For fuck’s sake, VOTE


Curse you, panel 1!

This set me off.

This comic set me off. Specifically, the first panel.

Here’s a transcript. The character says :

“Voting is a mistake. A single vote is unlikely to change the outcome of the election, so it’s a waste of time. “

That argument is so fucking stupid.

What it is really saying is, “Because I, personally, will not decide the outcome of the election, I’m not going to vote. ”

I mean, how fucking privilged and spoiled can you get? This is the madness of excess individualism. It’s either my vote decides the election for everybody (in which case, hey, why did even bother letting them vote? why not just ask YOU?) or it is just not worth the minimal amount of effort it takes to vote.

I mean, you have to register to vote, then find out where you polling place is, then wait till election day, then get to the polling place, then wait in line, and then vote, and by that point it’s this whole thing.

And then they have the nerve to count a lot of OTHER people’s votes!

I mean, how fair is that?

So listen up, folks. Don’t give me that “my vote doesn’t make a difference” crap. Your vote makes exactly one vote’s worth of difference, same as everyone else’s. If that’s not enough of an impact for you, you need to ask yourself if you ever understood what democracy means at all.

The real reason people don’t vote is that they are afraid of the responsibility. They don’t want to have to make that kind of big, important choice. It intimidates them.

And they are lazy. Voting means learning about the issues and having opinions on complicated matters and, ya know, actually thinking about stuff, and it is  so much easier just to come up with some tissue thin excuse and let everyone else decide the fate of the world for you.

Because that is what you are saying when you refuse to vote. You are saying, “Oh, whatever everyone else decides for me is fine;. ”

And trust me, there is nothing that the bilionaires of the One Percent like more than people who do not vote. Low voter turnout gives them tinglies in their naughty places.

Because the fewer people who vote, the smaller the number of people they have to cheat, manipulate, or downright lie to in order to get their way and remind people that they are nothing but a commodity to be bought and sold.

And they can say, “Hey, we asked you, and you said we could do whatever we wanted and that would be okay by you! After all, silence is permission!’

Just lie back an think of England, folks.

So vote, god damn it. Even if it means accepting that you are just one pebble in an avalanche. Even if it means you don’t get to be the hero of the story. Even if it means taking time out of your precious life when you don’t even get to rule the world.

I mean, grow the fuck UP.

I’m going to share porn today.

After all, this blog is about my life and what’s on my mind, and porn is my sex life and right now I am horny.

So what the hell.

I have been perusing Disney porn lately. Gay porn, obviously. I have discovered that the good good folks at have a simply staggering amount of the stuff and so I have been browsing and saving to my perverted little heart’s content.

Makes other organs happy too. If ya know what I mean.

And some of it is quite well drawn, too. Like this masterstroke… I mean, masterpiece :

Tony the Tiger, pre-fame

That’s it, sexy boy. Show us you’re a tiger!

That’s one of the super sexy tiger boys that dance with recording artist Gazelle in the movie Zootopia. And oh my my, he certainly brings out the tiger in ME.

It’s amusing that the porn fandom (my fave kind) insists on calling these guys “stripper tigers”. As if there were strippers in a Disney/Pixar movie. Admittedly, they are dressed like male strippers, but still.

Note : in the movie, they are definitely wearing pants. More’s the pity.

Oh, and in case you are wondering what his cock is coming out of, it’s his sheath. All male mammals have them, including humans. Ours is just less fuzy and we call it a “foreskin” or “prepuce”.

Then there’s this magnificent studly slab of beef :

Is he mad? Horny? Both?

Yum. That’s Chief Bogo, also from Zootopia. My god, would I love to hop on that, strap myself in, and ride it for all it is worth.

Did I mention how horny I am right now? I did? Well, expect me to do it again, because it is turning me on.

Not that this is entirely about getting me off. I am also doing this as a way to break down the wall between my sexuality and the world as part of my ongoing campaign to de-compartmentalize my life and get all my complexities working together for once.

And what the hell, this is the age of everyone sharing everything, so why not?

Then there’s this sweet little feast :

I bet it tastes sweet from all the donuts he eats

Ooh, I want it all!

That extra large helping of sexiness is Clawhauser, who works reception at the police station in Zootopia.

He is sweet, and shy, and nerdy, and plump, and I just want to cuddle up with his no doubt very soft self and make a meal of all his goodies.

Especially that tight and tasty looking tailhole (that’s furry for “butthole”). I would dive in tongue first and sluro away at his insides till he’s all squirmy and giggly, then I would shove my hard cock into that eager hole and ride that plush and plump rump of his (more cushion for the pushin’) till we both blast off.

God damn I am horny.

Well, I guess that’s enough alienation of my few fans for now. Thanks for coming with me to someplace you never thought you would see.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow,.

Maybe I should start my own porn tumblr…



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