig, so I applied for it. And I decided that I would pull out all the stops and submit my bid in the form above.

But I had neither the time nor the proper frame of mind to write something serious, compelling, and well thought out. So instead, I was my usual goofy ass self, and wrote a little something that goes exactly like this :

 *** (2017-05-10 14:01.00) AboveBored requests chat.
Chat subject : What is this?
*** (2017-05-10 14:03.00) AboveBored joins chat.
*** (2017-05-10 14:03.00) SlowNewsday joins chat.
<AboveBored> So what’s this?
<SlowNewsday> I think it’s the writer’s attempt to wow the client with his ability to handle the format.
<AboveBored> Really?
<SlowNewsday> Yup.
<AboveBored> Sounds like the kind of thing that will either charm the heck out of the client or come across as completely obnoxious and irritating.
<SlowNewsday> He gets that a lot.
<AboveBored> Yeah, that’s pretty much the street where he lives. But wait! <SlowNewsday> What?
<AboveBored> If he’s the writer, than what are we?
<SlowNewsday> … know, I have no idea.
<AboveBored> Are we really just characters in some fat dude’s imagination?<SlowNewsday> It’s worse than that. We”re not even characters in a real book. We’re just two usernames that he came up with to use in a literary device based on something only exists as ones and zeroes anyway.
<AboveBored> If that’s true, then how can I have my own personality and thoughts?<SlowNewsday> But do you? Really?
<AboveBored> ……no. 🙁
<SlowNewsday> Wait… what was that rumbling sound?
<AboveBored> Oh no! The fabric of reality is crumbling from our existential tenuousness!
<SlowNewsday> How can a fabric crumble?
<AboveBored> NOT MY POINT! The very substance of our existence is fading away! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO NITPICK!
<SlowNewsday> Yeah, but is that really happening, or is that just something the writer thought up because he suddenly remembered he was supposed to be building suspense with every line?
<AboveBored> Does it really matter?
<SlowNewsday> …no, I suppose not.
<AboveBored> Who can really tell what will happen next in this page-turning existential crisis?
<SlowNewsday> Well the client can. IF they hire the writer.
SlowNewsday and AboveBored look out at the client with hopeful smiles on their faces.
Wow, 302 words. Longer than I thought.
Anyhow,. like it said in the script, I figured this would either charm and impress the client or cause them to label me the most obnoxious person  on Upwork.
Well guess what? It was Option A! The client loved it. Said they loved reading it.  Said it was probably the best submission.
And that’s kinda what I was going for.
So now, after we finalize on payment (I took a rough guess and asked for $100 per 300-400 line story), I will write two test stories for the client (for which I will get paid) and if they like my stuff, I’ll get the full on gig.
Not bad for someone who has only been on the market since April 22.
And obviously, if I land the gig, it will do wonders for my career as a freelancer. And possibly as a writer too. It’s not totally clear from the next of the job posting whether or not this will be under my own name or ghostwriting, but the important part to me is that it will mean both some extra cash and I will no longer be an unknown quantity on Upwork.
And that will help me a lot when bidding for future gigs. Right now, I am just one of the masses of people trying to get that first gig. I have no proof that I am reliable, easy to deal with, open to making changes, or any of that.
Let alone whether my work is any good. I can attach files to a proposal, and for the ones I really want, I attach whatever seems relevant.
But realistically, who has time to read everything twenty or more applicants send in?
So this gig could lead to more good things to come. I think being a freelance writer would suit me, for a while at least. I would be able to earn cash (maybe even… gasp… a living!) and get to do a wide variety of weird little jobs that stimulate and challenge my creativity and my skill.
And that sounds like a lot of fun.
Granted, I am not actively pursuing a job as a TV writer right now, but being a freelancer isn’t entirely incompatible with that. It could actually help a lot, because based on the grand ego boost land half a job is giving me, freelance success could really help me build the confidence to start going to media functions and networking.
And that is, as far as I know, how it’s done. Meet the right person, wow them with my talent and charm, get a show.
I might be oversimplifying.
Being able to earn a living (which in my case would mean making around a thousand a month) would do amazing things for my self-esteem. And that goes double for the resulting ability to get the fuck off social assistance.
It would be really great if I could finally stand on my own two feet and face the world as an equal. A contributor. A citizen.  Not just a ward of the state.
Then maybe I could overcome a large block of my social anxiety by getting rid of one of the main sources of my shame (as irrational as that is) and make me feel like I might actually be a competent adult after all.
It’s kind of sad how much of a glowing, city on the hill shining on the distant horizon type goal that is for me.
Depression has a way of drastically lowering your standards.
But I don’t care. For me, being self-sufficient will be a major triumph, a long-delayed but never totally denied entrance into adulthood and something approaching being a real person and not some cipher hiding in the cracks of the Internet.
I deserve to have a home and a husband and honors and a handful of critters (help, I’m stuck in an alliteration) and all the other things I want, too.
And I am gonna get them.
I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.