Living in my head

Got to have my therapy session today, despite both me and Doctor Costin forgetting it was supposed to happen.

I swear, there are only a few few slots in my head for certain kind of information and if you try to put another iota of such info into my head, the one furthest back is going to pop out of the other end and be lost forever.

Hence today’s farce. I had first wound care and then an appointment with Doctor Chao to think about and the therapy session scheduled for 1 pm today completely slipped out of my mind and ran for the hills.

Oh well, it all worked out, despite my having to pause our conversation for 15 minutes to let the DoorDash person into the building with my groceries.

Speaking of which, time to bitch.

I ordered 1 kg of this trail mix called a “Poker Mix”. Doesn’t seem like one to me, it looked to just basically be mixed nuts. Real poker mix has pretzels n’ such.

Anyhow, mixed nuts are fine by me, nothing no-no there. But when the order arrived, I had 1 kg of another mix, called Yuppy Mix, and it’s full of candy coated chocolate!

I can’t eat candy OR chocolate! Damn it.

So I look up my order and it turns out they were out of Poker Mix so my shopper subbed the Yuppy Mix into my order instead.

And I can’t really be all that mad at them. Nowhere in my DoorDash info does it tell people that I am diabetic. He or she probably thought they were doing me a favour.

Nevertheless, I registered a complaint with DoorDash, because I am tired of this kind of thing happening to me. Grr.

And now I have these three little bags of candy-laden trail mix to deal with.

Which leaves me with three options :

  1. Throw them away. Wasteful, but efficient. Bye, you bags of EVIL!
  2. Pick the candy out and eat the rest. Certainly the most elegant solution as it saves the trail mix and segregates the nasty Smarties. Dunno what I would do with them though, as Julian wouldn’t eat them either and Joe is in the hospital. Plus it would be such a drag on my willpower to have to resist eating the Smarties.
  3. Eat the whole damn thing, candy and all, then take some insulin. I like this because it means I get candy, but it’s still not healthy or smart.

So now I’ve got a conundrum to deal with. Thanks a freaking lot.

Wound Care went fine. I got the nurse that reminds me of Tyne Daily again, and I really like her. She has a combination of cheerfulness and competence that I find absolutely enchanting. Reminds me of my early childhood babysitter, Betty.

And Betty more or less raised me till I was old enough for school and my parents could finally legally not take care of me during the daytime.

I’m sure he goes to school, and his grades are good. Yippie, time to go right back to the utter bliss of completely forgetting he exists!

Glad I could help.

The trip to see Doctor Chao went fine too. We discussed what Doctor Manhadi had said to me, which was , “there’s definitely something wrong , the MRI will reveal what”.

Still waiting on that MRI. I hope I wasn’t supposed to call them.

I really do need a medical secretary. Things fall out of my mind so easily. My next big thought comes along and pushes everything else out of its way.

And then plop goes important details. Sigh.

More after the break.

If you knew enough nudists, you could have a literal Naked Lunch.

The phantom game

I got a personal Mandela Effect type thing going on here.

I am positive that I played the bejesus out of this game, Thronebreaker : The Witcher Tales, because I loved it so much.

It’s an excellent CCG game with the Witcher level of story and emotional reach and just plain amazingness of writing.

I went through so many emotions playing that game! Rage, triumph, compassion, betrayal, puzzlement, and more. And all with that Witcher level of emotional depth.

Must have played through it four or five times. And this evening, I thought of the game, and decided I wanted to download it and play it again.

Only to find that it is not in my Steam library at all. And that makes no god damned sense. How could I have played it so much without it being in my Steam library?

I know I sure as hell didn’t return it. I played the fuck out of it. But how?

The only answer is that I must have played it through some other game store. Every god damned game company has their own now because I guess they would rather get fewer sales because people never discover their games than share any of the profit from sales with the nice folks at Steam.

Not that I’m bitter.

Maybe I got in on GOG, known to its mama as Good Old Games? My taste in games ignores time , so it’s entirely possible that it was old enough to be pn at one point, and that’s when I got it.

And GOG has their own damned app.

I refuse to have my games spread out over all these stupid marketplaces. It would take a very good deal on a very good game to get me to leave Steam.

I have a bunch of those dumb little marketplace apps installed but I never look at them. They just sit there in a folder on my desktop.

It’s lie, you COULD build your own little website to sell your homemade tchotchkes, and pay for the web hosting and pay the person who codes your little ecommerce shop and pay for online advertising and pay for everything else, or you could just sell the damned things on Amazon like everyone else.

OH WAIT, bonus bitchfest time.

Ordered me some KFC. It arrived. First shock : my Diet Pepsi did not arrive in my beloved 591 ml bottle, it arrived in a cup, like a slob.

And that was a particular problem because tonight I was getting my own order from the door (Julian is with Joe at the hospital) and it was very hard to carry both my KFC bag AND a fricking cup while using my walker.

And then, I find they forgot my honey mustard and I had no straw.

That means I have now submitted two DoorDash complaints on the same day.

At this rate, I’m going to get a reputation.

Well if they didn’t keep getting things wrong, I wouldn’t have to keep complaining!

Makes me kinda wish I had gone for McD’s instead.

They never get it wrong.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

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